Fall Of Civilizations

The Greenland Vikings: Find out how these European settlers built a society on the farthest edge of their world, and survived for centuries among some of the harshest conditions ever faced by man. Discover how this civilization was able to overcome the odds for so long, and examine the evidence about what happened to cause its final and mysterious collapse.

9 Replies to “Fall Of Civilizations”

  1. Water levels really make and break civilizations.
    Much of our confusion and unknowns became much easier to understand with the enormous amount of engineering our past used in creating its stability with the addition of water levels back in our society’s innovation.
    Heavy loads of rocks moved or stacked to achieve what our governments history understanding is failed to understand.

    1. Similar to understand that WE are trapped on this planet as evolution has evolved us to our species today.
      Trying to escape reverse as your minerals, strength and structure breaks down by loss of replenishment properly.
      Knowledge isn’t a thing our governments find a high priority to the propaganda campaigns for global warming which is idiotic too.

  2. Some civilizations collapse because of climate change.

    Some civilizations collapse because they piss away money and resources on useless projects.

    Ours is collapsing because they piss away money and resources on worse-than-useless climate change projects.

  3. Interesting video and sets us up for a new meme. Rather than asking your man how often he thinks about the Roman Empire, ask him how often he thinks about the Vikings in Greenland. Personally, I’m more of a Late Bronze Age Collapse kind of guy.

    Knock knock.
    Who’s there?
    Sea Peoples.
    Sea Peoples who?

  4. Haven’t watched/listened to the video yet…that’s for tonight (hopeless insomniac).
    But if we’re talking about the end of empires and civilizations, this short conversation Rogan had with Douglass Murray, who I have a tremendous amount of respect for had me thinking. I think he’s on to something…when we start denying reality as we’re seeing with the utter ridiculousness of genders that’s being pushed on us we’re well on the way to total societal collapse.


  5. “”…examine the evidence about what happened to cause its final and mysterious collapse.””

    Was it lack of diversity ?

    I bet it was lack of diversity.

  6. According to one item I read, there never was much of a settlement in Greenland. The primary reason to travel there was to hunt walrus for ivory. Some people over wintered, but most went for the hunting then went home. When elephant ivory from Africa became a better choice than walrus ivory the hunters were put out of business and there was no longer a reason to go there at all, so they stopped going.

    1. Exactly. Greenland had only one reason to exist. It was Europe’s supply of the luxury commodity ivory. By the 14th century it was being displaced by lower cost ivory out of Africa. Worse, the mid 14th century was an environmental disaster with the onset of the Little Ice Age. And just to add to the misery, the Black Death broke out in 1347.

      End of Greenland. Hundreds of communities disappeared without much trace during that century of disaster.
