Sunday On Turtle Island

Today In Islam:  The shocking history of Islam.  Dating in Malaysia (JW).  Interfaith outreach in Uganda (JW).

Dementia Joe’s America:  Biden can’t tell Black and Hispanic people apart.  The DIE cult.  Joe Biden is a liar.  Old Joe helped incite the India crisis with Canada.  Your morning meme.

Everybody Is Going To Die News:  A new pandemic is coming?   Newsom declares war on fossil fuels.

Blackie’s Canada:  Parental rights don’t exist.  Grooming kids in Nova Scotia (CBC).  Foreign Affairs Barbie fights online misinformation.  Ottawa tried to freeze out Freedom truckers.  Manitoba will get a socialist government.  Free stuff for everybody!!

13 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. I must be really losing it…
    I can’t really remember having a Summer this year.

    1. Two weeks in June, in Southern Ontario at least.

      I haven’t installed my two window AC units in three or four years including this year.

  2. In the last Pandemic Panic the “experts” claimed that hundreds of thousands would die. Now, in order to keep up the scare, they have raised the stakes to “millions will die”. Just in time for the 2024 general election.

  3. Newsome, that lying, neo-Marxist dick, should be told that his state is still producing millions of barrels of oil.,30%2C000%2040%2C000%20Data%20source%3A%20U.S.%20Energy%20Information%20Administration

    Melanie dumb-as-a-post Joly leading the way on governments proposing world censorship should be the meme for the day.
    A cartoon of her sucking the life out of free speech similar to her getting a golf ball through 20 feet of garden hose might be accurate.

  4. Bill Gates’ poodles, DFr. Tedros and Dr. Tam, are salivating at the chance to control the world. Evil people.

  5. Covid expert warns NEW pandemic is coming and claims millions more will die..
    The seasonal flu has not only been monetized.. Its also a tool to win elections.. How many masks and shots are ready to go (buy low) sitting on a shelf ready to (sell high)..

    Evil insider trading.. A great many people and businesses did very well with Covid.. Insidious greed and political forces at work.. Big eyes and bags full of money.. Dirty power politics..

  6. Before Covid, we did not have a ” pandemic” for 100 years. Now they seem to be coming back to back. When you look at the data manipulation done to up the numbers of deaths from Covid, it becomes obvious that something is fishy.

  7. My take on the Manitoba election: the PCs managed to alienate a huge chunk of their base with their pandemic strategy and Pallister’s “Angry Dad” persona during it. That they are now running ads claiming that this nonsense won’t be repeated is too little, too late. Their base is either disinterested or apathetic regarding the election outcome.

  8. Either Biden is intentionally lying and doesn’t care, or his Alzheimers is so bad he no longer knows what’s true.

    Whichever. There’s no way this guy should run again. Even the Democrats know it, even if few publicly admit it.
