I Did Nazi That Coming

Everyone’s piling on now, including the Guardian: ‘Canada has a dark history with Nazis’

When he took the stage of Canada’s parliament a week ago, Zelenskiy praised the city of Edmonton for being the first place in the world to erect a commemoration of the Holodomor famine, a deliberate policy from the Soviet Union which killed millions of Ukrainians.

Five miles north, a bust of the Ukrainian military leader Roman Shukhevych atop a stone plinth has long outraged Jewish and Polish groups. Shukhevych, who fought for Ukrainian independence, served with the Nazis and is believed to have been a perpetrator of massacres in Volhynia and eastern Galicia.

Paul Ausborn was man who heard voices – a flashback.

Ezra Levant’s commentary with Andrew Lawton.

66 Replies to “I Did Nazi That Coming”

      1. Yes, absolutely it does as it explains why Ukrainians were willing to side with Germans against russians.

        1. Only about 200,000 did, mostly Galicians who wanted to murder their Polish and Jewish neighbours, and most of those knew better than to join the SS.
          5 million Ukrainians served in the Red Army, either as volunteers or conscripts.

          1. Apart for a small number of exceptions Ukrainians did not volunteer for Red Army. Millions were conscripted and then intentionally thrown into battles where they were expected to suffer losses disproportional to primarily ethnic orc units. The expectations proved true.* There was no glory for Ukrainians in defending the whore of notions who conducted a genocide against Ukraine a decade before that. They did what they were forced to do, just like Polish Polish People’s Army.

            *Similarly today where conscription from non ethnic russian regions (and thus loses) is at a much higher rate than for ethnic russian regions like Moscow or St Petersburg. Another reason why russia has no right to exist.

        2. COLONlack
          ” Ukrainians were willing to side with Germans against russians.”
          what is a ukrainian( a manufactured entity)side with NAZIS against soviets. Try getting it rite, just once GOOF.


          1. To him? No. He’s too consumed by his hatred, and any enemy of the Russians is good in his books, no matter what else they did.

          2. Does not matter for what? Odessa pogroms* were an atrocity in its own right. It was indefensible. It is also neither here nor there when explaining Ukrainian decision to side with Germans against russians.

            Again you’re trying to hammer the idiotic “Ukrainians = Nazis” narrative. Again to no avail.

            *Pogrom is a russian word btw, why do you think that is?

          3. Yeah just a funny little quirk that while resisting the Russians, getting to round up and kill Jews was a special bonus. I mean who could resist while fighting the good fight? But hey let’s over look that because … reasons.

          4. No reason to overlook that. It was still relatively minor given the scale.
            1. What russians have done to Ukrainians then and now exceeds past Ukrainian misdeeds towards Jews by orders of magnitude.
            2. Taken as a whole, russians misdeeds towards Jews also exceed Ukrainian misdeeds towards Jews by magnitude and longevity.
            3. Russian genocide of Ukrainians has nothing to do with Jews.
            4. Ukrainian struggle against russian imperialism is not related to Jews either.

          1. No it does not. How is it supposed to explain it? And how is that related? This wasn’t German doing. Germans and especially Hungarians and Romanians on occupation duty even transferred some weapons to Polish self defense formations (not to be confused with Home Army that dropped the ball completely on that one) to allow them to defend from the slaughter.

          1. Explain what? It was populated with a mix of Poles and Ukrainians. Ukrainians were a majority it was pacified by Polers in 1930 and 1938. In the 20s and 30s Ukrainians were trying to win some degree of independence and that got squashed by Poland. So yes Ukrainian majority naturally looked to Germany as an ally. They got betrayed by Hitler in 1939 and then again in 1941. Only when Reich was falling did Germans changed their mind. Until then the long term plan for Ukraine was to be settled by Germans (yes!).

        3. “Yes, absolutely it does as it explains why Ukrainians were willing to side with Germans against russians.”

          NAZIS, you mean. They sided with Hitler and his Nazis and his SS.

