20 Replies to “He Admires Your Basic Dictatorship”

  1. Here’s the next step:

    1. Make it illegal to post on the internet anonymously (this is something that the Toronto Police Department was lobbying for as far back as 2014 officially and at a press conference in response to the Canadian Supreme Court’s ruling disallowing them the ability to pull membership data from an entity without warrant)
    2. Require commenters to register to post at any given site.
    3. Application of the same scenario that is now presently playing out on streaming services.

    If you think they will stop with streaming service membership data, you are wrong. This is the first major step in ignoring the 2014 ruling. Blogs, Vlogs, website hosts etc. are next up on the firing line provided they are successful in this current effort. There is a reason they are shutting down debate on the issue. That means places like Small Dead Animals.

  2. Trudeau is taking flak from the American news outlets now for this attempt at stifling free speech…the word ‘authoritarian’ is being bandied about.

  3. I posted 2 links for this on Saturday here at SDA.
    The #Libranos passed this late on Friday, which is par for the course…

    When AB/Sask. separate, hopefully the broken hearted leftists take their “Dominion of Canada” friends and move east and not stay here.

  4. Someone wake me when Pierre P makes a hard promise to REPEAL the censorship bill and REPEAL the carbon tax. Until then, its going to be Rob Ford redux, baby.

    The last little while I’ve really fallen off the CPC bandwagon. Too much media massage, boys. I’m not buying it.

  5. So if PP becomes PM will be reverse the bill and restrict the CRTC to deciding what radio frequencies can be used for garage door openers?

  6. Why are you people putting up with this?
    I know you did NOT vote for this; hold them responsible
    and get rid of the pedo clown running the place, you are
    a laughing stock (I know, so re we)
