“Hamas does not represent the Palestinians”

you will hear this a lot in the next few days.

So here’s a reminder from former President Jimmy Carter:

“On election day, Rosalynn and I visited 25 polling sites, in East Jerusalem and its outskirts, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jericho. It seemed obvious to us and other observers that the election was orderly and peaceful and that there was a clear preference for Hamas candidates even in historically strong Fatah communities. Even so, we were all surprised at the enormity of the Hamas victory.

They won such a clear majority of parliamentary seats (76 of 132 members) that the Fatah government immediately announced their resignation.”

Hamas plainly state their goal: to eradicate Israel in violent means. Their Palestinian voters understand this well. Hamas proceeded a year later, 2007, to murder all their opposition in Gaza, literally throw them off the rooftops, massacre *Palestinians* from opposition parties in the streets.

The writing was on the wall. In blood.

109 Replies to ““Hamas does not represent the Palestinians””

  1. Unfortunately, I see a massive amount of deaths and casualties by Israel’s upcoming Military Actions.
    And if Israel isn’t flattened to prevent this…

    I feel sorry for the people trapped in this conflict situation.
    I have no alliances to any situation by what propaganda and opinions are generated over the decades.
    Just the senseless loss of life for no reason that makes sense.

    1. And every death there can and must be attributed to Hamas!
      It must be somewhat of a challenge to maintain some semblance of neutrality given the events of not only last weekend but of the ongoing hatred exhibited by those surrounding Israel.

      1. There is NO such thing as moral equivalency … there is RIGHT and WRONG. Sorry … I know it is “liberating” to escape the “rules” of “religious people” … but those rules are written in our DNA … religion has only co-opted our natural inborn instincts. We all know EXACTLY what is truth and what is bullshit. Hamas is utter bullshit.

    2. I see a massive amount of deaths and casualties by Hamas’ Military Actions.
      There, fixed that for you.

      1. I see a massive number of deaths and casualties by Hamas’ Military Actions.
        There, fixed that for you.

    3. You say “If Israel isn’t flattened to prevent this”. Don’t you see that Hamas are the evil killers here who started this whole damn mess? I guess you sympathize with Hamas killing Jews, but God forbid the Jews kill those evil bastards who are literally threatening and planning to kill every Jew!

      1. I think what Jojo is trying to say is that any life lost is tragic. In some ways, I sympathize, but I can’t wrap my head around the barbarism that I witnessed on Oct 7. The inexplicable, sheer HATRED, that is GLORIFIED AND CELEBRATED by Hamas, the Palestinians, and their supporters… BOGGLES THE MIND!
        There may be those in Gaza that have been horrified by the events of Oct 7, but I can’t find any.

        So I counter with this idiom… “If you live by the sword, you SHALL DIE by the sword!” I have no sympathy for evil acts of barbarism and genocide. The people of Gaza must wake up, and join the rest of us in civilization, or perish under the Sword of God’s wrath. It still isn’t too late. Gaza can rebel and throw the evil of Hamas away from it’s midst. They must join with Israel to eradicate and neutralize Hamas, not only for the sake of civilization, but for their own survival.

          1. Ooooopsie JoJo you have failed a purity test with a reasoned argument. Jacobins are in full force tonight. You were one of them once, now your head will roll.

  2. And don’t forget ‘innocent civilians’ who must be protected at all costs leading up to years long wars benefitting weapons manufacturers, bankers and those sending millions in untracable humanitarian aid.

      1. “The Nakba: Five Palestinian towns massacred 75 years ago”

        Absolute PROPAGANDA with little basis in reality.

    1. Poor Huggies, he had so much fun being one of the boys cheering for Pootin’s genocide, his friends in the grand orc centipede did not even care he is a koranimal. Out of favor I am afraid. You have always been disposable to them Huggies.

      But I’ll give you credit: at least unlike many others here, you are consistent in your support for enemies of civilization. No worries, Pootin still got your back.

      1. What in the heck are you talking about? Jezz lay off the drugs.
        By the way, When are you going to join the armed forces in Ukraine?

        I did my time in combat, now it’s your turn big mouth!

        1. “What in the heck are you talking about?”

          It is ok, don’t worry about keeping up. Just keep repeating the same tired lines as if they mattered.

  3. Their population has enabled Hamas. That is why they keep winning elections, and that is why they, too, are complicit. “Elections have consequences”, right?

