Israel Under Attack

This post is late getting up as I’m on the road with no time online, and only learned of events a few minutes ago. Consider this your open thread to drop links and other information. Perhaps the guest bloggers will have more in the hours to come.

@ezralevantHamas has taken rape slaves. That’s the terrorist group Trudeau funded with $50 million tax dollars. That’s who CUPE supports.


“They shot people in cars and at bus stops, they rounded up women and children into rooms like Einsatzgruppen and machine-gunned them. They went house to house to find and murder civilians hiding in their closets, and they dragged the bloody, dead bodies of Israelis back into Gaza where they are now being paraded, beaten, and mutilated in front of exultant crowds. One young Israeli woman was murdered and stripped to her underwear, and her corpse was thrown in the back of a pickup truck so it could be paraded around Gaza while young Hamas men beat and mutilated her body.”

@NoahPollak details the horrors of the Hamas invasion of Israel and the brutalizing and murder of innocent Israeli civilians including women and children. He calls this Israel’s 9/11 and he’s right.

176 Replies to “Israel Under Attack”

      1. Yes because strip searching genocidal terrorist murders is the same as kidnapping raping killing and displaying the corpse of an innocent unarmed little girl.

      2. Hagar

        With your attitude I expect your life is already miserable.

        Your particular mental illness will take you down over time.

        Meanwhile FOAD.

      3. Yet you feel the need to inform us that you don’t care. With a picture to prove it?

      4. Well at least you’re consistent when Hamassholes and Kacaps act alike, you cheer for both. Why do you come to civilized world when you want to embrace your inner (and outer) savage? It is the free shit, isn’t it?

  1. I’d been busy all day with unrelated working issues, and had only checked a couple of Tweets including what Ezra Levant and Elon Musk had said as the day went on.
    Arriving home, started at BBC as it can only get more real after that.

    I can’t say, “push them all into the sea” on social media, though that’s the feeling here…
    It’s a splendid time to fully annex the West Bank and Golan Heights into Israel, build the fence around Gaza so it’s “built back better” and don’t ever reconnect the electric supply to them. Ever.
    Hopefully Israel knows where the water treatment plant is, then Hamas & their ilk can wallow in their own excrement.

    Does Israel forget that the terrorists never forget to “celebrate” October?

    “rape slaves” etc…

    1. Were they doing that “trilling” “uvalation” thing? And handing out sweets in the streets? Obama claimed that was “misinformation” when videos were shown of Palestinians celebrating 9-11

      1. I remember seeing footage of the cab drivers out of their cabs and dancing in the street at the Edmonton International Airport, on 9/11.
        Should have sniped every one of them!

    1. WWIII how? Other than Arabs who can’t fight a modern army does anyone support the terrorists?

      1. Iran is behind this attack … and Iran is a BRIC … with Russia and the ChiCom behind them. When the IDF launches attacks against Iran … this whole attack could expand exponentially

        1. Ken Gee
          NO, o’butthole/soreA$$ are behind this war. Iran is only secondary.
          This is just a distraction from what is really going on world wide, and it will blow up in their face just like the Jookraine bullsciff did.

        2. @Kenji – “this whole attack could expand exponentially”

          It started with Biden’s disastrous withdraw from Ukraine and then pushing Russia into a proxy war with Ukraine.

          Yea it “could expand exponentially,” it obviously is, only the dimwits cheering on the Ukraine war didn’t see it coming.

          **Not you of course, you saw this a mile away like many of us here.

      2. ” can’t fight a modern army”
        Like in Afghanistan?
        Maybe they (Israelis) can find another Christian reporter to murder, and mourners to beat.
        Karma is a bitch.

          1. Seconded.

            Still, it is nice to see the really diseased ones self-identify like this.

          2. Sporty, Phantom. that’s why SDA is good for this. No censorship. The turds can reveal who they are so very easily.

        1. “” can’t fight a modern army”
          Like in Afghanistan?”

          Yes, exactly like in Afghanistan. The Taliban (and Mujaheddin before them) didn’t even attempt to ‘fight’ the Americans (or the Soviets) army-to-army. They instead used guerilla tactics, booby-traps and IEDs to harass their opponents, who were unfortunately constrained by the Geneva Convention and thus unable to achieve victory in the historical fashion: by killing so many of the enemy that they could no longer continue to fight. This would have meant following the guerillas to their safe havens *across international borders* (same thing that happened in Vietnam) and destroying them there… and to hell with international opinion. Wipe out every village that supports your enemy and there will soon be no more enemy.

