26 Replies to “Biden Has Blood On His Hands”

  1. That’s just an opener…

    given the indifference that Biden treats the border, we can fully expect to see more “Sudden Jihad Syndrome” courtesy of Muhammad from Columbia, and Muhammad from Ecuador… which the “elites” will try to convince us has nothing to do with islam

  2. About those forty hacked up babies, photos? No? Video? No?
    A single grainy shot of this attrocity? No?
    Could it be possible in your seething hatred of all things Islam and your unrequited felating of circumcised Israeli dick, that you have been taken for fools? Oh no! Not the all wise commentators here!

    “David Ben Zion, is a leader of the Shomron Regional Council of 35 illegal West Bank settlements who called this year for the Palestinian village of Huwara to be “wiped out.”

    “Enough talk about building and strengthening the settlements,” Ben David said in a Twitter post on February 26, 2023. The deterrence that was lost must return now, there’s no room for mercy.”

    Ben David was quoted in Israeli media proclaiming soon after, “The village of Huwara should be wiped out, this place is a nest of terror and the punishment should be for everyone,”

    Such a loving Jew!

    1. Tell us again. No one harmed kids.
      An Irish father living in Israel revealed the agonizing joy he had when he learned his 8-year-old daughter was killed by Hamas terrorists while she attended a sleepover in the Be’eri Kibbutz.

      “They just said, we found Emily, she’s dead and I went yes,” Thomas Hand told CNN on Wednesday. “I went yes, and smiled because that is the best news of the possibilities that I knew. The best possibility that I was hoping for.”

      Hand added that his daughter’s death was better than any other situation that could have happened.

      (Hagar) What would go thru anyone’s mind to murder a young child.
      Explain away. Like these fools.
      SJP, a campus hate group backed by Hamas’ Muslim Brotherhood parent organization, which has over 200 chapters in North America, declared that, Jewish “settlers are not civilians” and are fair game for the atrocities committed by Hamas against women and children.

    2. The footage and photographs are available if you need to see them. They were released by the Prime Minister of Israel directly, Hagar.

      And, just a bit of advice. If you are going to quote Israelis on what you consider to be inappropriate comments, you need to consider what can be provided to you in the form of comments by the Islamic world (inclusive of heads of state, clerical leaders and even the words of Mohammad). You won’t win that battle of hyperbole.

  3. Those, (outside the pseudo Kumbaya play group at Harvard and elsewhere), who have experienced zero exposure to the Islamic mindset, and who still believe that Tinker Bell WILL fly again if only we clap our hands, are in for some ‘rude awakenings’ (which, typically, they will deny to the fullest), when faced with what increasingly appears to be ‘the inevitable’.

  4. Indeed, Biden does have blood on his hands.

    Hamas is funded by Iran, and Iran provides its terror weapons, like missiles, to Hamas. And Biden just gave Iran $6 billion more.

    Would Iran dare ok Hamas’ attack unless they knew Biden wouldn’t let anything get in the way of a new Iran “deal”.? Biden could permanently re-freeze the $6 billion he just gave to Iran because of their support for Hamas’ terror attack, but he has not.

    Need more evidence of Democrats’ tolerance for Iran’s terror? Biden’s puppet master, Barack Obama: “ We grieve for those who died, pray for the safe return of those who’ve been held hostage, and stand squarely alongside our ally, Israel, as it dismantles Hamas”. No mention of Iran, which supplied money and weapons for the attack.

    If Biden supports Israel’s right to exist, why doesn’t he put complete sanctions on Iran for financing Hamas’ attack?

    Biden will only take sufficient action in this war to give him and the Democrats political cover for their protection of the ayatollahs running Iran, their continuing proxy war on Israel, and their atom bomb development

  5. No one gives a shit. About either side. More countries are fed up.
    War crimes being committed by both sides now.

    1. Right. Defending yourself is a crime. Israel should be disarmed so Hamas can kill all the Jews! (Sarcasm, in case anyone else is this dumb).