          1. No I mean Germans. The fact that Germans happened to have been Nazi was secondary. Same goes for russians who happened to be Soviet.

    1. The Nazis. The Soviets were second worst. Not that this says anything good about the Soviet Union under Stalin, just that the Nazis were simply that evil.

      1. Nazis did not parachute from Nazistan into Germany, and they spoke German not Nazistani.
        Soviets did not parachute from Sovietistan into russia, and they spoke russian not Soviet.
        Why do you think that happened?

        1. And no one came west from Moscow to enforce Soviet policy. T’ was the local ukees, the commisionaires, their own and they spoke Russian as did almost everyone in Ukraine because Ukraine was settled by Russia and the your whole intentional famine is nothing more than a lie spawned in the eighties by the CIA to ramp up Ukrainian nationalism.

          1. Policy came from Kremlin, it was enforced by NKVD which served russians. Soviet Union was russian empire under new management. Holodomor was intentional and it was genocide perpetrated primarily by russians on Ukrainians. Those are well known historical facts. You are no different than Holocaust deniers.

      2. “The Nazis. The Soviets were second worst. Not that this says anything good about the Soviet Union under Stalin, just that the Nazis were simply that evil.”

        Agreed. Both seem equally evil until you examine their actual motivations, then the Nazis edge out the communists. War crimes vs. war crimes *plus* hate crimes, most people would say. The communists didn’t deliberately set out to commit genocide (the real kind, not the fake kind being claimed in Ukraine), they set out conquer Europe (and eventually the rest of the world) and seize control of the population, creating the “socialist workers paradise” (yeah, right). The Nazis set out to conquer Europe (followed by the rest of the world, perhaps) , install themselves as the “Master Race” and EXTERMINATE entire populations who didn’t measure up to their standards of perfection.

        Making no excuses for either the Communists or the Nazis, of course, but the world was definitely a difference place back then.

        1. “The communists didn’t deliberately set out to commit genocide … ”

          Do run a net search for “ethnic cleansing under Soviet Union” before you spew more revisionists propaganda.

    2. Hmm, trying to change the topic?

      Yes, the Soviet killed more Ukrainians that the German national socialists did. (Generally, we should speak much more about the fact that socialists are murderers, including in our schools.)

      But still, did Canada accept lots of national socialist Ukrainians into after WW2? Yes. To what extent? Why? This is what needs to be evaluated (and perhaps re-assessed), especially in light of Trudeau’s f-up with the 98 year old Waffen-SS veteran.

      1. An old wehrmacht vet is one thing. The Waffen-SS is something altogether different. The face-palm is immense. There are a lot of people who perhaps don’t remember the particulars of the Normandy massacres and yes, those had nothing to do with Galacia.

        But the stain of the SS on Canada’s memory is far reaching. I still remember the neck-snap head turn when I first heard of an SS vet being honoured in PARLIMENT!

      2. “But still, did Canada accept lots of national socialist Ukrainians into after WW2? Yes. To what extent? Why? ”

        It is a very complicated topic. In broad strokes.

        1. They weren’t national socialists for the most part.
        2. They were formally former Polish citizens and not Soviet citizens. So when captured by allies they had different status than Wlasow’s forces or Georgians or Latvians etc and Yalta agreements about repatriation to Soviet Union thankfully did not apply.
        3. They were primarily Greek Catholics and Pope intervened on their behalf.
        4. It is very possible (some say it is urban legend) that General Anders intervened on their behalf as large part of Polish Second Corps flighting in the Italian campaign were former Polish citizens (including Ukrainians) who deserted German formations and switched sides. .

  1. Just to put things in perspective. The Poles recognize July 11th as a day of remembrance of those victims of the genocide perpetrated by the Ukrainian Nationalists. The Ukrainian’s defense of this “holiday” is that they did NOT commit genocide of the Polish people. Instead, they describe it as “Ethnic Cleansing.”

    Here’s a clue…if your defense is that you committed “Ethnic Cleansing”, perhaps that ain’t much of a defense.

