47 Replies to “October 8, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. Like all commie states they needed government welfare to stay in business, who the hell goes to Toronto and “books a hotel” unless absolutely forced to?

  1. Survey spotted: https://extranet.gov.ab.ca/opinio6//s?s=SSfeedback
    If that link doesn’t work, try this one, then scroll down to and click the button that says “Take the survey” https://www.alberta.ca/curriculum-have-your-say

    Alberta Education is looking for input on what its new social studies curriculum should be like. At first I thought it was pretty good, but when they got to asking about topics for Canadian history and culture there were options for “First Nations”, “Francophone”, and “Diverse”, but not “Pioneer”, “British”, or even “Albertan.” At the end there was a section for your own verbiage, where you can inform them that their survey is missing a thing or two.

    No ID, email, or verification required at the moment.

  2. RE: Alaska Highway.

    If you had driven over it when it was first completed in 1942, you wouldn’t be writing about it on ”Small Dead Animals.”

    It was nothing for a large truck to require tire chains for a good part of a 500 trip.

    It was however a nice gift from the Americans whom I don’t like to refer to as ”foreigners” but as ”good neighbours.”

    1. That’s nice, Joe, but the heading was intended to get people to read the article and most of us got it.
      If anything, a tougher highway would have been more interesting for SDA.

      1. Too bad the narrative had to lean heavily on a new wokist viewpoint. The past was a different world and judging it from the modern viewpoint is foolish. OMG they caused fires!!! They treated black soldiers badly! Wildlife and indigenous people were abused! No shit Shakespeare but is that the main story?

  3. Today’s environmentalists would rather be ruled by Nazis than permit construction of another such highway.

  4. Conrad Black has a piece behind the paywall in the National Post: “Trudeau has overseen the chronic backsliding of this once-great nation” — Lord Black fires a broadside at Justine’s canoe.

    Canadians seem not to recognize the undeniable fact that this country is on the verge of (temporarily) becoming an objective failure. For all of our history, most Canadians have had some degree of unease about being subordinate to the British and out-sized by the Americans, and prior to that, in the case of the French-Canadians, about being abandoned by the French and then ignored or disparaged by them. When France was ejected from Canada after nearly 250 years, Voltaire dismissively referred to New France as, “A few acres of snow.” But we have been a successful country, until recently. Prior to this century, the only major wars we engaged in aside from NATO and United Nations missions were the two world wars, the Korean War and the Gulf War, all of which were just wars in which Canada was not itself threatened, sought nothing, but fought with distinction for the cause of freedom throughout the world. We were, along with Australia and next only to the United States, the most prosperous people in the world. We had a strong currency, a growing economy, low crime rates, attracted capital from all over the world, were probably the most racially unprejudiced country in the world, welcomed skilled immigrants from everywhere and built great projects that impressed the world, such as the St. Lawrence Seaway, the TransCanada pipeline and the Montreal World’s Fair in 1967.

    Now, we are debt-ridden and suffering from a long-term and escalating flight of capital: tens of billions of dollars generated in Canada departs for greener financial pastures each year. Canadians like to invest in other countries more than the outside world likes us. Countries with practically no resources such as Ireland and Belgium and the Netherlands have a higher standard of living than we do. To some extent, this is due to our policy of high immigration. This is a policy I congratulate the Trudeau government for because I believe that we need to be as populous as is feasible to achieve the critical mass necessary to become one of the world’s greatest countries. We now have a population as great as that of France in the late 19th century, 40 million, in the period known as La Belle Époque, the summit of French writers, artists and composers. We do not have such talented cultural figures, but that, presumably, will come eventually. Yet our immigration policy has not been planned properly, and home-builders have not been remotely incentivized on a scale that would assure affordable housing for newly arrived people and the avoidance of skyrocketing housing costs for the whole population. Anyone with an IQ in at least the double digits could have seen this coming, but our government did not.