  2. Tempting to turn Gaza into rubble and then make the rubble bounce. Will Iran pay a price, as well?

    1. Remember the Gaza Strip was once under control of Israel. Then there was a peace treaty and given back. The Israeli settlers had developed an industry selling cut roses to Europe. 100 of millions of dollars. The Muslims bulldozed all the greenhouses.

      1. The so-called Palestinians, at least their leadership, do not want their own country and never have. The want to re-conquer Israel according to Islamic thinking and kill all the Jews. All you have to do is listen to what they actually say.

        1. And further to this, never HAD a country. It was basically a desolate, ungoverned, no mans land prior to Israel being carved out of it.

      2. The bulldozing only happened after every single thing of value was stripped from those greenhouses. Those greenhouses were left behind in the hopes that the Pali’s could operate them as an income source, but as we have seen over the years, they somehow never seem to miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    2. “Tempting to turn Gaza into rubble and then make the rubble bounce. Will Iran pay a price, as well?”

      They must, or this will all be for naught.

  3. Yes,countries support them,Canada and the USA gave them money to buy arms. Middle east countries not so much.

  4. Israel Under Attack
    Ukraine Under Attack

    What happened to the primrose path? I’m not sure if Hunter Biden has any links to Israel but this has just about every other “far-off-war-nothing-to-do-with-us” conspiracy-nut feature going.

    Speaking as someone who was vehemently against lockdowns and vaccine mandates but didn’t let that overwhelm my common sense, I’m for Ukraine and Israel. I mean, you do know which famous country doesn’t regard Hamas as a terrorist organisation, don’t you?

    Hamas is a proxy of Iran which is an ally of Russia which has invaded Ukraine and threatens Europe.

    1. Good point, worth of pondering. My take… “They are all on this together.” And “They” is a large club, but we are not in it, as the saying goes.

    2. Ukraine, like the USA under the democrats is corrupt from top to bottom.

      Do not support the money-laundering pig-farm … AKA Ukraine.

      1. I support the USA, even if it is currently corrupt “from top to bottom” under the Democrats. Because it is my country’s chief ally and a major source of strength and good in the world.

        I support Ukraine, even if it is currently a corrupt basket case, because if it (with us) can defeat Russia there then my country is safer from the threat of an even more corrupt, vile and stronger danger.

        I support Israel, even though many aspects of its virtue are tarnished, partly for sentimental reasons but mostly because while it exists the ghastly Islamic hordes will focus on it rather than moving on to fully attacking the rest of us.

        I support these, despite my own government’s oppressions upon me, because I have not gone completely barking apesh!t mad.

        1. PJFO
          Disillusion much, Russia will NOT be defeated by Ukraine and their NATO A$$HOLES. And there are a few on the net exposing the Jewish cabal behind the mayhem we see today. Marx Trotsky and Lennon were the setup crowd for this phase of the schiffshow. And you can bet that the RCC, after they changed their mind, are all on board for the globalists. As I told my friend, who is from a communist country, Marx and Engels probably used the RCC as a model for their communism. The RCC spent 1500 years trying to destroy Judaism, but now they work hand in hand. BTW, EFFing FOOL, radical Jews are also a problem for Israel.

          1. Sensible, PJF. “I support these, despite my own government’s oppressions upon me, because I have not gone completely barking apesh!t mad.”

            Someone who is completely barking mad is the moron GYM.

      2. “Do not support the money-laundering pig-farm … AKA Ukraine.”

        Well, The government of Ukraine & the Globalists for sure, people on all sides are caught in the middle of the corruption as usual.

    3. “I mean, you do know which famous country doesn’t regard Hamas as a terrorist organisation, don’t you?”

      Canada, isn’t it?

  5. So how stupid as a nation or society are we? We have ex-Palistinians in Germany, France, Britain, and Canada celebrating an unproked attack on Israel. Is this what ‘Diversity’ is all about? Is this why we are turning our society upside down to welcome people that want to reincarnate devistation and destruction that they have fostered for 1200 years? We bring them here, feed, clothe, educate, medicate them at our costs and rather than try to assimilate they bring the centuries old hatred and biases here and celebrate death and destruction. Yet still we turn a blind eye to what is happening. The corpse that is being displayed in the back of the pickup on the internet by these terrorists should be a wake up call to all Western countries. These terrorists and their actions should have instilled loathing instead we have their adherents celebrating and we allow this celebration in our major western cities. Have we become so ‘diversified’ that our silence now condones these terrorist acts?

