24 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. For the geopolitical experts here, why spit in India’s face? Why proclaim unconditional support for Ukraine while cuddling up with China? You all know China is on Russia’s side here don’t you, or do you? Look, I’ve got problems with all three, but jiminy-cricket have a sensible foreign policy.
    EIS. Everything Is Stupid.

    1. “Everything Is Stupid.”

      When everyone can get their head out of the MSM State Sponsored Kool-aid, they might start to understand.

      Conservative’s talk about Liberal retards cutting their own throats with protecting illegal immigration and street violence while taking their guns away. Inversely a few to many Conservative retards side with the same Liberal retards to support pedo-globalist Wars sold by the same liars to eventually cut their own throats.

      The Stupid is in the pudding.

    2. China is on China’s side

      I suspect China is more than happy that Russia is mired in Ukraine.

      Western supplies of ammunition are being used up, which potentially benefits China.

      Russian weapons, such as tanks, have been shown to be less than adequate. This potentially opens up new customers for Chinese produced tanks etc.

      1. CIASC! Where the F do you get your info?
        I’ve never read so much stupid in so few sentences!
        Russian weapons are kicking the butt of the NATO equipped army
        Half a million dead to Russia’s forty-five thousand! Drafting women and looking to draft children,( at least in the feeble, panicked, mind of Ben Wallace) really isn’t a good look.
        It’s the NATO equipment that’s burning in Ukraine. The Russians are doing just fine, and no, the F-16s won’t make a difference, they’ll be shot down as well. Even F-35s wouldn’t make a difference. The Abrams tanks will burn, just like the Challenger, just like the Leopards.
        Sorry to break it to you, but if you believe this ends with anything less than a total Russian victory, you’re in for a rude awakening.
        Maybe you should stop listening to the people who lie about everything.

      1. “probably” – probably works in banana republics, like Trudeau’s Canada. Nations of laws & justice require facts, and none have come forward except in the minds of Trudeau’s cult.

        1. Well, we have to get the facts first but it doesn’t look good and a lot of Indian political commenters seem to think offing the guy was just fine. Also, please learn what a Banana Republic is.

  2. Which is more likely true:

    1) India assassinated a Sikh in BC
    2) Trudeau’s G20 plane was full of cocaine

    Each of them have about the same level of “evidence” (i.e. assertions by government figures)

    1. JD –
      I don’t believe #1 because if India was going to take out any Sikh in Canada they would have
      gone after Jugmeat and not the second or third banana –
      # 2 is quite believable however a plane full is not needed as the fairy queen is higher
      than a summer kite most days without stepping inside an aircraft –

      1. I can think of at least 3 scenarios that are equally or more plausible than India sending agents to kill him…

        1. @JD

          Please list them, actually curious.

          I won’t bother to guess what alternatives there are but for certain there must be viable alternatives as we have no actual evidence other than the “say so” of a proven liar.

          It’s a little disingenuous to think India “couldn’t have done it” but that is because we know western countries have a long track record of taking out people they deem terrorists (along with the entire wedding party) in foreign countries.

          In India they probably have some Hindi word they use other than “Hypocrisy”, but the precedent has already been set that the English version probably fits comfortably for them.

          1. 1) Internal Politics of the Gurdwara erupted in lethal violence, though usually their choice of weapons is knives, swords, cricket bats and sticks.
            2) He was involved in the drug/gun/smuggling trade to support Khalistan independence.
            3) He paid someone to do it because he was dying anyway, and this makes him a Martyr in the struggle
            4) He made promises to ISI, and then didn’t deliver, so they need to cover it up.
            5) India is responsible for killing a single Khalistan Separatist in Canada, and did a sloppy job of it.
            6) Someone in his family is responsible, since they immediately after his death pointed at India as their prime suspect.
            7) Russia did it to drive a wedge between our relations with India.
            8) China did it to drive a wedge between our relations with India.
            9) the US did it, for some unknown reason.

            Ask the better question, what did India have to gain by killing this person in Canada, and are there any other examples of India engaging in assassination outside their borders?

          2. @JD

            Huh, pretty damned good list.

            I thought a potential drug connection myself, yours makes better sense. The false flag does as well, including the murder for martyrdom.

            Punishing India appears to be the key – if India didn’t do it themselves as I suggested, the only caveat is that they probably have bigger fish to fry than this guy.

  3. Here’s the thing – I follow Rupa Subramanya like no one’s business only because she’s rarely wrong…she among others, namely members of Indian Parliament, are claiming India’s drug dogs went nuts when they approached Trudeau’s plane and Justin made his outlandish claims about Indian assassins to direct attention away from that fact.
    Of course MSM dutifully obeyed.

  4. “India must comply with rule of law labor standards before any deal with the U.S. can be reached, said Raimondo.” – article

    LOL – Good luck with that!

    I’ve spent allot of time in India, if they actually think India will ever get up to “rule of law labor standards” they are either far dumber than most people believe they are, or it’s simply more virtue signalling for the dumb national audience.

    1. Good for India. We need all the help they can deliver undermining ‘labor standards’ for the sake of our freedom.

  5. Turd/Shit Jr. brings out the racist in me. I detest assholes.
    I am glad that it is far enough away so that when it opens its mouth to speak I don’t have to scramble to get up wind.

  6. Unless and until somebody besides co-opted and desperately afraid of voters twits like Trudeau and NDP “leader” and fellow Sikh separatist Singh come forward with credible evidence of the credible evidence, it’s not credible.

    Some are saying this is a cheap ploy for Sikh votes in Vancouver and elsewhere in BC.
    Given this guy enacted the EA to find evidence he had fabricated against the convoy, I put nothing past him.
    If indeed these allegations are not criminally credible but partisanly political, Trudeau must be removed now.
    But the guy to do it, Sikh separatist Singh, is in a conflict of interest with the country, his party and voters.
    Is there any doubt these dullards will hold on to the last moment before allowing an election, even until 2026?

    1. The “allegations” before the prime minstrel parroted them as “credible” were being pushed by his family. Make of that what you will.

  7. The Bong has courted the Sikh vote. Pandered for it.

    Sikh’s also put Jag into the catbird seat.


  8. Pulse and Lentil growers in Western Canada best lock in some forward pricing. Is not India a big buyer of Canadian products as above?

  9. As long as it’s just Canada’s tier 2 and unionised RCMP leading the investigation in BC, India hasn’t anything to worry about.
    Only the very best RCMP get a tour to work in BC. (possible /sarc)

    What are the chances of The Turd entering rehab and throwing the dice with the sympathy vote?
