34 Replies to “Mademoiselle Epaulette”

  1. Maybe this FILTHY LIBERAL is just a Crossdresser.
    What a Narcissistic Fool.
    The Shirt looked better on that little Queer President that dances around in Stilettos and plastic tights. You know, the one that looks like a Greasy Strip Joint Manager, ONLY SHORTER.

    This FILTHY Bish

  2. Do you suppose that outfit is what Juthin suggested she wear when they got dressed this morning?

    1. It’s her turn to play the man this week.

      Keep an eye open for Justin’s eye makeup, false eyebrows and dancing costumes this week.

  3. Busy girl.
    Pull off the tick and throw on , well…
    autistic Cartier and she’s been up all night.
    Tooth chips from the Magic Wand® and a Devil-May-Care dew finish that lovely put away wet look… Eeesh.

  4. If Trudeau can pretend he knows what he is doing…..then this ditz can pretend to be an officer in the military…who forgot to put her rank on in the morning.
    (Hey Melanie….you forgot the slip ons)

  5. They had trouble airlifting the PM out of India; I would be looking for other options if I were there.

  6. Is she enamoured with Zelinsky? Did she “do it” with Zelinsky? Nosey rumour-makers want to know 🙂

  7. These are not serious people. I fear for our country. The leadership is completely incompetent. It’s like being lead by a bunch of adolescents.

      1. Canadians ARE adolescents. Robert Kagan’s “Of Paradise and Power” notes that one of the effects the US defence umbrella has been to infantilize the European political culture because like spoiled children, they don’t need to think about existential survival, martial virtue, etc., and can frolic in a supposed post-historical world, adopt a whole series of “luxury beliefs”, idly-moralize, etc. etc. The EXACT SAME THING also applies to Canadians.

        Maybe even more so.

  8. War is an appropriate time for a new outfit.

    Maybe she can get some of that Zelensky cash thrown her way.

  9. She – and Sophie Gregoire – both remind me of the typical “Pepper babe” you see crying outside of bars in Montreal or Hull, etc., when they’ve had a bit to drink at night and are VERY upset with something their boyfriend said or did. Whatever level of education or sophistication she has attemoted to acquire, the Pepper babe remains, at heart, an emotional, childlike creature.

  10. The guy does not understand the position of the Canadian so called government.
    It is not to do good, it is a performance in drama, bad one as it is.
    A show that includes ruining the country.
    Those that are doing the destruction in drama are fine so shut up Jack.

  11. Well, the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government thinks that their low polling numbers are due to an inadequate communications strategy. Their answer to that is to play dressup, photo ops, empty promises, symbolic gestures, melodramatic speeches, etc. Their usual superficial governing style that we’ve all grown to despise.

    1. Where do you think she got the dress, Hudson?

      You can bet she didn’t have anything like that hanging in her closet. Navy, black, blue, gray, red, a few pastels for Spring? Sure. But olive drab? No way José.

      “Hey boss. What should I wear for the press conference on our Israel response?”

      [Checks his closet] “Here. Wear this. It always makes me feel so military-like.”

      Show of hands. How many , guys’ wives out there have an olive drab, vaguely military cut dress hanging in their closet?

      Direct to women: How many of you have such a dress?

      I’m gonna guess vanishingly close to zero.

  12. What’s with the “airlift out of Israel” bit? That sound dramatic and all sort of military-ish.

    Are they going to charter a couple of passenger planes and fly Canadians out? That’s all fine and good, but it just doesn’t have that breathless sense of fleeing the eminent death nipping at their heels when you say, “airlift out of Israel.”

    And what Canadian Military Air Transport are they planning on using anyway? Oh, I see. The CAF does have 4 of these. That ought to do the trick.


    Or just call a reputable travel company, GI Joly. They can arrange transport just like for any other large tour group. This will be a little more challenging, but hey, those travel agents are pros.

    I’m not one to criticize how people look or dress (I’m an ugly old slob), but I would advise Joly to wear an olive drab t-shirt, camo cargo pants, and high lace-up workboots if she wants to sell the military look. Zelinsky does it pretty well. That dress she is wearing just screams “I’m not really military, but I play one on TV.”
