64 Replies to “October 12, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. Looks like Potatoführer’s propaganda machine jumped the gun before they formed the official narrative and declare Hamas attack on Israel a fake:

    Wagner trained a lot of the terrorists on Belarusian soil, among the killed in the initial attack are: Libyans, Syrians and Lebanese. Unconfirmed reports suggest that there is at least one captured terrorist in Israeli hands that claimed to have been trained by Wagners. Training also took place in Kaliningrad area. Polish and Lithuanian intel agencies have been warning about their presence for more than a year, although they were fearing the attack would be aimed against them and not Israel.

    1. This is supposed to be “Reader Tips”, not “What The Voices In Colonialista’s Head Are Telling Him Today”.

      1. Watch it. He has a highly developed ability for funny names and he knows people are forgetting about Ukraine.
        I bet I’m a buttercup now.

          1. Ugh this is about Belarus and russia training Hamas not about US funding Ukraine shortbus. Either way, context is a mystery word to russians and their low IQ supporters. They’re at the “end of the rope” as far as the already approved funding. More funding will come with the next approval.

        1. “Watch it. He has a highly developed ability for funny names and he knows people are forgetting about Ukraine.
          I bet I’m a buttercup now.”

          No, you’re “Chrissie”, Paul is “Pauline” and I’m “Freddie from BBC”. I’m thinking he’s a self-loathing homosexual on top of all his other obvious issues.

    1. The Ruϟϟischeschweinen Black Arse, sorry, Black Sea, Fleet is now hiding in Novorossiysk. Hiding from the attacks of Ukraine, a country that has practically no Navy of its own. I wonder where they would be hiding in the event of an actual war with NATO (which, according to them is already happening)… I can only think of one place – underwater.

      Still, the Ruϟϟischeschweinen population will continue thinking they have a glorious naval history (and so will schweinie-lovers in places like this one).

        1. … in the proudest tradition of the 2nd Pacific Squadron.

          Was russian navy ever not an utter clusterf***? Or is that beyond them? Certainly is in modern era. Orcs don’t float.

      1. I would say Hamas outsmarted Mossad on this one; maybe with a little help from General Incompetence and Major Hubris.

  2. Don’t believe anything currently on the internet.
    It’s all manipulation…same shit, different day…from trying to get the Pope to say Canadians genocides of Indigenous Babies…people are so easy to manipulate a response from…this still is Trudeauland and CBC runs it.

  3. Wait until you guys see what can be done with ai image creation. Over the last few weeks Bing image creator has been used to make insane memes on 4chan. The most impressive ones were Blair which styled photograph looking images of Biden in a hospital gown in the woods chasing various attractive young women. They looked very believable. I generated several of Trudeau welcoming a waffen ss general in full regalia in parliament with a standing ovation. We’re probably less than a year away from a open source version of this with no censoring on what you can create and video is next.

    Anyway unfortunately Bing’s model has now learned exactly every single way to get around it’s content filters making it useless.

  4. One Nisam Siddiqui — at one time a senior advisor in Trudeau’s PCO — made coarse antisemitic remarks over the weekend, engendered calls for his firing:

    The poor sap was already in the doghouse three years ago for similar remarks three years ago. So he was transferred from the Privy Council Office to Fishersies and Oceans Canads — the federal government’s equivalent to Siberia.

    That’s Nisam Siddiqui, not Nissan Siddiqui.

      1. I live in New Brunswick, where LeBlanc is the federal porkbarrel dispenser. He shows up for pork-related photo ops in the yokel-local newscasts. Not pleasant.

  5. John Ivison this morning explains why free world nations are leaving unserious Canada out of confabs:

    In the op-ed, Ivison mentions that the G7 nations left Canada out of a letter denouncing Hamas’s outlandish atrocities. I had channel-surfed onto the CBC News network yesterday, where when that point came up, one head said something to the effect that “It’s not that big a deal, since Canada has already made its position clear to the world”.

  6. I’m from Pittsburgh, same as actor-comedian Joe Flaherty of SCTV’s Chiller Monster Horror Theatre:

    As the Wiki link says, midway through the article, Mr. Flaherty took his gag from Chiller Theater which ran on a local Pittsburch station in the 1960s and 1970s. That Chiller Theater consisted of two black-and-white movies, almost arrays cheap sci-fi or horror movies that ran from 11:30 pm to 3 am on early Sunday mornings. As a kid and a teen, I used to sneak into the living room to watch both flicks, if I didn’t fall asleep first. “The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms” was my favorite.
    The running gag about Count Floyd complaining about the film nor going scary actually happened. The station broadcast Mexican-made horror films on two successive Saturday nights — ridiculously cheap and non-scary. Viewers phoned in complaining about not being frightened — this at say 2 am — and the host said as much during the show.

  7. German police withheld photo of alleged Black rapist for 11 months, and he’s still at large

    Looming disaster for German government? Majority of Germans want early elections, cite mass migration as single biggest issue

  8. Blinken: “And yet, at the same time that we’ve been shocked by the depravity of Hamas, we’ve also been inspired by the bravery of Israel’s citizens. The grandfather who drove over an hour to a kibbutz under siege armed only with a pistol and rescued his kids and grandkids,”

    So pistols are alright even though Joe says a shotgun is sufficient? Too bad we can’t have pistols in Canada.