    People are whining that Israel cut of their water and electricity. Well boo-f***ing hoo; why would ANYONE be expected to pay the utilities of someone that threatens to kill you horribly and then makes good on that threat?

    1. As with most Palestinian elections it was “one man, one vote, one time” same as Fatah in the West Bank

    2. “Their population has enabled Hamas. That is why they keep winning elections, and that is why they, too, are complicit. “Elections have consequences”, right?”

      Actually they only had the one election, and Hamas has denied any opportunity for another.

      That said, by the look of the cheering throngs of people in Gaza openly celebrating the massacre of men, women and children in a surprise attack on Israeli civilians, I’d say that they probably deserve everything that is coming to them. When their children are throwing things and spitting at the hostages as they are paraded by like cattle as their parents *beam with pride*, I’m going to say either drive them all out of Gaza by giving any ‘civilians’ a chance to leave (to Egypt or the West Bank), then flatten Gaza completely. Use bunker busters on all the tunnels the IDF can identify, move in and take it all back. The experiment of ‘giving up land for peace’ has clearly failed. I have also have the feeling that Israel will not be swayed or deterred by accusations of “genocide!” this time, either. Hamas has made a fatal miscalculation, and the few who survive will realize what a horrible mistake it was to record their atrocities for the entire world to see.

  4. Which books does Hamas cite as being central to their religion?
    Which books does the Iranian regime cite?
    Which books does ISIS cite?
    Which books does Saudi Arabia cite?
    Which books did the Ottomans and present day Turks cite?
    Which books?

    ok … it is all the same steaming pile.

    I wouldn’t cite Jimmy Carter as being an expert in elections after his idiotic Venezuela performance. Clearly the left feels he’s the expert though, and this post suits well…

    Hamas is simply more devout

    Why, after decades of aid being given, is Gaza not like Singapore?

    Perhaps in a few days Hamas will teach the rest of the Palestinians how to drink their own pee so they haven’t all collapsed by next Wednesday?

    1. Because they are pawns in the game the Arab and Muslims nations play to destroy Israel. Their motto “from the river to the sea” says it all. It does not include a nation for the Jews but only dead ones.
      There are still huge “refugee” camps in Gaza because the Arab and Muslim world wants there to be. A two state solution is not in their plans and so it will never happen. Peace can only be a temporary halt in jihad until they are strong enough to continue the attacks.

    2. Gaza had greenhouses that were transferred to the Palestinian Authority when Israel decamped in 2005, paid for by American Jews ($14 million)… they lasted less than a week, until the locals looted and destroyed them

      1. Lets see, the EU gave the Pals a millions of dollars to install water pipes, but instead they used it for rockets.

        But blame Israel instead.

    3. “Why, after decades of aid being given, is Gaza not like Singapore? ”

      Yassir Arafat died a billionaire, and the new leadership is no different.

      If I were Israel, I would quietly contact the counties that are harboring those terrorist leaders (and allowing them to live in luxury while the Gazans suffer) and apologize in advance for any collateral damage that may be caused by *missile strikes* to eliminate them. You harbor terrorists, you pay the price.

      1. Yes. They should be taking out every one of them in other countries. If you’re hosting a terrorist you are a terrorist.
        Take them out like they did the PLO scum who committed the Munich massacre.

        1. “Take them out like they did the PLO scum who committed the Munich massacre.”

          Exactly like that, yes.

  5. This is something I’ve been yelling at my radio for a few days now. Hamas was democratically elected by a majority of Palestinians.

    1. Yes, but they have never been given a second kick at the cat. Oppose Hamas and you end up flying from a rooftop. That does not mean “Palestinians” are free of guilt for the electing a fanatical and murderous regime. They just have put peace and prosperity ahead of the sick fantasy of cleansing the Middle East of non-Muslims.

      1. “Yes, but they have never been given a second kick at the cat.”

        I’m going to assume you meant to say “can” here…

        (we like cats…;)

    2. No, a plurality of voters, 43% of votes got 56% of seats.
      Like Doug Ford, 41% of votes got 67% of seats.

  6. I make no false equivalency because I’m not retarded.
    “Oh the poor women and children!”
    The women do what they’re told from smuggling to loading magazines and they sire the children who become Hamas or Hamas supporters.
    The Jews need to show every Arab and Persian and Moslem in the world what the word annihilation means.
    Once and for all time the talk of extinguishing Israel needs to be something none will dare think, let alone utter.

