61 Replies to “October 2, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. Anyone who thinks that some kind of just and free society can be achieved under the present system is not sane. Period.

    1. The CP40 cities are willing to allow one 90 minute flight per person every three years. But since your life expectancy will be quite a bit less, as you will have no meat, it probably amounts to the same rules. And don’t forget three new clothes items per year. (In Canada, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are all signed up for this nonsense).


    2. Hopefully that restriction extends to quebecers so I don’t have to deal with those whiners in Mexico.

  2. Wait. There were hurricanes 110 years ago?!?! I thought they were a modern phenomena with global warming and everything. Huh.

  3. “DNA contamination of the mRNA vaccines. Would you like a part of an SV40 monkey virus with that?”

    “Three labs confirm fragments of DNA from manufacturing are left in the mRNA vaccines
    We injected 70% of the world’s population with a barely tested admixture that included random lengths of DNA. We don’t know for sure if that DNA has been inserted into our nuclear DNA, but we’re not really looking either. The government just says mRNA can’t change your DNA. But could contaminated mRNA which is packaged in lipid nanoparticles, with gene therapy vectors and enhancers do that? Maybe, but whatever you do, don’t run those tests, right?

    Are we changing germline genetics of the human race — getting into sperm or egg cells? We don’t know. These are just the games we play these days. We could easily have run those tests on sperm at least, before we approved anything in young fertile adults and children, but we didn’t. A Chinese scientist that did that once in a different experiment ended up in jail. Some researchers are quite concerned to put it mildly. The odds may be low, but the numbers are astronomical. After a few billion hands of poker everyone has a Royal Flush.”

    More at


    1. “Would you like a part of an SV40 monkey virus with that?”

      Sure. It’s harmless to people, and so are these bits of DNA.

    1. “Dunno if TVO, the Ontario-government-owned TV network, is leftie or not.”

      Yes it is. Or at least used to be long time ago when I still had cable.

    2. Close it down….lower ratings than APTN which doesn’t even register in the Nielsen Chart
      More no-show jobs

  4. Various media are reporting that, with the beginning of October, U.S. university grads must resume paying off their student debts. Imagine, as a Starbucks employee with a masters degree in wimmin’s studies, having to pay off a $200,000 loan.

    I like it.

    1. A friend of my told me his son was just starting university – taking PolySci. Groan. Mind you, the only skill I ever recall see him develop was watching TV and playing video games.

      1. …and my co-author Facebook messaged me last week saying that we have a peer-reviewed article accepted in the Canadian Journal of Political Science, my last ever academic article I’ll write as a retired professor. My first article was in 1977, and all were in economics-oriented outlets. What a way to end.

  5. I heard today on the radio that you can still be arrested for public intoxication; maybe that is a way to clean up the skid-rows developing across Canada. Those druggies are obviously intoxicated. Just a thought.

  6. Hey, I’m dying of Covid!!

    Or at least I somehow caught my first cold, very minor cold, in 13 years. So I’m doing extra vitamin C and zinc, took ivermectin, plenty of rest, chicken soup twice a day, honey with apple cider vinegar, nasal rinse, eating microwaved onions, diffuser with peppermint and Frankincense. And I’m going to pick up some ginger, garlic and extra chicken soup.

    Anyways, do you take any over the counter meds when you’re sick. I took Claritin the last 3 days – not taking anymore- and used vaporub last night. I’m tempted to buy NyQuil today, but I slept pretty good and figure you want the cough to clear out mucus.

    I was just wondering. Now’s as good a time as ever to start questioning everything we used to buy at the pharmacy. Thanks.

    1. And sick day over.

      Ninety year old uncle had a flat tire. Wanted me to pick up his spare at the farm, go over and change it. Done.

      Apparently work, sweat and a sense of purpose help….

      Everyone have a good day.

    2. Ivermectin? How did you get that in Canada?

      I am hearing it is much easier to get illegal steroids across the border and into Canada than Ivermectin.

      1. Horse paste recommended by another reader here.

        Yes, our government is thoroughly evil.