    1. We bring them here and they outbreed us by 5 to 1 (at least). We’re doomed. Western civilization is doomed.

      1. 5:1? We can easily do a much better kill ratio, if we set our minds to it. But we haven’t really set our minds to anything since WWII.

      2. If obesity, distraction and ignorance were weapons of war, the Western World would win.

        However diversity has dramatically diluted what’s left of our culture whilst an over-governing gang of liberal ‘free stuff for all’ politicians have made us weak and vulnerable.

        We are simply going to stupid ourselves to death.

    2. antenor
      How stupid are we? America is under attack by extreme leftist Jews, butt don’t say jew in here bc it butthurts the bible bangers (who are about as christian as my asshole). That’s how stupid we are. Try reading some by Caroline Glick, and you may just educate yerself. And yup, she is Jewish, and damn well informed.

  6. When they claim that they love death more than you love life, you serve them up love and keep serving it until there are none of them left to serve.

  7. Let’s see:
    1. Left behind $8 Billion in equipment to the Taliban
    2. Unfroze $6 Billion in frozen assets to the biggest financier of Hamas (Iran)
    3. Turned over $1 Billion in “aid” to the PLA after it was discontinued in the previous administration.

    Joe Biden’s Legacy is now official.

    1. In 2016 the deep state & uniparty were spewing bs about Trump and war.
      2023….The uniparty & deep state are happy

    2. Don’t forget 75 billion and counting to Ukraine.

      Maybe some of that got laundered to the ME?

    3. Um, Orson, That was $80 billion, not $8 billion. I’m not at all surprised that some of those arms are now being used to attack Israel, in fact, considering the lefties in charge in the US, it would not be much of a stretch to consider they abandoned them deliberately to provide the terrorists with arms!

    1. Not the Jewish Israelis of 2023 – we previously went through the genetics studies already – for whatever mentally ill trolling reason your insinuating here (?)

    1. There would be allot of over-spill radiation from the main Clinton nest at Martha’s Vineyard.

  8. The U.S. better get themselves on alert and quick. One can only guess at how many terrorists have come across the southern border. Biden should be hanged.

  9. If you haven’t already done so, now is a good time to lay in a supply of potassium iodide pills.

    Things may get wonky. Then again, maybe not. Hard to say, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.

  10. Hamas Leadership is desperate.

    They can see the Arab World is turning against them. The Abraham Accords have been a long term quiet success AND the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is negotiating with Israel to join them. (Imagine the progress that would have been made in a second Trump term?)

    This is a last desperate throw of the dice by Hamas to turn their isolation around. They want to be seen as the poor, oppressed martyrs of Islam, as they desperately hope to regain the sympathy of the Arab and Islamic worlds.

    My big unanswered question is will Hezbollah and Iran follow in their nihilistic strategy.

    Will the Lebanese and Syrian borders stay quiet?

    1. rd: “They want to be seen as the poor, oppressed martyrs of Islam, […]”

      I think Israel is about to grant their wish. We’ll see.

    2. “My big unanswered question is will Hezbollah and Iran follow in their nihilistic strategy.”

      Not after they see what is about to happen to Hamas.

    3. “This is a last desperate throw of the dice by Hamas to turn their isolation around. They want to be seen as the poor, oppressed martyrs of Islam, as they desperately hope to regain the sympathy of the Arab and Islamic worlds.”

      This is a very important point. For Hamassholes this is competition to be the big dog among the ululating head chopping savages. They have seen ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Tuareq etc all growing in prominence. Even Hezbollah in 2008 have outdone them, so they needed a big show for all the founders of pisslamic terrorism all over the Middle East. This is also their Tet offensive. Looks spectacularly on cameras but will end up to be a disaster after IDF makes a lot of them good.

      Meanwhile their leadership is sitting comfortably in a luxury hotel in Qatar.

      1. Hamas is to Israel as the Ukrainian Azov is to the Russian speaking Ukrainian people of the Donbass.

        1. Nope absurd parallel that makes sense only in your limited orc fellating mind. In reality Orcs in Bucha or Irpin = Hamassholes in Israel. There is really is no difference. Hopefully IDF will rival Azov is stacking up savages’ carcasses.

  11. Just another fine example of what happens when a job is left incomplete. Perhaps the Israelis will finally come to their senses and grind the barbarians into dust once and for good.

