The one-legged stool

British physician and medical researcher Dr. Philip McMillan has been a vocal critic of the Covid pandemic response since day one. In this thirty minute presentation, he looks at some disturbing trends he currently sees in highly vaccinated populations. The problem, as he sees it, is that the overwhelming reliance on vaccines as a means of fighting Covid essentially means that we have one tool in the drawer and little else.

“I don’t think the world is properly prepared for what this could look like…. I mean [the] immune system gets destroyed bit by bit the more shots you take….your immune system is like an army with multiple facets… [it] has an Air Force it has a Navy it has the army on the ground it has the Marines it has the paratroopers and what I think we’re seeing is that you are putting all of your resources into only one group: your army…. it’s kind of like building up your paratroopers numbers so that they’re in the millions and you’re not spending any money on your Navy or your Air Force and then what happens is that you are not prepared for different kinds of enemies….so it’s not that the immune system is weaker I just think that the immune system has been focused in a way that makes it difficult to be able to neutralize… what we’re seeing…”

6 Replies to “The one-legged stool”

  1. A few billion years of evolution and tens of thousands of successful ancestors up against politicians and big pharma.. What’s that you say?.. A hundred years experience and two ancestors?.. Impressive :(.. Let me guess, you mark your own papers, right?..

    A lot of crazy politics these days and a lot of converging interests.. I don’t trust any of them.. Especially politicians.. Rock Star BS.. Fan club delusions?.. Its not a booster is a recharge and your a person not a smart-phone..

    I would say wake up but for the most part the lines were drawn the day the PSYOP started.. 1/3rd are all in.. 1/3rd went along to get along.. The remaining 1/3 are a minority with no powerful friends.. The worst of times..

  2. The only Coronahoax news I want to hear about is the brutal justice handed down to the scum who perpetrated this lie.
