5 Replies to “Leftist Tyranny In America”

  1. Trump has become the Dem’s Emmanuel Goldstein – Two Minutes Hate has morphed into All Hate All Day.

    Years ago I read a translated Finn/Scandinavian book of short stories with a preface outlining how the left had infiltrated all facets of their society, schools/media/arts, etc, etc, until there was nowhere that they weren’t.

    History relocates & repeats.

  2. The problem is that Tucker and Victor are preaching to the choir. We are all aware of what has transpired since Obama declared that he wanted to “fundamentally change” America. Up until that statement the Democrats were surreptitiously working to destroy the American ideal. Since the Obama administration that covert policy has been abandoned and the Democrats policy, as Hansen states, is in your face “We’re going to screw you top to bottom, and there is nothing you can do about it!” Trump and ‘Bible clinging, gun toting American’s” threw a spanner into the Democratic machine in 2016 when the voting algorithyms weren’t skewed enough to guarantee the Clinton win. The result as they say is now history. The charges against Trump are an indication of what the Democrats have in store for America. For any student of history this song has been sung before (see Germany circa 1930’s). We’re on the cusp of the refrain, “Second verse same as the first, a little bit louder and a little bit worse!”, how much louder and how much worse I shudder to think.

  3. I think they’ve got Trump. It’s a civil case but it has real consequences. Trump gets convicted and he loses license to operate in NY. It’s a big deal, and while he’s occupied with these proceedings he’s missing out on campaigning in important primaries.

    1. That pretty much renders the ext US administration illegitimate. I expect several smaller states under the sway of China and Russia to declare they do not recognise the US government as legit. Interesting times, living through the collapse of the Empire.