    1. “Just another fine example of what happens when a job is left incomplete. Perhaps the Israelis will finally come to their senses and grind the barbarians into dust once and for good.”

      They have little choice left now. It’s time.

  12. Where’s the talking colon? Too busy funneling US and EU arms from the Ukraine to Hamas? All I know is that once he’s done, he’ll be partying with the Waffen SS over dead Jews.

    1. Given his comments yesterday about the Taliban I doubt he has much sympathy for Hamas.

      But you know who does?
      Hamas is a proxy of Iran which is an ally of Russia which has invaded Ukraine and threatens Europe.
      Iran supplies weapons to Hamas, Hezbollah and – Russia.

      I saw a report yesterday that Israeli Apaches were being shot at by Russian manpads. I doubt they came via Ukraine.

      1. “Hamas is a proxy of Iran which is an ally of Russia which has invaded Ukraine and threatens Europe.
        Iran supplies weapons to Hamas, Hezbollah and – Russia.”

        The irony being that Israel tried their best not to help Ukraine when Siberian savages invaded, now Israel is invaded by sand savages with weapons supplied by Siberian savages.

        P.S. It is best to ignore the dingleberry. He is begging for attention no need to give it to him.

        1. “Hamas is a proxy of Iran which is an ally of Russia”

          If true (I have no idea, and neither do you) then that would be akin to the west using the Azov Nazi’s as a proxy army.

          Of course only the the completely clueless would have thought that demonizing and using proxy military’s against the Russians wouldn’t have consequences.

          Blackwater = Wagner
          Azov = Hamas
          Sanctions = new friends

          It’s not like the western countries haven’t recruited terrorists like Al Qaeda or ISIS when needed in the past. Hell they trained them.

          This is what shit looks like when the War Mongers get cut loose with free reign & our money – wait until you figure out that we have had undefended open borders for 30 years for all these same terrorists have set up shop in your backyard!

          1. “I have no idea”

            That is true about you specifically here and in general. It is also the only true and correct statement you have made in this thread.

  13. It’s horrifying what those Palestinians are doing but it’s staggering that here in Canada they are actually celebrating the slaughter of innocent Israelis? It’s a crime to burn a rainbow flag but the pro-Hamas crowd in Canada throw celebrations cheering on the slaughter of innocents. I am sickened to the core, not one single dime given to those horrible people-not one red cent to Palestine.

    1. Yes, let’s all notice the Pali flag being flown freely in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal etc. at the same time KIDS are getting arrested for “desecrating” the rainbow flag.

      It’s nauseating.

      1. Same ones dancing around the Hamas flag were also dancing around the rainbow flag when they burned an effigy of Harper a few years ago. Today they parade the Ukrainian flag,

  14. The brutality of the terror attack on civilians in Israel was shocking. How anyone could justify this as Palestinian “resistance” is disgusting. The rape of women, kidnapping of children and targetted slaughter of civilians isn’t resistance. Anyone minimizing, let alone supporting the inhuman acts, has no morals and should crawl back under whatever rock they slithered out from.

    That CUPE post celebrating such atrocities should be grounds for decertification of the union and all union funds donated to Israeli charities. Have any Trudeau liberal- ndp MPs called the union out on their appalling post on X-Twitter?

    1. I agree LC, I’d like to see criminal charges lobbied against anyone celebrating the Hamas attacks. I am sick of that hateful movement in Canada getting a free pass to spew their anti-Semetic venom.

      1. It’s unbelievable how many psychopaths and sociopaths live among us. Those photos and videos coming out of Israel are heartbreaking.

        Perhaps India is right, Canada does give safe haven to terrorists and terrorist supporting organizations. Maybe it’s time to clean house in this country and go after those people/organizations instead of people who peacefully protest Trudeau government policies.

        1. LC
          When you consider that this is encouraged by the USA leftist(that includes soreA$$) to destroy Trump’s mid east peace legacy before the 2024 election, it’s takes on an even uglier face. Ukraine, criminal/politial operation one. Mideast criminal/political operation two.
          And extra benefit, make BiBi look bad, as the globalists hate him as much as they hate Trump.

          1. My opinion of politics and politicians can’t go much lower but it’s the Israeli victims and their families that I’m thinking about right now.

            …and of the callous, psychotic Canadians who celebrate such atrocities.

      2. . . . I’d like to see criminal charges lobbied against anyone celebrating the Hamas attacks.