    Even more alarming is the reputation we are now acquiring as the world’s stupidest advanced country, and we owe this to the oppressive wokeness and national self-defamation conducted by the current federal government. The distinguished Anglo-American public intellectual Douglas Murray (a friend of many years), wrote in this newspaper on Oct. 3 about the government de-banking supporters of the truckers’ demonstration last year and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unnecessarily denigrating them. And he mentioned the repeated and disgraceful persecution of, as Murray described him, “the most famous public intellectual in the world,” Jordan Peterson. “Canada should be proud of him. Yet every week we read of him undergoing yet another trial,” wrote Murray. “The grotesque politicization of almost every institution in Canada … now catches the eye of the world.… The country went into a bizarre moral panic after one totally unverified report claimed to have found numerous graves near residential schools run by the Catholic Church in areas with First Nations communities. That one unverified report was based on ground penetration radar that was wholly inconclusive. Nevertheless the country went into one of the most disturbing moral panics since Salem.” Murray continued with disappointed astonishment of those who justified the subsequent burning of around 80 churches around the country, including by Gerald Butts, formerly Trudeau’s chief of staff, who said that the acts of arson were “understandable.”

    The federal government seems to define “reconciliation“ with Indigenous peoples as the promotion of the national self-defamatory fraud that the government and Christian churches of Canada attempted some form of genocide against First Nations. There can be no reconciliation on this false basis. This past weekend, I wrote a preface to a rigorous and scholarly compendium of articles of authentic research assembled by Tom Flanagan and C.W. Champion titled, “The Kamloops Narrative and the Madness of Crowds,” referring to the famous 1841 book by Charles Mackay on the tendency of peoples to become collectively hysterical over absurd and misunderstood phenomena. This book specifically debunks the assertions that: any form of genocide was ever practised against Indigenous people in Canada; that “many remains” have been located of thousands of “missing children” buried in “unmarked graves,” many of whom were abused and murdered; that most Indigenous children attended residential schools; and that they were seized from their parents and dragged to these wholly bad schools that were responsible for all the problems faced by their communities and aimed at the destruction of Native language and culture. It is almost all nonsense, a malignant fable, and it is the reason that the prime minister humiliated us by keeping all official Canadian flags everywhere in the world at half-mast for six months.

    A few of us speak up against this mangling of our country’s history. I was fired from a local radio station a few years ago for saying that Canada is not a “systemically racist country”; my friend Mark Steyn quit in solidarity. It didn’t matter — I wasn’t paid for a few minutes a week with a very congenial radio host. But sticking up for Canadians is apparently now a fireable offence and not many Canadians seem to be aware of how far we have sunk. Douglas Murray only writes the truth when he says that, “A country which used to be regarded as dull but decent now looks indecent and led by dullards.”
    It all seems to be encapsulated in inviting a 98-year-old Ukrainian immigrant who fought against the Soviet Union in the Second World War to Parliament and giving him a standing ovation in the presence of the president of Ukraine, and then denouncing him and giving back his donation to the University of Alberta because he fought against Stalin’s murderous tyranny with the Waffen-SS, a Nazi unit, although there’s no evidence that he was personally involved in committing any atrocities, or that he was motivated by Nazi ideology.

    Regular readers are familiar with my view that Justin Trudeau should resign because he has dishonoured the country in portraying it as having attempted genocide against Indigenous people, while he himself is abetting attempted cultural genocide on the English language in Quebec. Can’t we do anything right? The voters will decide.

    1. Conrad Black is a smart guy but he doesn’t understand the basic idea that when you replace the people who built Canada with the third world Canada becomes a third world nation.

    2. That would be the same Conrad black that said the unexceptional spoon fed idiot man child deserved a chance to be PM.

  5. This evening we learn about a very long highway in Canada that was built by a foreign army.

    Sigh. Foreigners, yet again, doing work that Canadians won’t do.

      1. Rusty – no offense but that is the same logic Trudeau uses to under fund our defense budget by billions of dollars. The US has to defend themselves so we’ll ride on their coattails for free, and then look down on them because they don’t also fund universal health care.

        In spite of NATO allies condemnation of Canada not doing our fair share, Trudeau is reported to be cutting defense spending by another billion CAD.

        The road to Alaska would defend Canada from Japanese attack as well. Japan’s army would not have stopped at the US/Canada border. And they would not have stopped to fill out the Customs declaration.

