Thursday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Visiting the border.  A Biden group supports Hamas.  Trading land for peace.  Joe Biden’s speeches.  A flood of migrants.  The White House is complicit in the destruction of Israel.  A warning to America.  Your morning meme.

Global Warming Scam News:  The offshore wind farm catastrophe.  A tin ear presidency.  Justin thinks climate change is harming the rights of women, but doesn’t mention Islam.  Our Lady of the Holy Climate Change.

Today In Islam:  Happy Muslims (JW).  Diversity is our strength in Britain (JW).  Campus hate groups.

Blackie’s Canada:  Save the sacred spotted owl.  Socialist Calgary to vote on forced anti-racism training.  Western University trains anti-racists.  MPP pretends to apologize.  Justin is still hiding in the NWT.  How much is this trip costing us?  Global Affairs Barbie is a busy woman.  Leftist church wants a boycott of Israel.

China Virus News:  Staying healthy in a post-vax world.

10 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. No word on Calgary Council requiring them to undergo ethics training…

    I wonder what would happen if the government took away all the powers of the cities and forced them to do only the things that they should be doing, like making sure the roads are smooth, and the water and sewage system works…

  2. As usual, the worst environmental disasters in the world are the result of government policy.

  3. How is it that the United Church is called a church.
    From this perspective, it is a socialist social club with fascist tendencies, where God is an irrelevant nuisance.

    One supposes that it can be said the United Church is a socialist/fascist ideology akin to religion.

    1. Agreed Vito. The United “church” ceased to be a church decades ago. The majority of its clergy are atheists! It is nothing more than a politicized radical far left social club.

  4. Not mentioned in the headlines for today is this piece from
    The Red Star

    So while Trudeau is removing guns from citizens in Canada and the Democrats are still trying to restrict gun ownership and negate the 2nd. Amendment, Israel is advancing a program to arm all of its citizens. I wonder why that is? sarc!

  5. If you apply logic to global wind and weather patterns, I think we are only scratching the surface on what massive wind farms do to weather patterns. But eco zealots and finance wizards will point fingers and it will be blamed on automobiles, oil, carbon and the general population…
    But let California do the offshore windfarm first. I’m sure thousands of tons of steel, concrete and vibration (which travels more efficiently through water) won’t have any effect on seismic activity.
