7 Replies to “Up Is Down, Dry Is Wet”

  1. “They must, for if they can no longer persuade their citizens to behave a certain way, then they must force them to do so… at the point of a gun… which is, perhaps, the point.”

    “They” may try to force Americans at the point of a gun. They may even temporarily succeed in a lot of urban areas. 30-50 million lives later, we will find out the final answer.

  2. Can you blame us?
    The constant barrage of manipulation including a new holiday based on fabrication…you choose as it’s not easy to say no…to our governments as they punishment everyone not on their narrative perspectives.

  3. From observation one can say that more than half of the population could not care less about anything but free stuff.
    The rest can tell them what’s going on and it’s like throwing peas against a wall.
    Happened last Sunday.
    Asking about supporting their argument with sources, they can’t.
    And that is where we are.

  4. A recent poll out of Nova Scotia via “Do you support the war in Ukraine” and 66 percent stated NO. Global governments are ignoring the will of the majority, we see it day by day, they do not care that they govern without the consent of the people.

  5. When you are proven to be willing to lie to further your narrative,why are you surprised when no one believes your words?
    When all our “helpers” are meddlesome idiots who either lie or are so stupid they believe their own BS,we can only judge their intent by their actions.
    And their actions say?
    Fire them all.
    Force them to pay back every penny of wages and pension plans they have received…
    Then “reward” them..
    Trust is earned.
    Distrust is also.

    All these creatures of The Parasitic Overload,have they earned your trust?