    1. That is not a defense, you are purposefully distorting the picture. They are disagreeing on the terminology because it has ramifications as far as international law.

      1. Yep. Ethnic cleansing is so much better than genocide. How’s things at the Polish Nazi Club, Colon?

        1. OH so you’re going to be purposefully disingenuous in your attempts at an argument. Got it, I’ll file as an orc bootlicker from now on.

          1. “OH so you’re going to be purposefully disingenuous in your attempts at an argument. Got it, I’ll file as an orc bootlicker from now on.”

            He bitch-slapped you, and you know it.

  2. The Poles are also unhappy about Ukraine Nazi’s erecting monuments and naming streets.

    “Ukrainian authorities are “wrong” to erect monuments to war criminals, Poland’s ambassador to Ukraine told the BBC on Saturday. Kiev’s continued veneration of Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera is a source of “real pain” in Poland, he said…….” – January 1, 2023

    “Polish ambassador blasts Ukraine over memorials to WW2 Nazi collaborators”


    1. Oh you so love Poland now. So touching. So objective. Funny thing, Poles despite having serious disagreements with Ukrainians about their tortured past are among the most pro Ukrainian people on the planet. Poles also are among the most favorably viewed nations by Ukrainians.

      1. It’s almost sad watching you drown as the world awakens to this corrupt regime, all the while your bigoted dreams of genocide slowly float away. I’m tearing up for you, sniff.

        1. LOL, keep creating that narrative and investing in it.

          P.S. Which Paul are you pretending to be now?

  3. Gotta love the resident NAZI apologist changing his tune from “There are no NAZIs in the Ukraine.”
    He also thinks 2023 Russia is the same as 1970 Soviet Russia, even as he sides with the dick and titty-chopping regime that currently runs much of the west.

    1. Cute, now (after being called on it in the tips) YeahWell aka Paul will pretend to be two different people again.

      1. Paul is not me, and your assertion that he is just goes to show how unhinged you really are.
        You like to lump your opponents into an easily identifyable target, just as the left does under Alinsky’s rules. You would happily murder folk for simply disagreeing with you, if you could get away with it, thus your love of NAZIs.
        Fortunately, your type is easy to identify as soon as you open the pit that serve as mouths on normal folk, and your type can easily be dealt with by a kid on a bike with a slingshot.

        1. He is you, alright. Same insults, same demagogy. Next you will pretend that HiHo isn’t you either?

          1. So, you are now so unhinged that denial of a crime is now evidence of guilt.
            I’d ask Kate to show that we are not the same people, but you’d simply accuse us both of choosing IP addresses via a VPN.
            You really should seek help, as your neuroses are metastacizing into some form of psychosis.

        2. @YeahWell…

          He is seriously batshit crazy.

          The fact that he’s resorted to these infantile identity tactics, shows how desperate and unhinged he’s devolved.

          That link to Paul talking to Paul is legit, we have an SDA record going back 3 or 4 years having occasional discussions with each other. Obviously neither gives a sh*t about modifying name tag to suit a mentally ill Nazi supporter.

          1. “He is seriously batshit crazy.

            The fact that he’s resorted to these infantile identity tactics, shows how desperate and unhinged he’s devolved.”

            Should be interesting to watch his total emotional breakdown when the inevitable peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine begin and the territorial concessions are agreed to. Every person here of even average intelligence knows that this *will* happen, it’s just a matter of how many more people must die beforehand. It’s not rocket science…just reality.

          2. That is what happens when you troll under different names. You claim to be Paul but not the other Paul. YeahWell uses the same lines as one of the Pauls yet claims to be different than at least one of Poles and neither confirms nor denies that is is or is not HiHo.

  4. I watched the Lawton Video.

    What’s this about Pierre Trudeau tooling around Canada wearing a Nazi Helmet? In the 1940’s? So soon after the war that so many Canadians were killed by the German Nazis?

    Did he at least maybe have an excuse it was a personal war trophy from his service in the Canadian Army?