      1. Frank that is what will happen. Israel doesn’t care about international opinion really. Unlike the so called civilized countries it will actually deal with it problems in a rather final way.
        Gaza will be emptied of human life.
        The army will then proceed block by block to search and destroy remnants
        It will then be bulldozed completely and utterly. They will not care about casualties.
        Then next year condos and homes will be built there and Israeli families will be picnicking on the beach.
        All who stay will die. All who leave will be subjected to the tender mercies of fatah on the West Bank.
        This is the fate of gaza.

        1. I don’t think Israel doesn’t care at all about international opinion, but Israel does know what is more important and more urgent.

          1. “I don’t think Israel doesn’t care at all about international opinion, but Israel does know what is more important and more urgent.”

            Absolutely. Especially since every other time they have had to fight this same battle they have eventually succumbed to international pressure and moderated their attacks to be more ‘proportional’, then (too) quickly agreed to ceasefires. This time will be different. This time they will not stop until the job is finished, and to hell with the naysayers (the shameless hypocrites who never have to face such barbarity and brutality in their own countries, do they?).

  7. Sadly, the universities in the US and Canada need to be purged. All programs that are called “studies” need to be ended and all professors brainwashing the students need to be dismissed. As for the students, never mind Jordan Peterson, we are seeing where the deprogramming needs to occur.

    1. I can’t remember the source, just the quote: “Any [university] program that ends in the word ‘Studies’ is the abode of charlatans.”

  8. Speaking of Carter I wonder if we’ll see another oil embargo. That’ll throw some sand in the gears.

    1. High and rising US production could’ve helped counter that, but Biden put an end to that wherever he could. He’s also been draining the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (now only 17 days’ worth, and at a low enough level that it may cause permanent damage to the salt caverns) . By law, it’s for national strategic emergencies. Low poll numbers for Biden due to rising gas prices isn’t a US national emergency. It’s a Democratic Party emergency. That alone is reason for impeachment.

  9. Hamas was elected by Palestinians. Period.
    The response for all those braying “omg poor Gaza” should be evidence of what Hamas did.
    From a comment this morning here on SDA:

    “The one Global news item on youtube Monday pleaded the question over a scene of a distraught Gazan woman in a hijab, “Where is the Humanity?” It’s right where your brothers left it last Saturday, bitch.”

    US already advising Israel not to be disproportionate in response. But after what Hamas did, what would be “disproportionate” from Israel? Nuclear bomb?

    IDF should make Gaza the best parking lot in the world.

  10. The people hosting the holocaust perpetrators are the designated victims by the greater Jihad. Their victimhood is what brings in all the western funding and “tears”. They must submit to the greater cause. Toxic tribalism.

      1. Psssssssss. You forgot this part.

        Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government.

        What a fool.

      2. “How Israel Made Gaza The World’s Biggest Prison”


        Hey, they *did* try to give it back to Egypt…but Egypt refused. They would love to have the land itself, but want nothing to do with the ‘Palestinians’ that would come with it. They obviously learned from the experiences of Jordan and Lebanon before them.

        I suppose Israel should not have created Gaza in the first place, and just driven the ‘Palestinians’ out entirely. Or maybe the IDF should have gone back in after the first rockets were launched from Gaza into civilian areas in Israel *in violation of the peace agreement* and drove them out then. Would that have made you happier?

      3. Unme also forgot that Gaza meets Egypt at the south end and it too is walled off. Even their fellow Arabs don’t want them.

  11. Just like the Nazis were elected in Germany, Hamas was elected in Gaza. There are consequences to elections. The people voted for perpetual war. Line up to die. You made your choices. Sucks to be you.

    1. In 1933 Nazis got 44% of vote (largest %) and 45% of seats and needed a coalition with the conservative party to get over 50%; arrested or put into hiding the communists so majority was in practice larger.

      In 2006 Hamas got a plurality of voters (43%) but a majority of seats (56%) and then went about eliminating the opposition which was like what the Nazis did.

      Just like in Germany once the Nazis made it a one party state, one would not get very far in Gaza today speaking ill of Hamas.

    2. Or like Mohamed Morsi of the Moslem Brotherhood. The Presstitutes always added “Egypt’s only democratically elected president” after he was booted by the military. Some life-forms are a special kind of stupid.

  12. I think the telling mark is that none of the Arab/Muslim nations are willing to open up their borders to allow Palestinian refugees to reside there. Israel has decided to highlight that fact for the entire world to see by making Gaza inhospitable for them.

