Our Long Weekend Is More Important Than Your Crisis

The Line- The government tried to spin us about Israel, and we have proof

Over the weekend, as Canadians in Israel tried to contact the Canadian embassy in Tel Aviv, they found it was closed and found no help. Reports of this spread over social media; The Line has directly spoken to several people over social media or by telephone with such stories. These were people who were either in Israel or outside of it but needed help getting a loved one back to Canada. They were unable to reach anyone at the embassy.

23 Replies to “Our Long Weekend Is More Important Than Your Crisis”

  1. “government” will repeatedly tell you that in times of crisis, you are on your own for the first 72 hours, and there won’t be any help coming until at least that long…

    why should this crisis be any different?

    If you think you are going to be in an area where you might need to be rescued, invest in a plan from https://www.globalrescue.com/personal/travelservices/

    1. The government channeled the ghost of Marie Antoinette and said “Let them eat lead”.

  2. Don’t worry, when Lebanon goads Israel into war there will be free vacations to Canada for 100,000 Canadian passports in Lebanon that haven’t seen Canada since the last war.

  3. Not surprised. Years ago I had to go to the Cdn Embassy in the Haig. Went up on a Friday from Eindhoven and they were closed due to a Dutch holiday. Came back Monday and they were closed due to a Canadian holiday. Canada is a joke and under our current leadership I am embarrassed to call myself a Canadian.

  4. “Operational” could also mean while the civilian staff of the embassy were off on their long-weekend–the military personnel and “spooks” (that are embedded in the Embassy) were sending info back to Canada on very secure communications informing the military and high-level GAC directors as to what was going down in real-time. And perhaps the civilian lines of communications were kept open so that they were available to the military personnel and spooks should the secure means of communications be taken out. Furthermore, perhaps civilian staff were told to stay away so that they did not “get in the way” of intelligence and security operations whilst trying to calm people calling from Canada looking for their relatives, etc. Just saying…

  5. Who’d-a-thunk the Palestinian terrorists didn’t observe Canadian Thanksgiving. Go figure. Diversity. Strength. Yadda yadda.

  6. No one is questioning that the Embassy was operational. All embassies are operational if they have staff on the ground who can be contacted by the Canadian government and its departments whenever required. The problem is that the Embassy was closed, which means that Canadian citizens trying to get themselves and/or their families out of harms way were unable to contact the one organization in Israel who were supposedly there to help them. As soon as the attack was known, the Embassy phone lines should have been activated and staff should have been called in to provide a physical presence to serve the taxpayers that provide the money for their salaries and benefits. This is a failure of the leadership in the Embassy and the government in Ottawa, and cannot be spun or disregarded by semantics. This needs to be pursued, and those who were negligent held accountable.

    1. RLP, “This is a failure of the leadership in the Embassy and the government in Ottawa, ”

      You are real late to the party bud. You only noticed this “failure of leadership”now?

      I started to notice around 2015……

  7. I won this belt bucket at the Calgary Stampede, I’m from the government I’m here to help, I was just helping that sheep get over the fence.

  8. Scoop?


    The embassy was closed for a long weekend. Is that standard operation procedure? It probably is. The problem is, war broke out on the weekend. The staff had dispersed.

    Canadians who wanted to get out of Israel found air travel had already been canceled. They turned to their embassy and found out it was closed.

    This is a non Matt Gurney story. It’s no scoop reporting that the government,instead of saying the embassy closes on weekends chose to spin.

    Government is never the answer. Surprise.

    1. “The problem is, war broke out on the weekend. The staff had dispersed.”

      So, when in Israel, do as the Israeli security forces do (did).

  9. GI Joly was getting her hair done and was picking out a new military costume.
    Just like Mr. Dressup who is spanking her.
    Canada has a cosplay government.
    What’s next, furries?

  10. If they did get through to the embassy, what did they think it was going to do? It’s not like they have the resources to evacuate people.

  11. This is the vainglorious poseur Gurney going off as if he had a real scoop.

    What really happened that is worth his thousand words?

    1. The embassy closes on the weekend.
    2. The government spun the story.

    Where do we go from here…

    1. abtrapper
      Standard protocols dictate that one competent person is ALWAYS on duty at an embassy , and that person has the authority to call others into “work” if necessary.

  12. Gym

    The place was closed according to reports. Maybe a competent staffer was working remotely? I dunno.

    Apparently when you called you got a recorded message. Sounds like it was closed for the weekend.
