Sunday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada:  Scouts Canada makes an apology because of colonialism or something.  A course on the woke left.  Western’s racism training.  Mayor Chow issues a statement.  Canadian progressives celebrate Hamas.

Global Warming Scam News:  A growing public revolt against Net Zero.     Woke Britain:  A transgender scam.

Today In Islam:  Israel’s 9/11.  Anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto.  Iran parliamentarians scream death to Israel. (JW).  Hamas staggers Israel.  The Religion of Peace invades Israel.

Dementia Joe’s America:  Biden’s Palestinian Affairs Office scrubs a post.  Are you ready for deprogramming? Democratic Socialists of America celebrate.

Your morning meme.

UPDATE:  Take a look at this garbage.  Solidarity-Turtle Island and Palestine.


35 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Re Scouts apologizing: Picking up a book on Edwardian England I came across a section on how little dads integrated with their children. Think Mary Poppins. by chance Baden Powell came across a group of idle boys doing nothing. He decided then and there to create what became Scouts. IMO, Indigenous people don’t have a monopoly on land management best practices.

    1. Indigenous people know nothing of land management at all. There were so few of them and so much land they destroyed where they lived then moved on. The people who know land management are those who live in crowded area with limited resources.

  2. Somebody call up Bigfoot because Chow needs to be kicked in the box.
    She’s an awful, ignorant sack of s–t.

  3. Is Chow wanting to excite people in Toronto. This is not metropolitan business.

    Also, The Boy Scouts had nothing to do with the Indian Genocide [TM] and what a lot of cobblers about land management; Rusty Shackleford is on the money there.

  4. Cryptkeeper Clinton emerged from her coffin and verified that liberal progressives are the Single Greatest Threat to Democracy. But we already knew that.

  5. Biden’s Palestinian Affairs Office just verified that the administration is riddled with anti-Semites. But we knew that.

    1. What the HELL is a “Palestinian Affairs Office” ?? Sounds like a make-work paycheck for Terrorists on the taxpayers dime.

      Let me guess … they supply all the “Palestinian” flags seen on college campuses?

  6. It shouldn’t but it continues to surprise me that so many people fail to notice that the so-called Palistinians don’t really want a country and have no intention of building one even if they did. Because if it was true that they did, they would.

    1. Maybe we could give them a province or two in Germany and France to make up for the Palestinian land the European whites gave the Jews to solve the European Jewish problem.

      1. Already done. Only creates more problems. According to Islamic “scholars” once a land has entered the Islamic world, generally by conquest, it is forever part of the Islamic world. Thus Israel has no right to exist … in any form in that part of the world. The aim of fundamental Muslims is and always will be the death of Israel and death to the hated Jews. It is an existential battle for Jews there and we and they delude themselves to think otherwise.

        1. Then it’s all good. Karma is a bitch. What goes around comes around.
          Don’t care either way. Both sides murder, it’s the justification that gets me. One side can murder with no repercussions, because “jew”, the other is vilified because ” Muslim”
          They’ve been murdering each other for three thousand years. A pox on both houses.

          1. That’s the narrative from the left. Sure, Hamas attacks and murders Jews and when Israel defends itself, it’s totally equivalent and they must stop because they have a better military.

          2. False equivalency. Contrary to popular opinion … and moral relativism … there is a distinction between GOOD and EVIL.

    2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Israel handed over Gaza to the Palestinians some years ago in a bit of land-for-peace arrangement?

      1. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Israel handed over Gaza to the Palestinians some years ago in a bit of land-for-peace arrangement?”

        That’s true. It took the ‘Palestinians’ less than one month to violate that agreement and start firing rockets into Israel again.

    3. Thomas, the islamic goal is the killing of all Jews. After that, all non-believers of any stripe. Read the koran, hadiths and any other islamic garbage you can get your hands on.

  7. The headlong rush to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, pursued for so long by democratic governments across the globe …

    There was nothing “democratic” at all about Net-Zero; it is imposed from above by pour lords and masters.

    1. Net zero is the rallying cry of the deep green intent on eliminating most of humanity from the planet and those that pursue it or parrot it are their useful idiots. It has become the official religion of the post modern nihilist dominated west.

  8. Comrade Mayor Chow has delete the tweet that read: “We must also acknowledge Palestinian pain and severe loss of life during this time. …”

    and replaced it with: “My earlier tweets on this have been deleted because of the harm and confusion they caused”

    The harm being against her reputation, after coming out as an idiot

  9. Pro Palestinian factions have had been active and loud on university campuses in the west for the last 60 years and form a significant component of the dominant Marxist professoriate of humanities faculties. Thus the western support for both Israel and “Palestine” with it’s consistent and openly enshrined goal of eliminating Israel from the map.

    Next, Israel will colour the desert floor with the bodies of their adversaries until those same Palestinian supporting western politicians pressure them to reach another unstable agreement so the next generation of young jihadis can be trained for action. Fourteen hundred years and counting.

  10. I have observed some extreme over-the-top anti-semitism this past 24 hours on other mediums. The likes of which might even have made Josef Goebbels cringe.

  11. Hey, now let’s talk about the colonialism that the government of Canada portrays on Africa in present day. Bullying their way to developing farmland while disregarding the necessities of locals, owning two of the three largest gold mining operations in Africa. You know…real stuff like that. 😀

  12. Racism training-
    You need an 80% to pass the I hate white people exam, but only 50% to pass everything else.

  13. In light of what has transpired over the last 48 hours I’d like to point out to all the MENSA candidates that often post their thought a couple of things.
    1. America under the Biden/Obama/Clinton Democrats are responsible for this atrocity. I could ennumerate the reasons for this but my explanation would be too detailed and long for most of of you to understand.
    2. The reason for the seeming success over the combined failure of Israel and American intelligence to detect this attack is linked to point 1.
    3. Lastly, all of Western society should be now aware, with the display of support for the perpetrators of this terrorist attack, that ‘Diversity is our strength!” is a propaganda program to divide, overwhelm and conquer us. It has succeeded, for we do not know how many terrorists now inhabit our southern neighbour, nor how to prevent them from taking total control. A cancer cell that is not excised will grow exponentially and we are now seeing across our ‘diversified’ societies a growing cancer that we have been told that we must accept and tolorate. After all we are a compassionate and caring society, nothing can be overcome more quickly than a society that refuses to recognize the lessons history has imparted.

  14. Hamas is Hezbollah is ISIS is Islamic Jihad is Iran is Afghanistan is Pakistan is Saudi is Turkey etc. The only way this ever changes is, instead of pressuring Israel to show restraint a program of intense, unwavering world wide pressure is targeted towards all Islamic countries for a Reformation/Renaissance/Enlightenment to take place within Islam itself. No truck nor trade with any country supporting traditional Islamic Jihadi policies. Yeah, not going to happen.

  15. RE: Solidarity – Turtle Island and Palestine

    “Chandni Desai is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and a community organizer. ”

    Your Canadian tax dollars funding promotion of lies and violence.
