15 Replies to “Killing With Dignity”

  1. By design.

    The kitty is running out of money. The elderly, the sick, and the disabled can’t fight back, so it’ll start there.

    When I said this I sounded like a conspiracy nut to friends and family. But, until they start raiding CPP and EI more openly they’ll just keep shrugging. We’ll see if they wake up when they start seizing bank accounts and pension plans. I guess Greece is going to end up being a case point for us.

  2. Wait until they decide not voting for the liberal party is a mental illness worthy of being MAIDED for

  3. Between the Climate Change file chasing dangerous false hopes & expectations , to school yard level trash talking its citizens if they disagree, to letting the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Commissioner not handling any complaints, and now this, it is becoming too evident that the federal Liberals are nothing but children in suits and pretty socks. They are just not serious people.

  4. I am worried that the effort to expand MAID will overreach itself, creating a backlash against all MAID.

    But the option for a terminally ill patient to choose MAID is an extraordinarily valuable one that needs to be preserved. It allows death with dignity, rather than subjecting the patient to pointless suffering and debilitation.

    1. Ah, worries about the backlash!
      Do you moonlight for the CAIR or write Guardian/BBC/CBC headlines?

      1. If you’ve got something constructive to contribute then do it.

        But if all you’ve got is snark then bugger off.

    2. It’s a serious issue worthy of debate. It’s a pity you clowns prefer snark and personal attacks.

  5. I’m just guessing but I’d say these 2 work in the same building as the folks at Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and their zero followup policy of deciding what to order for lunch today with my $285k / year salary.

    Read yesterday that someone in the USA ordered millions more seasonal covid jabs in the paediatric size.
    Ask me when my “belief in Canada” died exactly. I think it *died suddenly* actually but parts were so gradual I hardly noticed.

  6. They only spent $1.24 million on paying their employees last year, maybe they can’t afford to hire actual experts after paying their lobbyists?

  7. Killer Marmot is right. Extreme action almost always eventually results in a backlash. Providing people in the very predictable end stages of life with a means to end suffering was one thing but the expansion to all manner of reasons is unconscionable. We were warned about the slippery slope and mocked for believing it could happen by the supporters of opening wide the criteria for MAID. Somehow extremists and activists never get it. Its no different than the backlash against current sex ed practices and transitioning . No different than wearying of the climate activists, their hyperbole and alarmism. Wearying of the dictatorial moralizing of wokeness, the intolerance, the name calling and career cancelling. At some point the average citizen has had enough and refuses to have any more of it. In most cases, let it be sooner rather than later.

  8. The return desk is awfully quiet.. Cash in your life insurance and head over to Speedy Muffler to end it all.. How progressive..

  9. I believe it was Perry Como who sang, “Hot dignity, dog dignity, oh, what you do to me!” A man before his time.