    It’s going to be interesting which left leaning head of state politician in the western world wants to commit political suicide and welcome these refugees into their country. Normally, I’d say that the EU, Canada and the US were a no-brainer. But, Hamas over did it with their acts of murder, rape etc. So, my advice is to keep your eyes on the media releases. The first western nation that tries to convince you that the acts of Hamas are embellished and hyperbole will be their new residence.

    1. Orson
      none of the Arab/Muslim nations are willing to open up their borders to allow Palestinian refugees

      Simple, they don’t like the Pals either.

      1. They’ve always been a useful tool to the Arab world (one you keep in your “garage” and not in your “house). And, considering the isolation the Palestinians have lived in, I suppose a 45% consanguinity rate (that’s inbreeding, folks) shouldn’t be surprising. Although, it does help explain some of the behavior (but, doesn’t excuse it).

      2. “Simple, they don’t like the Pals either.”

        Yes, because they have seen firsthand what happens when you welcome ‘Palestinians’ into your own country.

    2. Jordan does have 2-3 million residing there.
      Egypt controlled Gaza until 1967 6-day war but never allowed free movement of people. Israel decided to keep it after that war and when they tired of it Egypt was smart enough to not take it back.

      1. The Palestinians in Jordan are, basically, a result of Jordan annexing the land back in the late 40’s. They’ve actually been integrated into society. But, I’d bet my house that Jordan doesn’t want anything to do with present day Palestinian refugees.

  13. Progressives only care about Palestiinians when they can use them to blame the Jews\Israel.
    When it is hamas killing Palestinians, the MSM and grievance studies professors couldn’t give a shit. The progs ultimately agree that hamas can do no wrong. BBC cannot even call em terrorists.

    But I would respectfully encourage people to not paint Palestinians as “100% in lockstep” with Hamas. Any more than “Canadians are in lockstep with Trudeau”. Less than 30% of Canadians support the Liberal Party\the Dauphin. Many of those people have buyers remorse. Other Canadians are simply brainwashed from the cbc, etc. And while those 30% are a part of the problem, the solution isnt so straightforward. If you and I can barely get rid of Trudeau, after EVERYTHING he has done … can we really dump on he Palis for not getting their leaders in line?

    hamas is ISIS. They inflict the same horrors on the Palis as they do on Israelis. Maybe mass Palestinian casualties are unavoidable to destroy hamm-ass.. but just give it some thought.


      1. You’re idiot with zero reading comprehension if THAT’S your understanding of what Eagle wrote and what he linked to.

  14. “You voted for it, sucks to be you, just deal with it” how would you like that same logic applied to Trudeau?

    Im not siding with Hamas in any way, they deserve the wrath of God but to say everyone in Gaza deserves death isn’t right

    1. Only 38% or so of Canadians voted for Trudeau. 100% of so-called Palestinians voted for either Hamas or Fatah. So there’s that.

      1. It’s actually only 33% voted for Trudeau but it was 95% of Canadians who voted for Trudeau/Singh/O’Toole/Blanchet/Paul, so there’s that.

    2. “Im not siding with Hamas in any way, they deserve the wrath of God but to say everyone in Gaza deserves death isn’t right”


      Everyone in Gaza *who supports Hamas* deserves death, though.

    3. No, they deserve the wrath of Israelis and all of them are responsible.
      Gaza needs to be razed and to never see a Palestinian resident ever again.

  15. Being long in the tooth I remember the furur and consternation this caused back in the day.


    I fear now that I may live to see the Seine, Thames, and the Mississippi foam red. If you don’t think it could happen then you are purposefully sinking your head in the sand. The last time we collectively thought that such an enormous calamity couldn’t happen in an advanced country Germany proved otherwise. Hitler, Himmler. and Eichmann did not act by themselves, there were thousands of Germans that participated in the Final Solution. Now look at the state of affairs in Western cities from Paris and London to Sydney, thousands of volunteers all ready to take up the cudgel of oppression and we, in our magnanimous compassion, are turning a blind eye to what is happening.

    The Democrats in their zeal to maintain power were quick to judge the participants of the J6 protest as insurrectionists, how will these protestors in America, and indeed across the globe, that advocate for annhilation of Jews be treated? There-in lies the question!

  16. “A billboard truck drove near Harvard’s campus Wednesday displaying the names and photos of Harvard students whose organizations signed a statement blaming solely Israel for the deadly attacks by Hamas.”


