15 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. Scholars? Commies more like. Dirty, effing commies who deserve a short drop from a long rope.

    Oh and the US is a republic, not a democracy in its purest sense.

    1. That republic/democracy distinction always seems to escape the “scholars”. Always in a certain red direction too! Coincidence, has to be.

  2. This is how ALL the cultural and political ROT begins …

    I literally weep for my grandchildren, who are looking more and more likely to grow up as communist SLAVES.

  3. Ah yes, they must save “our democracy” aka their unaccountable rule, outside the purview of elections or scrutiny.
    Theirs, not yours, not ours but theirs alone where baseless accusations equate to criminal convictions.
    Where political adversaries must be pursued and persecuted by partisan prosecutors who cover their allies’ crimes.
    A similar semantic shuffle, like here in Canada with “what Canadians want” which we know really means “what Liberals want.”

  4. If everyone in the US government actually followed our Constitution, the world would be a much better place.

  5. The point of the US Constitution is to limit the government, and protect individual rights against the depredations of those who desire to rule.

    Those calling it outdated can move to countries that support group rights, like Canada…

    1. … generations who learned NOTHING about our Constitution in public school, err indoctrination gulags

  6. It’s mildly interesting to imagine that anyone cares in the slightest what Jim Acosta says about anything. And CNN has a viewership lower than the 9th Circle of Hell. So no one hears or sees this POS anyway.

  7. They have complete understanding. They just believe no one will come for them. If they paid any attention to history they would realize they are some of the first to starve in the gulags. After all, they provide nothing that contributes to what is necessary for a body to stay alive.

  8. Why does anyone care what CNN, MSNBC or FOX have to say about anything? They all are on the same team and preach the same narrative, they just alter their messages to cater to each of their respective audiences.
