29 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

    1. Long before earnings announcement DC insiders were notified to take profits, roll it into treasuries, and wait for the next wet market release.

  1. Meanwhile BC STILL mandates the vaxx for healthcare workers and now mandates new employees get boooooooosted. All the while the chief idiot herr henry admits the clot shot prevents infection for only 3 months. That claim is of course complete bs. The clot shot doesn’t prevent infection at all. Circle that wagon though. Current employees only needed 2 clot shots that last 3 months apparently and new employees need 1 booster that only lasts 3 months and that’s it. Of course no “reporter” has ever asked this idiot to explain this logic.

    1. Not Herr, Frau. Other than that, spot on. Did you mention that the ‘Invitation’ software has been a total cock-up?
      Neighbors around me are all excited about getting their boosters; that’s what happens when your sole source of info is the MSM. I just smile and keep my mouth shut.

      1. The medical costs of caring for those that took the shots is climbing. I have noticed more people with coughs and cold symptoms this time of year than prior to the clot shots. Some are actually saying they have “covid” even though the tests have been proven to be bogus.

  2. Let’s hope it goes to zero. Then the scientist can go find jobs in companies actually interested in finding therapeutic treatment for human disease.

    1. I think just about everyone gets hit on this one. The two biggest investors of Pfizer are Blackrock and VanGuard (about $27 Billion between them)….which is likely a portion of just about everyone’s portfolio these days.

      I have a bigger interest is finding out which of the 30+ US House and Senate politicians holding Pfizer stock sold their piece prior to this afternoon’s announcement of earnings revisal.

    1. Screw Pfizer and make it hard and dry.
      I have heard that Pfizer’s Covid ‘concoctions’ are causing massive injury and death.
      Seems as though they are part of the global population reduction scheme promoted by the WEF and Bill Gates and millions of naive leftist clowns.

  3. When your business is selling poison, you shouldn’t be overly surprised by a dwindling supply of repeat customers.

    1. Its a demanding business to run, because poisoners are the most interesting murderers as Theodore Dalrymple wrote.

  4. Ironically, the Pfizer animal division has fairly recently released a new arthritis drug which gives cats (and perhaps dogs) a new lease on life. Injected monthly (or maybe even every six weeks), the drugs transforms the old moggie dragging around the house to a furball roaring up the stairs. The change is such that one vet I know had been known to warn that one of the side effects is “hooliganism”.

    1. Friend’s 14 yrs old, large breed dog gets these now.
      They certainly do work, he went from barely able to mope around, to wouldn’t leave me alone, last time I was there!

  5. Lets see the vax was found to be contaminated with SV40 DNA fragments in the billions, which was associated with the cancer scandal in the polio vaccine of the 1960s. SV40 promoter has the potential to integrate into the nucleus of the cell making it a spike protein factory; which is again cytotoxic.
    The independent researchers are Kevin McKernan, formerly of the Human Genome Project; Phillip Buckhaults PhD Univ of SC, Prof Murakami, Tokyo Univ of Science, & Prof Brigitte König, Univ of Leipzig.
    The latter finding concentration of DNA fragments ~200-350X above acceptable norms.
    SV40 is associated with a host of at least 24 cancers, with about a dozen representing brain cancers.
    DNA fragments in the presence of mRNA has the risk of genome integration, and hence oncogenesis.
    If you’ve had any shots don’t get any more! That would include the flu shots & any of the mRNA shots they are currently still flogging.
    Load up on vitamin D3 & C with magnesium as an immune system buffer.

    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  6. The comments on this ZH piece are worth reading as well IMHO.
    One comment introduced me to new terminology, “Sleeve-Rollers”
    A nice word play on Holy Rollers.
    “The term Holy Roller has always been considered derogatory and is meant to be offensive.”

  7. Or is this the plan?
    When the criminal behaviour is proven and the “protection from liability” dropped.there will be no Pfizer to be held accountable..
    “Sorry they went bankrupt” We are numbered company xx3,sure we contain all the same people,but that liability is on Pfizer..not us..
    “All those bribes to politicians?
    That was the other Pfizer..

  8. OLA amigos
    Despite 6 jabs of the magic toxin, neighbour’s wife is in ICU with the Vid and doesn’t look good.
    Effin PFizer Shysters, Liars and Murderers.
    Talking about you Bonnie, Dix.

    1. Sad…
      time for Dr. Bonnie Hitler and her boss Comrade Dix to give themselves another raise.
      Theyve earned it… quite an impressive body count theyre racking up…
      The BCNDP make Hamas look like amateurs. Scum of the Earth.
