Wednesday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  The DOJ’s totally legit plan.  Klaus Schwab and the WEF want to control your life.  In defense of capitalism.  New education standards force gay history.  Biden to skip 9/11 memorials.  The trans missionaries.  Your morning meme.

Today In Islam:  About those fires in Greece (JW).    The latest Muslim news from Europe (JW).  And Islamic NYC.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Apparently the Premier of New Brunswick has a racist attitude (CBC).   Eco-terrorist splashes paint on Tom Thomson painting.  Trudeau issues a travel advisory for the United States.  Freeland says no to Newfoundland.  The transgender recruitment ads aren’t working.

China Virus News:  The pandemic was a hoax.   A new Covid variant.

Global Warming Scam News:  Saving the environment from environmentalists.

16 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Thanks for streaming service as our Canadian Politicians have made our television services unwatchable.

  2. Education and gay/homosexual history. Forcing sexual perversion on children used to be a serious crime. I wonder what happened and who should we hang?

  3. Mass Graves Update: CTV/CP24 invents a new euphemism for maybe, could-be, sorta, potential dead kids’ graves:

    93 areas of interest located at the site of the former Beauval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan.

  4. Re: the “Northern River” painting – only when the people start to inflict some serious pain, maybe broken ribs or something serious on these clowns with their hands glued to the floor will this stop. The so called ‘Justice system’ just isn’t working as designed!

  5. Seems like being a Conservative is much more dangerous in the US than being gay.

    Don’t see them putting gay people in jail for being gay whereas Conservatives ………

    Where is the Travel Advisory for the obvious political persecution in the Banana Republic Third World USA?

    Replace the beaver with the mouse.

    1. They just needed to let you know, there’s some places where some dude in a jacked pickup might yell “FAG!!!” at you like everyone did in the 90s. It can really hurt, those temporal timewarps.

  6. So surely damaging public property is a cut above just occupying streets (as was done by the convoy). When will they be freezing bank accounts?

  7. “Klaus Schwab and the WEF Want to Control Your Life”

    Yeah, the Global Socialist/Fascist confab, the GLOZIS will get the politicians on board.
    There are conservative politicians in this country that are fully in with the program.
    The media cartel will shame those that are not.
    They will submit.

  8. “Climate activist smears paint over Tom Thomson piece at National Gallery of Canada”

    It would be informative if the so called ‘journalists’ looked into the cash rewards that the rent a terrorist get and who is it on the top of the food chain that is supplying the cash.
    Of course they will not do that, all they, the so called ‘journalists’, want to do is create emergency, mayhem and hysteria. The full information would mess, possibly expose and eliminate their spiel, misinformation, omission and possibly lies.

  9. Greenpeace and similar groups are fund raising orgs that uses the environment as a hook. Please Pierre, upon forming govt, cancel all charity exemptions and have said orgs reapply and prove their benefit to the country. Any org that raises over a million a day without producing anything needs to be examined.

  10. The person aka “sleepy joe” is a pedophile, worthless as cat shit, taking up space reptile. Can I say cat shit? Well, if I can’t please replace with dog shit. Thanks in advance.

  11. I like the travel warnings. Too bad it won’t stop my girlfriend’s leftists friends from Calgary from coming south every winter. As I told them, if my country is so bad, then go the F away and don’t come back.
    Haven’t spoken to them since.