        We’re best to move away from criminalising speech (freeze their bank accounts?). Let them celebrate and show them celebrating on TV. Let everyone see who and what they are.

        And allow the counter-demonstrations instead of blocking them for “safety”.

      3. “I agree LC, I’d like to see criminal charges lobbied against anyone celebrating the Hamas attacks. I am sick of that hateful movement in Canada getting a free pass to spew their anti-Semetic venom.”

        Well said, Rose. As you said, you can’t burn a rainbow flag here without being charged with a ‘hate crime’.

        I wonder if the Queers Against Israeli Apartheid will be commenting?

    2. At least the situation has been clarified for those who still couldn’t see the truth. Unions, media and other assorted leftist garbage are on one side, and we are on the other.

      1. I suspect those groups are among the strongest supporters of the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government, so I’d be surprised if the coalition government members of parliament would have the courage or moral clarity to confront or sanction any of those groups.

    3. It’s a shame that our elites haven’t experienced what the “palestinians” would do to infidels like them.

      Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Special Exhibit Showcases Alleged Palestinian “Dispossession” in 1948, Providing No Context: Will The Media Take Note?

      CBC Radio Show Guest Tells Interviewer: Israel Has Occupied Palestinians For 75 Years, Denying Israel’s Right to Exist, Host Fails To Challenge Offensive Comment

  15. Everybody was singing Kumbaya a few weeks ago when Muslims were aligning with normal parents protesting genital mutilation of children for identity purposes, FGM for girls? That’s different.
    People forgot who they are for a moment. I don’t claim to predict the future but this ‘skirmish’ or ‘intifada’ will not end like all those that proceeded the last 30 years.

    1. RedPop
      C Glick has pointed out that the IM is “advised by leftist lawyers you advise restraint when fighting the Arabs, but this time I think much of that advice may be ignored .

  16. Turn Palestine into a parking lot, a sea of glass.
    Problem solved, terrorists returned to Allah.

    1. Palestine? Point it out on a map if you can. Islam is the problem not any piece of land. The so-called Palestinians have never wanted their own country. They want to follow long established Islamic doctrine and kill the hated Jews who dared to take back land the Jihadis conquered. Once behind the Koran Curtain always part of the Umma. They still claim Spain.

      1. I believe it used to be called Judea..

        Queen Isabella might have something to say about that..

      2. Israeli’s are tough they’ve been fighting this battle for 3000 years, it’s still none of our business. Our job is to kick those Islamic miscreants out of our countries and not allow them to continue using us as money laundering sanctuary countries.

  17. The hate is not so fashionable when its delivered to individuals.. A lesson learned, but no..

  18. Seems off to me – A country with the latest and greatest security technology, an intelligence agency that has their enemies shitting their pants and hundreds of Hamas soldiers simply walked, rode even using paragliders to get into Israel.
    And somehow this was a “surprise” attack?

    Hmmmmm…I’d say someone dropped the ball.

    1. Burton, I’ve been asking/wondering the same. Our Jewish SIL could only suggest that perhaps there was minimal defence because of Yom Kippur. One would think that the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War would have heightened security. Israeli intel? No chatter anywhere? This is more than just dropping the ball.

  19. I was just a logistics officer in the RCAF, but maybe more operational types can chime in on this idea.

    Trade the hostages for Palestinian prisoners. Release them, track them, kill them and all who had anything to do with this raid the cruel inhuman punishable by death war crimes inflicted on Israeli civilians.

    While putting the hammer down on the Gaza, making it clear “militants” can only run, but never hide.
    Yes a massive operation and time and treasure, but not as massive as the intelligence failure that caused this.
    Having said that, no point of Monday morning quarterbacking or whining about Ukraine military funding.
    Shoot the rabid dog, but you have to get him away from the contemporary Chamberlains enabling them.
    Like that idiot Biden who torpedoed the Abraham Accord for an Obama deal with state terror sponsor Iran.
    The dystopia never ends and the DeMarxists can bleat no relationship but I argue the opposite; it’s weak leaders.
    Actually cowardly rulers too corrupt to accept the only language terrorists and tyrants understand is power.
    The tyrants understand, and our idiot leaders understand, given their power obsession, so what’s the problem?
    Kill them. Kill them all. There is no other way to deal with cruel Jew hating evil that seeks to dehumanize us all.

  20. Some are offering reminders of Bibi’s recent U.N. presentation about
    the “Normalization” of the middle east situation, including among his usual
    props maps of the “NEW MIDDLE EAST” missing the occupied territories, gaza or east Jerusalem.

