18 Replies to “In The Future, Everyone Will Be A Nazi For 15 Minutes”

  1. Truly hilarious. Here’s a cowardly, lying bitch caught blatantly violating the law. So he tries to deflect by pretending that the rest of the Republican party are all Nazis. He emphasizes his cowardice by the oldest trick in the book: blaming some anonymous underling for his use of the word ‘Nazi’.

    He’s a coward, as bad as the “Coward in the Cottage”. I’m surprised he lived this long without being bitch-slapped into a coma in the ‘hood.

  2. Dude did it because he is a black good ole boy.. He knew full well he can do anything he wants (shoplifting) and the adoring authorities will roll over like lap dogs..

    He needs to be banned from the Capital building for 3 months and handed the bill for the police and fire response.. Given a chaperone not a microphone..

    1. So that’s what he was holding in his hand in the released photo…

      Just waiting for the full video to be released

  3. An alarming admission…

    Congressman Jamaal Bowman @RepBowman 1h
    I just became aware that in our messaging guidance, there was inappropriate use of the term Nazi without my consent. I condemn the use of the term Nazi out of its precise definition. It is important to specify the term Nazi to refer to members of the Nazi party & neo-Nazis.

    alexandriabrown @alexthechick 1h
    So his staff is putting out talking points without his review? Or am I misunderstanding.


    1. I have no idea why your comment hit the filter — some very obscure words will trigger it but sometimes it appears to grab comments at random.

  4. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) … would fit right in with the current “leadership” of South Africa. Yeah, he’d be the guy who lights the match to ignite your tire necklace

  5. I wish McCarthy would go full nazi on him then. If Bowman says they are such, he should come to know what happens when you screw around!

  6. So the Republicans are now German National-Socialists? I though the Democrats were pushing the Socialist platform….

    1. Well, generally the democrats aren’t from the Nationalist branch of socialism, preferring to call themselves the Democratic socialists… so just different branches of the same poisoned tree of socialism.

  7. Generally with progressives and certainly for The Spawn-Fuhrer and company, they are usually guilty of whatever they accuse of their political enemies.

  8. Apparently 2023 is the year of the nazi.

    Not so good for Ukraine with newly elected & Former Slovakia prime minister Robert Fico.

    “However, Fico has promised that under him, the country will no longer extend support to Ukraine…..

    ……Fico has blamed “Ukrainian Nazis and fascists” for pushing Russian President Vladimir Putin to launch an offensive against Ukraine, a charge Kyiv denies.”

    Odd because Fico is a “Liberal Progressive” and they generally support Ukraine with cult like fanaticism. Huh, well whatever helps bring and end to it I suppose.


  9. Jamaal has 3 degrees, including the equivalent to what The President’s wife has “Dr. Jill”
    and doesn’t know what pulling a fire alarm means, prior to writing a test for which he has not studied.
    and was a publicly funded school principal for 10 years.


    I doubt anyone believes his stories on either side of the aisle.
    If he has any integrity, he’d apologise, saying he wasn’t clear in the head, and accept the consequences.