        1. Canada’s not the only one, though. Most NATO countries do not spend 2% on defense, which they committed to do. The US has been carrying NATO for decades, and the get nothing but shite and abuse for their trouble.

          Here’s Trump reminding Trudeau of this:


          1. America is going down and when it does, the collapse will destroy the economy of the world. We will not like it.

        2. There is no way on God’s Green Earth that the Japanese could have attacked Canada through Alaska. The reason the Americans wanted to build a road was because it was impossible to get from Canada to Alaska without one. The Japanese managed to put a few thousand men on Kiska, which is closer to Japan than it is to Anchorage. The Japanese army was supplied by mules and horses. If they wanted to attack Washington State from Alaska they would have had to have the resources to build the Alaska highway themselves, while being 5000 km from home.

        1. deplorable L. – But Canada paid them back after the war. It has proven to useful to us as well. We paved it, use it for resource extraction.

  6. As a result of RCMP incompetence that left to dozens of people being shot in Nova Scotia a few years back it has been decided that going forward all Canadian police will be equipped with assault rifles. Can’t post a link since we m on my phone. I saw the story on CP24 news in southern Ontario.

    1. That was not RCMP incompetence, it was by design so sock puppet had a precedent to ban so called “assault rifles” which includes the AR15 which is no danger to anyone.
      Trudeau is an evil person.

    2. I trust they will show the same skill level as the duo who shot up that fire hall.
      Their “story” at the so called enquiry was glorious.
      The quality of these “helpers” proves it is unsafe and thus illegal, for any licensed gun owner to surrender a weapon to the RCMP..

  7. Your coming reality.

    How you and your fellow Canadians allowed 2 Fr ench Freaks to steal your children’s country.

    Baby Boomers will rightfully go down as the generation that failed and lost the country.

    I will be cheering every step downwards.

    Nooooooooobooooooooodyyy deserves it more than dumb, docile, cowardly cucked Librano-loving canadians.

    That would be you.

    “When you bring people of the Third World, you get the Third World. You convert your society into the Third

    Alas, even if Canada ended immigration today, it is too late for Canada. It is well on its way to becoming a Third World majority country.

    The people of the future will be amused by how, using simplistic, unexamined, faulty myths of multiculturalism and diversity, Canada, which was once a great country, destroyed itself. They will be amused that, afraid of being canceled and to preserve their lifestyles from marauding leftists and wokes, Canadians let their land be ransacked within two generations”


    1. Reader – let’s hope so. There are only three genders: male, female and gender confused. In Canada you couldn’t give the Trans person psychological therapy to re-educate him, that would be conversion therapy which is illegal thanks to Trudeau.

      1. Parents can educate their toddlers, as this is not verboten YET. There are almost no gender-confused kids, such a very tiny minority, not worthy of media attention or the attention of MPs. It is a huge distraction from the real problems Canadians experience.

        One: choose your spouse very wisely (with heart and especially head); learn how to get along and disagree before marriage with a long engagement; avoid early, frequent sex, and take rigid precautions; make sure that you both want to be parents in future, or not.

        Two, make sure that you never have to divorce by continuing to invest in the main spousal/parent relationship, especially after children are born. Plan pregnancies as a couple. Babysitters are wonderful and people can change together as they age, if free time is spent well. It is not just about date night – daily effort required.

        Three, ignore males under 4 years old who try on dresses; they are just learning how to put on clothing. At 4/5, laugh and ignore. Love your tomboy girl and effeminate son, making sure that they try out many different activities when very young, preferably before age four.

        Four, socialize kids yourself at very early ages well before school. If you have to work, watch the day care like a hawk! Those people will never give your kids the upbringing or language skills that you can give them at home. Diversity is not always a good trend.

        Five, answer all questions about boys, girls and babies as soon as kids ask, usually age 3-4.

        Six, teach your 4-5 year-olds that the TV and ads just want to tell them to buy stuff and that sometimes stuff they hear is not true. Kids get this. These are “critical thinking skills” that should be taught well before kindergarten.

        Seven, talk to your kids a lot as they grow up and find family activities that all enjoy.

    1. C’mon man. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab don’t need 8 billion people to provide all their needs, they consider most of us to be “useless eaters”.