    1. If he did, I’m inclined to believe the version that says it was a WW I style German helmet with the spike on top, because I think that is more likely to have been preferred as trophy for our soldiers to bring home.
      The spiked helmet was replaced in the trenches in WW I by the “stahlhelm” which had the shape carried on into WW II and is associated with the NAZIs. But the old spiked helmet would have been understood by the Montreal Jews that Pierre wanted to taunt as alluding to the NAZI regime persecuting Jews in Germany.

      Pierre Trudeau did not serve in the army.

        1. Apparently that was true: PET thought it great fun to tool his bike through Montréal’s Jewish neighbourhoods while wearing a German helmet. WW I or WW II helmet, it doesn’t matter; the locals got the message.
          Apparently PET was enlisted in some sort of officer training detail but managed to dodge actually being sent into combat. One of the “zombies”, I would think.
          Meanwhile, back in our family, every man who could joined up and served somewhere, including Merchant Marine. Those who didn’t serve were too young, had health issues, or were working in reserved occupations (in our family, at a seriously essential smelter).
          So when JT decides to call those of us who do not agree with his progressive policies Nazis, I am willing to stand up and point out it was his father who sided with the Germans, not mine, and opposition to his idiotic policies makes me a Canadian.

  5. To be fair.. North and South America took their fair share of the Nazis.. Europe was obviously a bad place to be in the summer of 1945.. The circle logic of war crimes.. The circle logic of victimhood.. Hitler is dead and national socialism lives on to fight another day..

    Sacred cows and a grain of salt.. The only thing more important than war time propaganda is post war propaganda.. The question of why such tremendous cost and suffering was necessary must never be asked..
    Underpinned with political and financial gain.. It becomes the foundation of the new regime..

    It should go without saying that if we lost WW2 we would be the war criminals.. Might makes right..

      1. Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbi. Incredibly interesting movie, despite its length. Essential viewing.

  6. Poor little Justin, he’s been given the task of taking the first steps towards pardoning the National Socialists.

    All apologies of course, for now…

    1. You might want to look up Klaus Swab’s family tree. Also, the notion that corporations have external obligations to society that over-rides their fiduciary duties to their shareholders did not simply appear out of nowhere.

  7. Funny how being against the whole thing gets you accused of taking the side of the side someone else is against. Complicated shenanigans.

  8. I’m glad Andrew Lawton and Ezra Levant have outed Chrystia Freeland on this outrage. Not one mainstream media outlet even mentioned her cheering enthusiastically while standing behind Zelenskyy in the HoC.

    She immediately went into hiding and had no comment, hoping nobody would notice.
    She is Canada’s super uke. Where is she? She has nothing to say?


    1. Heh.She set up Dear Leader.
      All the back room stabbers of our Liberal Party know Freeland is the Expert of Ukraine..
      Their expert.
      So the set up is down to Christine..Sandbagging Dear Leader so she can take power.
      This is so obvious,why even a Liberal could understand it.
      The beauty of exposing the “Loyal Opposition” and The Senate as being too ignorant to remain..Just an added bonus to Canada’s 4th Reich.

  9. Someone needs their own blog. I just scroll over all the rants and name calling. I suggest everyone else does too.

    1. You do realize that you have replied twice to me in this thread when I was addressing another poster? So maybe start with yourself? Also your argument got mauled so now you back to your passive aggressive ancle biting.

    2. Thomas.
      Yes, but it knows it would have no audience.
      Scroll on by is easiest,you keep chumming the troll,which results is a whole bunch of tired repetitive blather and of course “Orc Orc Orc” .
      Run your boat up on a seal colony if you want to speak seal.

      The precious specimen which styles itself as a talking Colon,has said all you need to know, to assess the worth of its comment.

      Up to you how you respond.
      As it continues to abuse our hostess’s hospitality.

      1. I just scroll on by, wait on the corner. I couldn’t care less what he says. As you say, I got the gist of it weeks ago and it just repeats like a bad dinner.
