I Was Assured There Would Be No Consequences

Hey, it’s an easy mistake to make. Accidentally putting on a balaclava and stalking someone, based on their race, then menacing them, and tasing them, and tugging the wedding ring from their twitching finger, and then barging into their home and taking their stuff. And then doing it all over again, and again, and again, all entirely by accident. I mean, who here hasn’t done it?

And as we’ve been told, repeatedly, from on high, the creatures who do such things are just like us.

On crime and (belated) punishment.

3 Replies to “I Was Assured There Would Be No Consequences”

    1. When ordinary citizens fail to ensure they have a good government keeping the peace and suppressing crime they will need to undertake the unpleasant and dangerous tasks these necessities entail themselves.
