14 Replies to “Lex Fridman with Jared Kushner”

  1. Three hours and forty eight minutes long??????? Got a coles notes version? Which part is the best to fast forward to?

    1. “It were ‘orrible, Alf!” Fast forward to the end.

      You’re welcome, Jane.

      Apologies to all for being so flip, but I’m not doing 3 hours and 48 minutes. What, no timeouts for a potty break even?

      Three cheers and a Grand Huzzah! for anyone willing to take it on. You will be awarded the nation’s highest video honor, The Iron Bladder with Crossed Legs and Oak Leaf Clusters if you watch it straight through.

  2. You know, if you don’t want to watch a 3 hour podcast, then don’t. I’m not certain why you think it merits a declaration to the world. Fridman’s interviews are long. It’s what he does.

    FWIW, the first hour or so was recorded post the Hamas attack, two days after the original interview.

    1. Sorry. I just thought there was something specific you wanted to share, and I didn’t have the time to watch all the way through it. By all means, post away. I love your site, I just thought I was missing something.

    2. Kate – I just can’t do cc for much more than about a half-hour. Then my eyes just plain give out. I am partially blind because 25% of my central vision in both eyes had to be lasered out. My computer has been on mute for the 4 years I’ve had it other than about an hour all told for several songs I knew and could hear enough to bring back some memories and enjoyment. Do note also that the Radio in my car has been out since 2016 and I’ve never bothered to fix it.

      I know some people put those long interviews on higher volume and then go about their business much like having a radio talk show on in the background. I can’t. I have to have my eyes glued to the cc, and when there’s no cc I almost always pass. And I don’t generally comment on the video; maybe comment on some comment such as I did here.

      Again, I apologize for being flip. I forget that what’s normal for me is not normal for 99% of your readers.

      However, I do stand by my opinion that anyone who watched the interview straight through, no breaks, deserves the Iron Bladder medal. It takes one tough cookie to do that.

      Will I screw up again? Heck yeah! I’m a bit irrepressible. But I promise to try to make it a different cockup.

    3. I should like to declare to the world that I don’t want to watch a 3 hour podcast. While I’m at it, I’d also like to give a detailed account of my recent bowel movements. Allow me to set up the audio-visual displays…

  3. The Middle East….what seems like a lifetime ago I believed, fervently, in the Bush Doctrine. Now I have much more cynical but realistic view, after taking up the hobby of OSINT and learning the truth about events.

    The Middle East “policy” of the west (mostly the USA) was built on a mountain of lies fed to the public, and resulted in a trail of rubble, ashes, blood and human deprivation. In Libya, in Yemen, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria. Lies about WMDs, lies about “moderate rebels”, lies about gas attacks and a never ending stream of weapons to our favourite head hackers. And the people who orchestrate this live in tony DC neighborhoods and toast their accomplishments at wine and cheese parties on a Saturday night.

  4. Jared Kushner and Hunter Biden are on separate planets.

    *First hour of this is interesting enough, though no real revelations, it’s good to see who was advising President Donald J. Trump. As opposed to who was skimming cash and hooker’s favors while high on a variety of substances, and while lying to the FBI (well, and lying to everyone on the planet really). in order to gain access to firearms.

  5. Hamas “militants”. They coldly and systematically killed innocent babies, woman and children. They are Nazi murderers not “militants”.

  6. Have relation that did several tours in iraq & afghanistan.
    Asked him his thoughts. He summed it by telling me it was not
    unusual to pass a vehicle on the highway.
    In the vehicle would be the husband….shotgun seat would be a goat…
    in the truck bed would be the wife & kids.
    And we are going to change what???
