Monday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  The politiqueros.  Biden encouraged McCain to cheat on his wife.  Michigan bans child marriages but not child mutilation.  The other national tragedy.  A drag university (JW).  Your morning meme.

Global Warming Scam News:  Net Zero in Britain.  The prophetess of climate propaganda.

Migrant Invasion News:  Biden wants more refugees.  A veteran is kicked out of nursing home to make room for illegals.

Today In Islam:  Need an idea for your next vacation?  Visit the Jihad museum (JW).  He was just following the example of his prophet. Migrant rapes 12 old year girl (JW).

Blackie’s Canada:  Don’t upset the drag queens in Calgary.  We are not in a climate crisis.  The media killed sealing.  The CBC propaganda machine.  Support Whiny Indian Day, by agreeing to ban spanking.

20 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Has anyone ever linked to a news source on JW that wasn’t JW or an obscure blog post by unknown persons or a 404?
    Just curious. Not saying it’s mostly propaganda, but when a site continuously links to itself, one has to wonder.

  2. Global Warming Scam News: “Talk more about feelings and less about figures….Don’t get hung up on numbers, prognoses, reports, and graphs.”

    Don’t talk about gravity—talk about feelings! Convince the gullible that they can fly!


      1. Just for emphasis, steve, Dr. Jebra Faushay is obviously well educated but just as obviously, is woefully ignorant. She is a typical indoctrinated true believer Democrat, no thinking person need apply. Educated, yes. Informed, no.

        Dr. Faushay is apparently unaware that at best, Dr. Jill may have had a first aid course at some point in her life and is not an M.D. by any stretch.

        The Press: “The pResident is down!”

        Dr. Jill: “Somebody read my husband some Chaucer, STAT! No wait! Get the flash cards! The farm animal flash cards should bring him around.”

  3. “We must end all legalized harm…of children in Canada.”

    So, child mastectomies, etc. good, spanking bad? Got it.

  4. “The McCain and Biden families have been friends for a long time. In 1979, now-first lady Jill Biden introduced John McCain to then-Cindy Lou Hensley.”

    Hm, that’s the second time in a week an SDA cheered Republican candidate turned out to be not quite as noble and august as we were lead to believe.

  5. Ban spanking?

    Spanking teaches humans something they seem to learn no other way, actions have consequences. There have been other empires and countries that have banned punishment, for instance, the Romans blamed that ban on the fall of Rome. If you do not know actions have consequences, you will do all the things we see, run up huge deficits (soon coming due), abolish police and laws, pay people to be homeless and take drugs, allow in “refugees” (invaders, the Romans let in Goths, the Goths sacked Rome), “sustainable power” (which is neither sustainable nor power), and you will elect shysters simply because they promise things they cannot deliver, but you can’t know that because you do not understand the concept of consequences.

    You also can never understand logic or reason. The basics of logic starts with if A then B, in other words, action results in consequence. Now, we have gotten to the point we do not even understand “if A”, but instead, we call A B when A is still A. We thus have left all reason. And the reason for that is simple, spoilt children. They learned that they could get anything they wanted if they just screamed loud enough. Now that they are adults, they still believe that, despite the mounting evidence against it. Now, when things don’t come out they way they want, they blame other people (often by calling them something they imagine exists, such as “white supremacists”) and/or just believe that things are different than they are.

    This has all happened before. An empire comes into existence, they work to make life better for their children, they succeed, raise spoilt children, who then proceed to tear down all that was built.

    Did you know that Dr Spock, who wrote Spock’s Baby Book that advocated abolishing spanking, changed his mind about that (after bitter experience)? No, of course you didn’t, the key to propaganda is not what you say, it’s what you don’t say.

    1. So, what’s the thrust here? We should start spanking politicians?
      Where the hell do I sign up?

  6. Biden is mostly terrible but his slight opening of immigration policy is a massive win for America that will have glorious repercussions for decades.

  7. Ban Spanking? Pedos love spanking. This has to be a mistake. Fouckers and pedos love spanking. Is the tide rolling out? Pedos always vote for Biden or Turdeau in my country.

