16 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. Give me a young Pollack human colon and by the time it turns into an adult, I will have it spewing verbal diarrhea on your website every night. I’ll even throw in some classic Gell-Mann amnesia where it claims to be conservative and distrustful of liberals and the government but will bow down slavishly to whatever they and their media mouthpieces say about the Ukraine. It will even be able to call for outright genocide, but no one will lift a finger to warn it or so much as ban it for continuing to call for cold blooded murder.

    Whereas I, speaking the honest facts of truth, gets comments book-burned.

  2. You can’t argue with success, and when you look at what a fine education our children are receiving it’s clear that our educators know best. I’ve seen studies that show nearly 1/2 (20%) of 12th graders are capable of reading, writing, and arithmeticing at a 4th grade level.

    1. Read the “urban” high school numbers and ask yourself … gee? … why are all those Oakland youths committing crimes with impunity throughout the city of Oakland?


      12% proficient in math
      37% proficient in reading
      15% proficient in science

      YET!? They claim an 83% graduation rate. What’s WRONG with these numbers? I guess “graduation” and “diploma” don’t mean what they used to. Oh! And BTW … the District is nearly 100% “minority”

      If this were a corporation, they would be bankrupt … or the entire executive suite would be cleaned out.

  3. How difficult is it for a ‘Teacher’ who is dedicated to some idiotic belief to identify some susceptible kid, one that is not really accepted by the rest of his/her classmates, and start to a secret program to get the kid some much wanted attention?
    The rest of the class says “Hey that explains a whole lot!” and the kid has found a new life – a new reason for being only to discover much later that he/she was just a pawn in some massive farce perpetrated that “Teacher!”
    How difficult??

  4. You know … it used to be that kids who lived in orphanages were to be pitied … and most would not have a very good outcome in life. Yet here we are … in 2023 … and the government claims THEIR orphanage is BETTER for your children than parents. No … it’s no longer a “school” when the “teachers” are attempting to raise your kids … it’s one big government orphanage. And don’t get me started on the “FREE” breakfast and lunch the “schools” are feeding the kids. Yeah … the public schools have become the equivalent of “Residential Schools”. And here I thought those were a bad thing. The government no longer forbids native children from speaking their native words … but woe unto you if you call someone a phfagg … you will be severely punished worse than any Nun or Priest ever abused children.

    1. And the children of the “progressive” system will be animals that depend upon those raised traditionally. Because they can’t think or do anything that works in the real world.

  5. This is what happens when you give a retarded person a PhD. They go all scarecrow thinking they invented the Pythagorean Theorem.

    Having got that off my chest, he thinks he represents the best interests of the children and that, somehow, their parents don’t. That is very dangerous thinking in a public school system.

  6. “Give me the boy for the first seven years and I will show you the man.”

    – Ignatius Loyola, Superior General of the Roman Catholic Order of the Jesuits, aka the Society of Jesus

      1. And your kid’s teacher wants to dismember your children in a manner just as cruel and diabolical as Jeffrey Dahmer. Wrap your mind around that! Every teacher in America is now effectively equal to Jeffrey Dahmer

  7. Re: the link item.

    I forget the contextual trigger now but about 25 years ago a female elementarry school principal told me in a sneering contemptuous tone that “parents think they know about education because they once went to school”. She herself was barren. I was shocked.

    As with everything else it’s way WAY worse nowadaze.
