27 Replies to “I’m Not Walking!”

    1. But , but, but … they’d be swarmed by adoring fans … just like The Beatles, or The Rolling Stones. Right?

    2. According to the measurement tool on Google Maps, the two buildings are 75 meters apart. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t an underground connector.

  1. Since when have psychiatrists been allowed to put their patients display?
    Those two have delusions of relevancy.

  2. They are so stupid.

    Also, she didn’t receive a large share of african genes fromthat parent. I never look at her and think “black”.

  3. I can’t imagine a less likely target for terror or harm than that couple.
    Any thinking person can easily see that they’re doing more damage to the monarchy and their own causes than any political hay that might be made by bumping them off.
    Ask 10 people the fastest way to destroy the monarchy and 8 of them will most likely mention those two.
    Of course, if something did happen, it would be because of racism.
    Has she ever looked whiter than she does in these photos?

  4. will never beat the empty hair who flew from one side of Montreal to the other during a campaign with barely a whisper from the “press”

  5. That was a security company decision. It looks bad if your client gets waxed out on the sidewalk, strolling over to an event. Seven cars worth of security detail, that’s high-dollar coverage.

    But Harry and Meggy are still deluded idiots.

    1. Exactly so. It’s security which makes all travel decisions regardless of how long or short. This was one of the (very few) decisions the Trudeau government got right – cutting off Meghan and Harry from having their security paid for by Canada. As it was, Canada paid for their security for about four months, ending in March 2020.

  6. Yes, but Halfwit Harry and MeMeMeaghan really, really care about the climate. Important people who really, really care about the climate can ignore the rules they want to impose on the rest of us.

  7. MeMeMeaghan is so perfect a name for that twit. Harry is simply the product of cousins skulking down the midnight corridors of Ruckingham Palace. “Just don’t stick it all the way in Alfie.”

  8. It would be interesting if suddenly the press found out that there are tunnels between the 35 Hudson Yards and 30 Hudson Yards…

  9. Thank you one and all for the enjoyable comments!
    Hypocrites for sure just like another person ‘having a bad year’ moment…

    They all deserve the fates that they’ve generated themselves.
    Bringing down the New King and Monarchy?
    For sure as they totally try to erase Queen Elizabeth II from history…no memorial?…so sad.
