Diversity Is Their Strength


Sweden has asked its military to help police fight gang crime, following a sharp increase in deadly shootings and bomb attacks in the Scandinavian country.

Ulf Kristersson, the centre-right prime minister, said after a meeting on Friday with the head of Sweden’s defence forces and its police that he would next week ask the military to help.

He would also look at changing the law to allow the armed forces to give even more assistance, he said.

“I cannot emphasise enough how serious the situation is. Sweden has never seen anything like it before. No other country in Europe sees anything like it currently,” Kristersson said in a televised address to the nation on Thursday night.

Police chiefs have said that Sweden is facing its most serious domestic security situation since the second world war as immigrant drug gangs engage in a bloody conflict.

Police believe the gangs are increasingly using children to commit the crimes, as those under 18 often go unpunished or receive low sentences from the courts.

Last year already set a record for the number of deadly shootings in Sweden, and this September is on track to become the worst month since records began.

“It is political naivete and cluelessness that has brought us here,” said the Swedish prime minister. “It is an irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration effort that has brought us here.

“Social exclusion and parallel societies feed the criminal gangs. There they can ruthlessly recruit children and train them as future killers,” he said.

17 Replies to “Diversity Is Their Strength”

  1. “It is political naivete and cluelessness that has brought us here,” said the Swedish prime minister. “It is an irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration effort that has brought us here.”

    Don’t forget the most Feminist policies of the previous government. Armed forces are not usually well trained for this type of police work. An Army is supposed to come in and break stuff. The gangs will know how to hide behind women and children and exploit it. Where is judge Dredd when you need him?

  2. Re “ It is political naivete and cluelessness that has brought us here,” said the Swedish prime minister. “It is an irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration effort that has brought us here.

    Social exclusion and parallel societies feed the criminal gangs. There they can ruthlessly recruit children and train them as future killers,” he said.

    Have they tried residential schools to solve the integration problem? I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

  3. Great, now NATO has another politically unstable shitshow it needs to work out how to defend. Holy smokes, NATO is looking more and more like an MIC Ponzi scheme. How on earth can politically unstable nutjob countries like France or Sweden contribute meaningfully to collective security? And Hungary is the target of vitriol and regime change operations by the EU?

    Seems a great way to get the more functional NATO members dragged into the next Afghan or Somali quagmire, but right inside NATO home turf. Ouch.

      1. Not yet, they have to suck more Turkish dick for that to happen, but hey, they’re Swedes!
        Open wide!

        1. Funny, that’s exactly what our resident Nazi, the human colon does when Trudeau gushes over Saint Elenskiiiiyyyyyy. Except, he bends over waiting for Dear Leader to stuffed his tiny sausage in the exit chute.

    1. Sweden, apparently, is a very naive society … They welcomed thousands of simian type invaders into their once peaceful society and now they need the army to take control.

      Why are these politicians so stupid and naive? I could have predicted what would happen from the get-go, but noooo… it would be racist to refuse letting monkeys into a country that is not a natural habitat for monkeys.

      I say deport them all to the biggest dumbest zoo on the planet … the United States of America … their current president is a dull-witted zombie … so go from there.

      The contamination will be very difficult to cleanse, probably impossible. White people are doomed.

      1. Some people saw what was about to happen, and their party got 20% of the vote in the latest election.

  4. Someone in Europe needs to grow some balls and start deporting people. Everyone in the media and universities will howl bloody murder and wail and gnash their teeth, but I pray someone will have the strength and fortitude to plough through the hand wringing horde.

    To be honest I wish they would all get deported too, but I’ll settle for the criminals.

  5. “ It is political naivete and cluelessness that has brought us here,”

    Yup. On the part of voters. And you can add cowardice: the unwillingness to stand up and speak out.

  6. I’ll bet Sweden can’t wait until those Canadian/ US tax dollar military grade weapons from Ukraine’s black-market hits their streets.

    “In 2022, there were 90 explosions and 101 cases of attempted bombings or preparations for bombings in Sweden, according to police data. As of 15 August this year, 109 explosions had been recorded.”


  7. Old Scandinavian Folk Tale:

    There was once a silly farmer who left the door of his henhouse open and weasels got inside.

    “Herregud! Herregud! Ze vesslas are my honshus in and my hons are killing! I must a hammer get and nail shut ze door!
