The Milquetoast Party

In Weimar Germany there was a political party, the Democrats, whose motto was “Nothing will sway us from the middle road”. By creating a party based on the non-concept of “moderation”, however, they wound up helping to build a society that embraced outright statism. It seems that history is rhyming again in Canada. Hopefully, voters won’t fall for it.

Canadian Future is the brainchild of Centre Ice Canadians, formerly known as Centre Ice Conservatives. It was founded in April 2022 when it became clear that Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre had a huge lead in the Conservative leadership race. They preposterously claimed the party was moving too far to the right, and desired a supposedly more moderate political alternative.

Radical centrists are more naturally at home with the Liberals, NDP, Greens and others on the political left. How do they expect to gain support in an even more crowded political field? With ex-Conservatives at the helm, and policies on trade, democracy, the environment and health care that wouldn’t sway many left-leaning Canadians, I have no earthly idea.

56 Replies to “The Milquetoast Party”

    1. Moreover, it’s a party of principles — and if you don’t like those principles, it has others.

  1. They see merit in straddling the fence. Deep thinkers. Not!
    This will hurt because it will make them impotent.

  2. I don’t care for Taube but he nailed it here especially with the ‘misfit toys’ line. I don’t care that much for Poilievre either but he did the CPC an immense favor by flushing out these Red Tories and other losers.

    1. ” don’t care for Taube but he nailed it here especially with the ‘misfit toys’ line. I don’t care that much for Poilievre either but he did the CPC an immense favor by flushing out these Red Tories and other losers.”


      “Actually, he’s a leftist at least in certain respects. Loves to talk about smashing gatekeepers until supply management exists or Glencore wants to buy out Teck. Then it’s gatekeepers all the way.”

      Okay…who are you, and what have you done with the real UnMe?

      1. Seriously.
        This isn’t broken clock stuff.
        Learning is a phenomenon in itself.
        So, good on him in a trust but varify context.

    1. Actually, he’s a leftist at least in certain respects. Loves to talk about smashing gatekeepers until supply management exists or Glencore wants to buy out Teck. Then it’s gatekeepers all the way.

      1. I went to high school with both of those losers. Glencore was the biggest boob in the class by far and Teck did what he could to straighten him out but the rest of us just laughed at both of them. Then Glencore tried to set the Teck family house on fire but the gatekeepers (those two Pit Bulls they always had) kept him away until his torch burned itself out. I kinda remember you too, UnMe, because you were always so unsure of yourself. Was that really you?

  3. Preposterous is the word, alright: the CPC has never been conservative enough. I could build a long list of their policy failures, but most of you know them as well as I.

    What irks me is that we actually have a truly conservative alternative with the PPC, but “Conservatives” won’t vote for them, because they’re “too far right”.

    The result is that Canada slides closer and closer to the abyss, and it’s picking up speed.

    Without a massive, immediate, and yes, PAINFUL course correction, we are done, finished, over. And at this point, I’m no longer sure I even give a damn.

    1. The PPC is a clowncar and serves the very important function of siphoning off weirdos who could be a ‘problem from the inside’ for the CPC if they got involved with it.

      1. And yet, you said this: “he did the CPC an immense favor by flushing out these Red Tories and other losers”.

        So he flushes out the Red Tories, and he flushes out the “far right”, and what remains is the mushy middle, ie, Centre Ice Conservatives.

        Thanks for making my point: the CPC is utterly useless, and thoroughly contemptible.

        1. “Thanks for making my point: the CPC is utterly useless, and thoroughly contemptible.”

          Agreed. Can’t bring myself to vote for them anymore no matter what their poll numbers are. As a gun owner, I’ve been screwed over too many time by the likes of Poilievre.

        2. It’s both. A significant double win for the CPC by removal of different but oddly co-dependent bad elements, to be replaced with young people and immigrants. The latter makes it a triple win. This has long-term positive repercussions for the CPC and more importantly Canada’s right.

      2. “The PPC is a clowncar and serves the very important function of siphoning off weirdos who could be a ‘problem from the inside’ for the CPC if they got involved with it.”