    I don’t imagine that the Israeli military are using those maps.

    1. Gaza has not been “occupied” since 2005 by Israel, or perhaps you are talking about the Egyptians taking that territory by force in 1948?

      1. // Gaza has not been “occupied” since 2005 by Israel, or perhaps you are talking about the Egyptians taking that territory by force in 1948? //
        There has been a continuous seige since then. They control all but one exit [recent exceptions noted],
        they control the sea approaches [and limit use] and they of course control the space over Gaza.
        In addition to the seige, they made Gaza dependent on Israeli infrastructure.
        Food, water, power all controlled by the Jewish State.
        e.g. destroyed the Gazan power plant, rebuilt in Israel Now turned off. As is the water.
        A quote from defense minister Gallant [well, named that]
        “a complete seige There will be no food, no fuel, no electricity, water; we are fighting human animals & we will act accordingly”

    2. Dizzy, can you explain why when Egypt held Gaza and Jordan held the West Bank nobody was creating “Palestine”?

      1. The two state plan was envisaged in the original U.N. resolution 181 about the “self determination of peoples”.
        At first the Israeli claim was that there was no Palestinian People.
        Palestinians were banned from flying their flag.
        A bogus book “From Time Immemorial” was the bible of the colonists.

        Jordan made no claim to the west bank for itself, just holding it for a future settlement.
        Once Israel captured the west bank, they started to call it Judea & Samaria and
        settlers started moving in.
        At about the same time, the “Jordan Is Palestine” trope became the favored claim.

        The Oslo process became the supposed vehicle for implementing the U.N.resolution 242
        But there was always an excuse.
        Bibi once orated “Whether they call it a state or a
        chicken coop it doesn’t matter”.
        Now the mask has been removed: it’s the New Middle East.
        This atrocity gives him the OK to make it real.

        1. Proving yet again that UN is useless and “Paleosimians” do not exist as people, those are simply Jordanians and Egyptians (both fake artificial nations to begin with) without Jordanian and Egyptian passports.

          “Jordan made no claim to the west bank for itself, just holding it for a future settlement.”

          LOL, even you can’t be that delusional. And Gaza? Did Egypt make no claim to Gaza either? Just curious how far your delusions go.

          1. Did Egypt make no claim to Gaza either? Just curious how far your delusions go.
            // From September 1948, until its dissolution by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1959, the Gaza Strip was officially administered by the All-Palestine Government. Although largely symbolic, the government was recognized by most members of the Arab League. Following its dissolution, Egypt did not annex the Gaza Strip but kept it under military rule, pending a resolution of the Israel–Palestine question… // wiki
            So, similar to Jordan.
            // “Paleosimians” do not exist as people, //
            No biologist, are you?
            From the early Zionist movement’s most prominent intellectual:
            // […] Thus we conclude that we cannot promise anything to the Arabs of the Land of Israel or the Arab countries. Their voluntary agreement is out of the question […]
            This colonization can, therefore, continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population — an iron wall which the native population cannot break through.
            This is, in toto, our policy towards the Arabs.[…]
            All this does not mean that any kind of agreement is impossible, only a voluntary agreement is impossible.
            As long as there is a spark of hope that they can get rid of us, they will not sell these hopes, not for any kind of sweet words or tasty morsels, because they are not a rabble but a nation, perhaps somewhat tattered, but still living.
            A living people makes such enormous concessions on such fateful questions only when there is no hope left […] //
            The Iron Wall (We and the Arabs)
            Ze’ev Jabotinsky
            First published in Russian under the title O Zheleznoi Stene in Rasswyet, November 4, 1923.

            I have heard settler types demanding pressure “until the Arabs lose hope”. Still the strategy.

          2. So, similar to Jordan.

            Go on then, block quote the Wikipedia section about Jordanian annexation of the West Bank.

            You do know what “annex” means in the geopolitical context, don’t you?

          3. reply to pjf
            There is more than one block quote:
            Renouncing claims to the West Bank
            An emergency meeting of the Arab League in June 1988 gave the PLO financial control of support for the Palestinians, thereby virtually acknowledging Arafat as their spokesman. In response, Hussein renounced all Jordanian claims to the West Bank, allowing the PLO to assume full responsibility there. He dissolved the Jordanian parliament (half of whose members were West Bank representatives), ceased salary payments to 21,000 West Bank civil servants, and ordered that West Bank Palestinian passports be converted to two-year travel documents. When the Palestine National Council recognized the PLO as the sole legal representative of the Palestinian people and proclaimed the independence of a purely notional Palestine on November 15, 1988, Hussein immediately extended recognition to the Palestinian entity.

