6 Replies to “On The New Rules Of Pretending”

  1. Dear gawd that’s what passes for my gender now, good gawd hideous doesn’t begin to describe those men pretending to be woman. Seriously I’d cross the street to avoid every single one of them, I’d be clutching the car keys to protect myself as well.

    1. Smart move. 90% of them look like they’d lock you in their basement, starve you for a few weeks so they can complete thier buffalo bill style skin suit.

  2. In a world without social media, these individuals would more likely confine their pretense to somewhere behind closed doors where one would not have to contort the mind in an attempt to understand or see any reason to accept their antics as normal. As consenting adults, I am not interested nor concerned about this part of their lifestyle but I am offended at the compulsory nature of the state being interested and concerned about it.

  3. It is my understanding that autogynephilia is a recognized disorder, and those suffering from it understand it as such. Have read posts from men with this disorder and – generally speaking – they are living very quiet lives as “women” but are under no illusions as to their underlying maleness. Far different are the flamboyant trans-women whose attire and behaviour mock and demean real women and whose reaction when confronted is entirely male.
