53 Replies to “October 3, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. Hell yeah, monetizing being yelled at by women.

    For me it’s always been massively demonetizing.

        1. Love getting your…


          Play that funky music WHITE BOY!

        2. Hmm. This could make those battery plants a bad investment. Ya think? What if people stop buying EV’s?

          1. But that is the plan all along. The plan is not for you and I to drive EVs but to be herded into mass transit.

        1. Yawn, another moron, Reddit is excellent for sources not for commentary or analysis. If you can’t figure out the difference then you should not talk, at all. Either way Gateway Putz is a moronic Kremlin propaganda tube that has been wrong about everything.

          Also “russophobia” is like “islamophobia”, not a phobia but a justified reaction to everything russian. Any article that uses the term “russophobia” without irony is garbage by definition.

          1. As usual your grasp of Ukrainian tactics is at soundbite level. In reality both sides are using very similar tactics. Ukrainians are using them with higher success rate as they tend to be better trained and equipped. But the better trained and equipped russian units do about as well as Ukrainian units.

            On the positive side you no longer claim they are using human wave attacks, just don’t let Freddie know, he will be devastated.

      1. Yes russia has already lost. You’re clearly too stupid to realize that failing to achieve any of their objectives and being dragged into a long war that they expected would be concluded in their favor within days means losing. Add to it getting economically alienated and removed from its most lucrative markets, add NATO expansion right at their border, and even someone as limited as you should begin to see how russia lost and gained absolutely nothing. As far as russia’s interest are concerned this war is an utter disaster.

        They’re cutting healthcare expenditure to Cold War levels, Khrushchevka is crumbling at record rates and they have no money to repair it, record numbers of handicap certificates have been ordered by health ministry, record numbers of funeral wreaths have been ordered by municipalities. The life in Orgrimmar became much harder and harsher (and it already a was $hit to begin with). And the rabid animals are willing to trade all that for the opportunity to rape and pillage their betters. There will be a lot less of them for that and they will be feeling the aftershocks of this paranoid adventure for many years to come. Hopefully it will further discourage them from breeding (world leader in abortion rates).

        P.S. Which Paul I am talking to? The one that claims not to be YeahWell or the one that does not?

        1. LOL every time I try to help you out on reader tips you get all butt-hurt and defensive.

          If it helps the psychosis believing its only one person with many names who challenges your mental illness, then enjoy the blissful delusion along with the rest of it.

          1. Nah, I am not butthurt, I just keep educating special needs individuals like you. You clearly need your betters to instruct you and so I do that. It is a charity and public service. I only wish to know which version of Paul am I talking to.

          2. I’ve only read the other “Paul” comment on the Ukraine war once that I’m aware. That’s not to say he hasn’t and that I missed it, but usually on other topics I personally don’t find as relevant as an escalating push on our dime towards WW3 on behalf of “the most corrupt country in Europe”.

            So you can be mostly confident that it’s just me, or I’m sure he would ask you WTF are you talking about when confronted with one your crazy claims.

          3. Oh I am confident it is you. There never was another.

            P.S. I agree russia is not a part of Europe.

    1. Whatever the specific reason, this is good. Canada should return the favor. The western love affair with India is nauseating. We should cut immigration from there as well.

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