    “Some students and their groups have since distanced themselves or withdrawn their endorsements from the statement amid an intense backlash inside and outside of Harvard. Several said they did not read the statement before they signed it.”

    Too late for stupid.

  17. Hagar’s link:

    //The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood,
    has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from. [..]The idea was to prevent Abbas —
    or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government —
    from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state //

    Initially the Iraeli regime fostered Hamas as a counter to Fatah. The election referred to was pushed by
    the U.S. and others but the Israelis didn’t want it.
    When Hamas won they immediately imposed the seige, which continues to this day.

    They did foster a coup but it failed and the Palestinian supporters had to leave Gaza.
    So Hamas became the only game in town.

    1. “//The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood,
      has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from. ”

      Then he deserves to be removed from office. AFTER the IDF eradicates Hamas.

    1. Hey unDORK

      They should let me run that war, Napalm in the morning, Napalm in the night, and Napalm every day till they git it rite, get it rite!
      New song for you Hagar…erm unDORK

    2. Hey Un-dork.
      If this group had any proof. Why not show the people who have been burned.

    1. Notice something around his neck. Yeah he’s someone we should listen too.

      My God, you will fall for anything.

        1. That’s because you’re really stupid:

          Daug=ray=Colonialidiot=many other names

          UnMe and I don’t like each other much and have been fighting long before you came here (were you even here before orcs invaded Ukraine? I don’t think so). UnMe has been right about russia and that is probably all I can recall that I agreed with him on. That and cops actually.

          1. Another comment by you. That make ZERO sense.

            I think Kate keeps you around for the laughs.

  18. To repeat myself:

    The funny thing is, before World War One, it was all the Ottoman Empire.

    In 1922 Egypt was created.

    In 1946 Jordan was created out of 78% of what was originally mandated by the League of Nations, and handed over to Britain, what was called the Mandate of Palestine, which was by law to become the Jewish “national home” or country. This was to appease the Arab population who wanted no Jews, even those Jewish families who had lived there for generations.

    In 1948 when Egypt and Jordan invaded the newly created country of Israel, and Egypt illegally seized Gaza, and Jordan illegally seized Samaria and Judea (the West Bank) in their attempts to seize all of the territory for themselves, the people of those seized area called themselves, Egyptians and Jordanians. Jordan destroyed almost every synagogue in the seized territory, and imported their people into the area, in violation of international law over the issue of what an aggressor who has seized territory can or cannot do with that territory.

    In 1964 as part of a Soviet propaganda campaign Egypt and the KGB created the Palestinian Liberation Organization, headed up by Cairo born Yassar Arafat, who had been in the Egyptian army, and starting claiming a false history in that area.

    It was only after the 1967 war with Israel seizing both of those “disputed territories” from Egypt and Jordan, that suddenly those people started calling themselves “Palestinians” as part of a Soviet Union, KGB propaganda campaign, to claim those people had a history there.

    There has never been a country called Palestine, only an ill-defined area, renamed after the long gone Phillistines by the Romans conquerers as an insult to the Jews.

    On November 26, 1981, King Hessein bin Talal of Jordan, (the father of the present king, King Abdulla), stated for the Arab language newspaper A-Hahar al-Arabia: “the truth is Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan”.

    This is not about politics, it is about Islam, and its claims that any territory ever seized, even momentarily, by a Muslim, forever remains the territory of the Islamic Umma. Some still make that claim over Spain and other parts of Europe.

    1. “It was only after the 1967 war with Israel seizing both of those “disputed territories” from Egypt and Jordan, that suddenly those people started calling themselves “Palestinians” as part of a Soviet Union, KGB propaganda campaign, to claim those people had a history there.”

      And this needs to hammered into every Paleosimian defender’s head. When Egypt held Gaza and Jordan held West Bank nobody was creating Palestine. There is no such thing as “Palestinians” those are Egyptians or Jordanians without Egyptian and Jordanian passports. FETE.

  19. “you will hear this a lot in the next few days.”

    Ugh yeah you will, for example:

    “More than 2 million people live there. Far from all of them support Hamas by the way, far from all. ” ~ Vova Pootin (today).

  20. As Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris so eloquently put it in WW II: “They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.”

  21. Michael Kinsley is credited with saying that a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth.

    Carter used the word “enormity” when he meant “magnitude”. Although enormity can be used to describe the size of something, the primary definition is “an outrageous, improper, vicious, or immoral act”. He accidentally stumbled on exactly the right word to describe electing a terrorist group to govern you