        (ahhh, there you are…back to the usual puerile BS)

      3. Funny, we think the same about you and the other parties. You and your ilk just get to choose between the Liberals, NDP or Greens depending on how crazy and lazy you are and if you’re in favour of pedophilia on the way to beastiality normalization. I can confidently predict your voting pattern by reading your comments.

    2. PPC conservatives won’t vote for them because they’re too far right.
      I think of myself as conservative but I won’t vote PPC because their leader is from Quebec. I do not trust politicians from Quebec.. Prove me wrong.

      1. “PPC conservatives won’t vote for them because they’re too far right.”

        Almost every time some lefty on CBC or another website starts spouting off about the “right wing extremists” of the PPC I challenge them to name *just one* PPC policy that is either “far right” or “extremist”.

        (I say ‘almost’, because there are just too many of them to keep up with)

        Haven’t had anyone take up the challenge yet. Been called a lot of names, though…

          1. “They want to lower immigration which is extremely bad.”

            Says who? And what exactly is ‘extreme’ or ‘far right’ about that? Immigration *should* be tied to the current economic/demographic/housing/employment situation in any nation considering it…to do otherwise is reckless and irresponsible.

      2. You are Not right, Ynot. DOn’t be blinded by animus towards French Canadians because some of them are stupid.

    3. You’re more optimistic than me. I felt that the Rubicon had been crossed years ago and the die had been cast. I felt it was the second election of Trudeau the senior and we have just been on a steady course for destruction. What did Hemingway say, “you go bankrupt slowly, then all of a sudden.”? I suspect that we will chug along and the Liberals will be reelected and the economy will be allowed to continue to degrade or the Conservatives will win and the crash will be heaped on and blamed on the Conservatives with the caveat of “See what happens when you elect Conservatives.” This result in another 100 years of Liberal government rule where we live happily in 15 minute cities with central bank digital currency, hockey, pizza and wings with unlimited pornography. Just my prediction.

  4. Canada is 2/3rds socialist.. We elect right wing? sacred cows in a china shop.. Harper held the line on spending but didn’t change a damned thing.. Babysitting for ten years.. Here is a list of phone numbers you cant call and help yourself to the leftovers in the fridge..

    What’s PP going to do?.. Stop the make work politics of the day?.. Well, none of that matters.. None of it can be recovered or corrected.. The goal seems to be anybody but Trudeau.. Then its back to business as usual..

    Lets be honest.. The west has hit the economic wall.. We are in decline and all the migrants in the world isn’t going to change that.. The only thing that expands is debt while the upper class is playing the globalist game..

    The globalist game.. You let me exploit your country and people and we will let your people into what was formally our country.. China shows interest $$$ in South America and all of a sudden we are filling our countries up with South Americans.. The Europe Africa relationship is the same..

    Politics.. Going where China cant or wont.. Gifting yourself a huge population of peoples from areas that you want to maintain economic control over.. The moral authority (barf) to get in with your military if necessary..

    The west is flooding itself with migrants to enrich its political soil.. The moral authority (barf) to hold onto assets China is now flirting with.. Why spend money you don’t have?.. Why make bad investments?.. When you can just spread your legs..

    The cost is your country..

    1. We have an entrenched and institutionalized leftism in Canada. It was deliberately baked into all of our institutions. It began with the efforts of Mr. Pearson and was accelerated by Mr. Trudeau the First and his goal of grafting a European-style social democracy onto a theretofore conservative society. Subsequent governments – both Liberal and Conservative – have served merely to maintain and advance this, at varying speeds. There is no reason to believe this pattern will change anytime soon. The current Conservative Party is a misnomered fraud; it’s supporters merely a herd of duped and gullible sheep.

    2. Couldn’t agree more John with the babysitting statement.
      Harper did EF’all to repair the course of canadian politics. He had the support of those at the conventions to kill the CBC. He had the votes to correct some of the deficiencies in the military and thru his NOT APPOINTING senators that were not elected by the provincial voters we are stuck with what we now have.
      Just a small list. We are truly screwed until we can get some people in power that will reign in the bureaucracy, make cuts to the budget and reduce taxes. Holding the line until the next liberal administration will never work!

