20 Replies to “Modern Vandals Or Goths”

  1. Just so we’re clear. The new Senator representing California doesn’t live there, and is registered to vote in another state. That sort of ignores the concept of a “representative government.”

    These are the type decisions we will receive from the Newsom Administration (and make no mistake….he is the next president)

    1. Let me make sure I have the order right. Gay, black and woman. That’s all that’s needed.

      1. She’s one box short of perfection. And I use the term “box” loosely as she needs to lose the box and get an addadichtomy. Then, as a Trans-man (did I get that right?) … she would be the PERFECT Democrat Sen.

  2. Like Orson said. The newest California Senator does not even live in California. She moved to Maryland in 2021 because her nob runni g a huge Democrat Donor organization (Emily’s List) requires her to wade in th Washington DC swamp.

    Want to bet she keeps her Maryland home, and her wife stays there in her current job? If she has any kids, will they go to school in California?

    1. School in CA !? Where black kids graduate HS at about a 42% clip? Because dey doans need to learn dem any of dat white man’s teaching ? Yeah … Private $54k/yr. School

  3. I hear there were no strings attached, ie no requirement that she does not run for election next year. If she announces a run, will Schiff resign his congress seat and challenge her?

    1. She’s running, that’s why she was given the job…

      Otherwise Gruesome could have given it to Barbara Lee, who is black and female

  4. I put my money on Michelle (aka Big Mike) Obama to throw her hat into the ring against Newsome. I suspect she’d have more popular support than he does.

  5. 39 million Calies and they parachute in a East Coaster.
    Big Mike for prez!

    Let me grab my popcorn

    1. My popcorn bag would be empty if Big Mike and Trump ever debated … THAT … would be EPIC