  6. Faux President Spongebrain Shitspants is merely a stand-in for Barack HUSSEIN Obama. The whole administration speaks with forked tongues. As long as Omar, Tlaib, Occasional Cortex and the traitors in the squad are part of the Democratic Party(sic), they should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

    1. “J.J. Sefton does not hold back.


      Good link, Thomas. Especially love the ‘doxxing truck’…it’s about time we started using their own tactics on them.

      1. Besides SDA, Ace of Spades HQ is the best blog going. A daily visit or two is well worth it.

        1. I start me day with Ace of Spades HQ. It takes an hour just to read the headlines for all of the articles along with JJ’s commentary.
          Everybody should start their day the same way.

          1. Yes. One of the best if not the best aggregator of news stories. It’s a lot to keep up with, however.

  7. The left in Canada scream Hamas did not behead babies, point to the videos and they scream it’s a hoax. Notice how the left and their Hamas loving allies didn’t mewl a word when faced with evidence of rape squads and mass killing of men but for some reason those beheaded baby’s bother them? Watching videos out of Europe I’ll assert she’s fallen to the Islamofascists and their liberal buddies, the calls for genocide are ignored and anyone attempting to show support for Israel will be beaten by the pro-Hamas mob. Eurabia is now officially an Islamic Nation?

  8. Update on the 9/11 Dancing Israelis:

    I discovered a piece of evidence in the FBI report, which I continue to go through, that indicated the 3 “High-fivers” (the FBI appears to have nicknamed them thus) who went to the Doric Towers to video and photograph the event, may have left for the Doric viewpoint before the 1st plane hit.

    Because there is a one way street in front of the former address of Urban Moving Systems, to get from there to Doric, the high-fivers would have to drive north, turn right, and then double back a block. In this case they would have had to drive in front of the cctv camera of an Exxon station. The FBI looked through the video from this camera, which back in those days wasn’t the best quality, looking for a white van to pass in front of the Exxon. They found a segment of the video which had 2 white vans and sent it to Quantico for enhancement to see if they could read any text on the side of the vans. Unfortunately Quantico responded they couldn’t do much to sharpen/enhance the video so the video was inconclusive as to whether the white vans were the Urban Moving van(s) or not.

    However that video that included white vans, sent to Quantico was recorded between 08:29 and 08:31, meaning the white vans to drive by that Exxon would have been traveling somewhere before the 1st plane hit.

    It’s about a 5 minute drive from the Urban Moving warehouse to the Doric apartments, so if one of those white vans was the 3 high-fivers they would have been in the parking lot at Doric by about 08:36, or 10 minutes before the 1st plane hit.

    Conversely, to corroborate the claim of the high-fivers (one claim anyway, they had conflicting stories) that they heard about the airplane crashing into WTC on the radio (first broadcast of the event is alleged to be 4 minutes after the crash at 08:50, there should have been a white van driving by the Exxon at about 08:52 or later. But the FBI apparently didn’t see a white van on the Exxon video at that time. The implications of this are significant as it means the best match for the high-fivers van driving past the Exxon shows them leaving to video/photo an event that hadn’t happened yet, meaning they knew it was going to happen.

  9. The amorality of slaughtering children … because “Jews are colonialist occupiers” (a sad lack of Historic knowledge) … is cheered and condoned on American college campuses for one reason and one reason only … moral relevancy.

    Moral relevancy is the First Commandment of the Godless Left. It’s what excuses bloodthirsty terrorists as “somebody else’s freedom fighters”. As with all First Commandments, and First Amendments to the US Constitution… it is the most important in the Pantheon of credos and beliefs. Moral relevancy excuses any and all behavior … because it demands “tolerance” over “judgement”. It is Satan’s clever ruse to excuse murder … because we must be “tolerant” of those with different beliefs.

    It’s no accident that the amoral Left are trying to eliminate both the First Amendment of Free Speech and the First Commandment of having no other god before The Living God of the Universe. The Left knows these True First Commandments must be murdered in order for their godless free-for-all to succeed.