  5. But what do we have to worry about?

    After all Freeland has promised us a Liberal dynasty that will endure for a thousand years! 🙁

  6. “ Radical centrists are more naturally at home with the Liberals, NDP, Greens and others on the political left.”
    Who writes this crap? The LNG parties are so far left, they would be comfortable in the Communist USSR.
    Yes, as said before, despite the endless hate rhetoric from the left and the media, the CPC is centrist already. Plenty of policies are definitely left, marketing boards for a start.
    Well, at least most of the Red Tories have walked out, though Chong and Rempel-Garner are still around, unfortunately.

  7. I focus on classic liberalism — the belief in majority rule balanced by strong individual and economic liberties that the majority can not easily circumvent.

    By that measure, Poilievre measures up well. Trudeau does not. He seems to spent much of his time undercutting the constitutional documents his own father crafted.

    1. Poilievre absolutely does not measure up well by that, uh, measure. He supports marketing boards, barriers to investment, and wants to go Full Retard on drugs. He’s just far less awful than Trudeau and actually good on housing and some other files.

      1. Just wait until he announces his alternative to the Liberal Carbon Tax – a “it’s not a tax” policy. He won’t go as far as to criticise the Blarney Science of global warming. He will say he “follows the (government) science”.

        And therein lies the problem. In the late 1980s, early 1990s, the boffos at Environment Canada knew, and were already planning, their great Climate Caper, realizing that it meant a massive boost in their wealth.
        All the Global Warming science, and in fact, most of all science, is funded by government money.

    2. Quite right, KM. One piece of supporting evidence for you and I are the extreme measures that the US Democrats and CINOs like Karl Rove are undertaking to subvert that democracy. Here in Canada, the Coward in the Cottage attempted to subvert the supremacy of Parliament by his version of King Charles I and Personal Rule during the Covid crisis.

      I would simply note that the constitutional documents that Pierre Trudeau drafted may have had constitutional rights in them but in practice proved worthless (see Truckers Strike or Covid-19 government response.) As a constitution it is worthless because there is no practical way to amend it. This could only happen in the event of a coup overthrowing the federal government and expunging the constitution by ‘force majeure’.

    1. Check my comment below about how to “encourage” them on their mission to attract disaffected liberal voters.

      It’s not that they want to change the direction of the country, they just want to get the credit for it instead of the liberal party.
      These folks are people that have a dual personality issue. They will identify as progressive conservative one day and a blu liberal the next depending on how close it gets them to the trough.

  8. This does show some similarities. The damage isn’t necessarily in the end game. It is more centered in the ability to take preventative measures to steer away from statism. My understanding of the Weimar era was that center to the swing of power to the nationalist socialists was an event that could be used as an excuse to steal away all individual liberties. Back then it was the Reichstag fire. One could make the argument that today’s Reichstag fire is in the form of a pandemic.

    Simply put, an event is needed preceded by a large swath of citizenry ignoring the potential actions of the future by merely lacking the courage, motivation or intelligence to acquire a position. Apathy is liberty’s greatest enemy and statism’s best friend.

    1. The Welfare State is as predestined to fail as the Communist State, just it will take longer.

  9. Can we just cut the foreplay and get right to the societal collapse and the bloodshed? People ain’t gonna genocide themselves, you know.

  10. I had hoped that Pullover would cut welfare to the MSM. He has made it clear that he won’t. He lost any chance of my vote. Its not CPC or PC its RC, That’s regressive conartists.

  11. If you wish to engage the folks at center ice, or whatever name they go by today, I recommend the following point of encouragement be offered.

    I wish them all the luck in the world attracting the support of all those disaffected liberals whose party has abandoned them.

  12. Here’s a shocker especially for the loser (political not personal) purists who hate the imperfect PP:

    Mark Levin, in a recent interview with Thomas Sowell, stated that the great Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises, who escaped the Nazis and wound up in America in the 1950s (and failed to get a university position), said that AMERICANS TALK LIKE MARXISTS.

    Solzhenitsyn came to America expecting to be received as a anti-commie hero; he expresed bitter disappointment with the reception he received.