          4. So just to cut through your bullshit: Arabs had those lands and were not creating “Palestine”. Ok then. Also, there is no problem with a bunch of savages being kicked out few dunes further to make room for the civilized. It is in fact a virtuous thing to do.

          5. So just to cut through your bullshit: Arabs had those lands and were not creating “Palestine”.

            To quote my quotes:
            // Egypt did not annex the Gaza Strip but kept it under military rule, pending a resolution of the Israel–Palestine question //
            // Hussein renounced all Jordanian claims to the West Bank, allowing the PLO to assume full responsibility there.[…]
            on November 15, 1988, Hussein immediately extended recognition to the Palestinian entity. //

            Palestine was the goal. But Israel has turned it into an archipelago of disconnected fragments.

  21. It’s been a good while since I bothered to comment on anything, but this Hamas attack crosses the line. I mentioned way back when the US evacuated Afghanistan, that some of the $80 billion, not $8 billion, worth of arms would find it’s way to Israel, and now it has. Until we finally accept that Islam is NOT the religion of peace it proclaims to be, and that these murderous thug terrorists are committing rampant war crimes against the innocent Jewish people. I fully agree that Hamas and Gaza, need to be completely wiped out and eradicated. These war crimes are disgusting and despicable, and these thug Islamic terrorists need to be removed with extreme prejudice!

    When a so called “religion” considers it acceptable to commit atrocious war crimes, that “religion” need to be outlawed in every civilized western country! Islamaphobia indeed, it ain’t a phobia when they reveal the truth!

    I stand with Israel!

  22. I support Israel, but not everything they do.

    The search for truth sometimes leads you down a dark path, and one of those paths for me was the story of the 9/11 “dancing Israelis” from New Jersey.

    I researched that story in detail, all the way down to decoding the serial number of van they were driving when apprehended. I remember it had a 4.3L v6 engine, an irrelevant detail I know, but I wanted to know the year of the van. This is just an example of the effort I put into corroborating the story, because it was that dark.

    My conclusion, and I think the only reasonable logical conclusion one can come to given the verifiable events that day, documented in part by the photos in their camera, is that Israeli intelligence knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance, and declined to alert the American authorities.

    There are similarities in this attack by Hamas. As commented on X by a former member of the IDF, stationed on the Gaza border, a cockroach couldn’t cross the buffer zone without the Israelis knowing. But somehow in this instance Hamas crossed into Israel in trucks, atvs and motorcycles, apparently with no opposition.

    The question is why did they allow this, knowing the target of Hamas would be civilians? This question is the first step down another dark path.

    1. . . . a cockroach couldn’t cross the buffer zone without the Israelis knowing.

      They did know, immediately, when the attack started. But having no expectation of, and being utterly unprepared for, an attack so big and coordinated, there was damn all they could do about it. The “smart fence” was designed to detect small infiltrations. Thousands of terrorists with an invasion plan poured through on multiple vectors and completely overwhelmed the defenders. They didn’t “allow” it, they were overun.

      This isn’t the first time Israeli intelligence has failed. Hezbollah has surprised them more than once.

      1. I don’t agree with you. I don’t think Israeli intelligence failed. Allowing this to happen was a ruthless but calculated decision. They’ve made this kind of decision before with the geopolitical strategy taking precedence over collateral damage, like not stopping 9/11, like the attack on the USS Liberty, and like supporting the Sunni jihadists in the Syrian civil war.

        By allowing this attack to progress the way it did they accomplished two goals: they gained global and domestic support for an all out war on the Gaza, and drew the Hamas militants into fighting outside their refuge where they lose the home ground advantage which is full of escape and supply tunnels.

        I support, unequivocally, Israel’s right to exist. I also think that subcultures in the Arab world are toxic breeding pools for hatred, but I know Israel is capable of profoundly unethical actions. I see no noble side in this, much like the Ukraine war.

        1. I don’t think Israeli intelligence failed. Allowing this to happen was a ruthless but calculated decision.

          In general, these notions come about when people just can’t believe in a monumental cockup, and so conclude a conspiracy. A bit like “9/11 was an inside job” making superficially more sense than the terrorists being so effective whilst the US just so pathetically shyte.

