6 Replies to “Some ideas for how Saskatchewan could stimulate oil development”

    1. Like his father, he has screwed us into the ground for at least a generation.

      Due to the metastasization of the civil service, we may never get out of our situation.

      Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”

  1. I really, really, really do not understand Saskatchewan RMs. There are two with which I am familiar. Seems to me that their sole purpose is to provide employment for equipment operators who cannot get hired in industry because they’re high and drunk all the time.

  2. Kleptocracy.
    End stage Kleptocracy.
    Why produce,if the rewards from your production will certainly be stolen?
    If oil prices go up?
    Invest not a penny more than what is required to keep the existing plant producing,seek a place to invest all extra wealth ,where the Free Stuff Army cannot access it.
    That is what I call Can Ahh Duh.
    The parasites are out of Host,turning on each other..
    Future shall consist of ever more violent theft with smaller and smaller returns..

  3. “The forest kept shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe.
    For the axe was clever and convinced them that since his handle was wood, he was one of them.”

  4. Brian the gravel industry too has been subjected to the hostilities of some rm’s.
    I have seen this first hand. They want gravel on the roads but hate (envy and loathing) the land owners that have gravel and the operators that extract it.

    And the petty individuals that can be on RM councils love to use the “Official Community Plan” as a tool to harass them.