    Provided for a better perspective for all idealistic dreamers at SDA.

  13. IMO. The majority of Canadians are way left of centre, have been for a few decades, may be too late to change too much in this country, unlike our friends to the south who are predominantly right of centre. If PP gets in, don’t expect much change. The left will concede their ground on gender issues and the like, as most Liberals and Conservatives already agree on those issues. As far as the big issues, like fiscal policies, taxation, health care, freedom of speech, censorship, pandemic mandated vaccinations, the Uniparty Right and Uniparty Left are pretty much in lockstep. The unelected folks who call the shots for Canada, will be fine if a PP type gets in, wittingly or not PP is on their team and will march to their orders.

    1. I disagree on one thing, and it is central to my argument about PCs and PPC. Yes, Canadians have been brainwashed since WWII, fed with state controlled education, state controlled health care and state controlled media. Of course it is no surprise, then, that Canadians are left. The strategy that conservatives/libertarians must adopt is to show how mechanisms other than state control can provide better solutions; and that state control is the problem. Unfortunately, the CP, including PP, simply offer variations on the Statist theme.

  14. So the writer feelz we need a 4th wing to the Canadian Uni-Party?
    More power to it.
    I no longer care.
    A separate and financially honest Western State is the only future I support.
    Con Fed erration.
    Just like Can Ahh Duh.
    A lie and fraud,designed to enable theft.
    Reform was tried.
    The Kleptocracy is real.
    The bill for over 6 decades of state theft and destruction is coming due.

    So what shall we do?
    The Western Canadian is in the position of the diner at a large table,who has still not received the meal they ordered ( In fact every evidence indicates that order was ignored),the other 8 “guests” have feasted on all the big ticket items and run the liquor bill through the roof…
    And now we are getting stiffed with the bill.
    And this has been the story of Western Canada for over 100 years,no matter who “rules” in Ottawa.

    Why should I honour a bill,for goods and services I did not receive?
    Like “Free Healthcare”.
    From a bunch of serial Liars,who have been “protecting my Charter Rights and Freedoms” for me..
    You know those rights and freedoms?
    The ones you are permitted to enjoy,providing your government is not in a State of Panic..
    Pretty neat CON.
    Pierre the Idiot gave us a “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” that contains neither Rights nor Freedoms.
    Liberals have “protected those Rights and Freedoms for us for 60 years.
    Under Justine the Petulant we finally get the Supreme Court of Canada to admit that we never had either,under that odious Charter.
    So “protecting our charter rights and freedoms ” has just been another lie.
    A blatant sneer at the foolish citizen.
    Shall we reward our helper?
    I feel a strong urge to show my appreciation.

    Forget that…
    The next logical step,in the cycles of man made institutions..
    Just rewards for their works..
    Heh Heh.

    1. Don’t know why, but what comes to mind was Peter Gzowski’s weekly political panel which had old carpet bagger Maritimer Dalton Camp proffering the “right wing” viewpoint. That was when I was very young and naive. I suppose it’s not much different now with the National’s At Issue panel, but I can’t be bothered to actually confirm it. Point is, the political center in Canada has been firmly on the left for decades.

      1. Exactly. And years ago, Segal, Kirby and some other putz representing the NDP had a weekly half-hour TV jerkfest. Enough to gag a maggot.

      1. She’s a prime reason why health care in Canada sucks and is at the point of collapse. The mere mention of major reform had her and her goon squad squealing to the rafters to the sympathetic media, terrifying our limp dick political class in the process, about (horrors!) private health options. In true smug Canadian fashion, the American system was always held up as the ultimate of evil, for profit, death care. We could never have a nuanced debate about improvement with her and her cabal around. But that’s the socialist ethos – everybody must share equally in the misery, people can’t have a choice, or be allowed, to have something better.

  15. The Libranos are like a fat lady sitting on a park bench who leaves only a few inches on the fat right for anyone else.

  16. Hey, Kate, I wrote a great screed but ran out of tme, by 1 second apparently, and all I ended up with was a post saying “undefined”. Can you help retrieve it please?