          It’s very difficult to keep dark secrets, especially about big bad things. A cynical move like you’re suggesting would require a lot of people being in a truly diabolical conspiracy against their own citizens.

          1. “It’s very difficult to keep dark secrets, especially about big bad things”

            That is where you are dead wrong. People rationalize away the most obvious evidence for a hypothesis because they don’t want to believe something so diabolical is possible from civilized people, because no one else seems to believe it, they don’t want to look like kooks, and finally often because they’re just too lazy to do any in depth research and thinking.

            The Dancing Israelis story is the perfect example of this phenomenon, where people reject evidence in plain sight because it clashes too much with their worldview. And it’s not just the forensics of this event that support this argument. The other half is that the Israelis had a motive for not telling the Americans about the impending 9/11 attack because they knew an event like that would wake the American public up to the threat of militant Islam.

            Anyway I never said 9/11 was an “inside job”. I don’t believe that and I thought my original post made that clear.

        2. ” like the attack on the USS Liberty?”

          An obvious accident. Seriously asserting that Israel, a tiny nation surrounded by enemies and fighting for its very life would deliberately and intentionally attack *their most powerful ally* is utterly laughable.

          ‘Fog of war’ was the actual reason.

          1. “An obvious accident.”

            I don’t believe that, and neither do the US Navy personnel who were there believe it was an accident. The Israelis had a motive. They didn’t want an American spy ship eavesdropping on their communications. Specifically they did not want the Americans to know they were planning an assault on the Golan Heights after Jordan and Syria had agreed to a ceasefire.

            Anyway I notice you have no comment on the 9/11 Dancing Israelis. The evidence of what happened that day is pretty irrefutable. I would be happy to lay it out for you, but I’m guessing that’s one dark path you will stay well away from.

            It suffices to say the Israelis are ruthless. You can argue they need to be, “a tiny nation” and all that, but spare me the fairy tales of how they couldn’t possibly do this or that because I know from the 9/11 story what they are capable of.

      2. “But having no expectation of, and being utterly unprepared for, an attack so big and coordinated, ”

        They had no right not to know about. Preparation for an attack that massive had no right to go unnoticed. I’m am not saying conspiracy, but there is no doubt that Mosad, Aman and Shin Bet dropped the ball massively here.

  23. Production Meeting
    First let’s review:

    1. Covid – a good run lasting over two seasons and very successful
    2. War in Ukraine – not the success we had hoped for. Not enough engaging video, didn’t hold enough eyeballs.
    3. Wild Fires- a good summer replacement. Dry forest season, wait for the correct weather patterns to take the smoke over major American cities. Very low production costs. But the season’s over, people are back inside listening to the voices that come from the screens on their walls.

    How about a vicious civil war in Israel?

    I don’t know. What kind of shucks are going to believe that the Israeli intelligence services didn’t have this attack on their radar?

      1. Israel has nukes, push comes to shove if they need them they’ll use them. This is none of our business, build The Wall, Kick ALL the terrorists out of especially Canada and the US and let them kill each other elsewhere. when the dust settles we deal.

  24. Democrats funded Hamas.
    America’s Jews vote almost exclusively for Democrats.
    Looks like they got what they voted for, good and hard.
    They should stop whining and start celebrating their choices.

    1. Way to reduce a complicated situation to a ridiculous comment. Democrats get supported by Israel’s enemies as well. Ilhan Omar?

      1. Idiot, pay attention. The problem isn’t that others are voting dhimicrat too, the problem is that had Herman Goering run on D ticket, he would probably score 98% of Jewish vote.

        1. Idiot yourself. American Jews vote for leftist policies because they are leftists not because they are Jews. There’s an idiotic left wing in Israel too. There’s an idiotic left wing everywhere. Ukraine, as well. Some are Marxists, some are Nazis. Why don’t you make yourself useful and go join the Azovs?

  25. Years ago I was at my Mom and Dad’s farm and the radio was on in the kitchen. The newscaster announced that Kissinger was working on a Middle East peace plan. My Mom just shook her head. “Peace in the Middle East. For God’s sake read the bible.”

  26. Horns blaring and triumphant flag-waving on the streets of Britain after Hamas’ attack: Rachel Riley leads backlash against celebratory scenes following bloody massacre in Israel

    Proud Palestinian father hoists aloft his young daughter as she holds a machine gun and women ‘celebrate IDF soldier’s death’ while Israeli families mourn as death toll in new Hamas war reaches 268
