Scope 3 emissions? What on earth is that?

Dr. Tammy Nemeth has been warning about this in her recent podcasts, and now the head of the TSX is doing the same. Small-cap companies not ready for climate disclosure rules: TMX Group CEO. Start counting those Scope 3 emissions, folks.

Along those lines, if they can’t protest you to extinction, they’ll litigate you. Greenpeace files securities complaint against Suncor over climate risk disclosures. 

If I take part in #protests, can I claim some sort of journalist protection, too? RCMP dispute photojournalist’s account of arrest while covering pipeline protest  

Hey, wasn’t this the guy behind the Kesytone Pipeline projects in the first place? TC Energy names former CEO Hal Kvisle as chair of new liquids pipeline spinoff.

And from the day before, Exxon buys Pioneer Natural for $59.5 billion. And here’s what it could mean for Canada. Isn’t that something like three times Canada’s entire defence budget?

Oh, and a University of Calgary prof is taking tactics out of a U of R prof’s handbook (I don’t think it’s the Communist Manifesto, but I could be wrong). Academic report calls for public inquiry into Alberta Energy Regulator. (The U of R prof sued her own university a while back, and yet is still employed.)

In Pipeline Online’s neverending quest to let the public know exactly what our federal government & Steven Guilbeault is telling us about climate change, here is a verbatim, unfiltered press release from Oct. 12 regarding the carbon tax in New Brunswick.

And our favourite minister, Steven Guilbeault, announced “Canada’s Circular Economy month in October.” Except instead of doing so on the 1st of the month, he did it on the 12. Maybe circular months have no beginning, no end. Think of Groundhog Day, with Steven Guilbeault telling us every day, forever, how we are horrible people…

16 Replies to “Scope 3 emissions? What on earth is that?”

  1. All Suncor has to do with Greenpeace is demand they show proof human generated CO2 is warming the planet at all.
    Prove CO2 emissions are harming the planet at all.
    They won’t be able to as there is none.

    1. Except, it’s not greenpeace that will be investigating and suing, it will be whatever security regulator they complained to, with the full power of the state behind them.

  2. Canada should have a defence budget of at least 2% of the nearly $2 trillion GDP, Instead it’s near to 1.3% of GDP at $37 billion
    In “these times” +2% should be a minimum.

    Canada cheats at that figure too, including pension funding as part of defence spending, and the NATO promise is to spend 20% of the 2% GDP figure on equipment, and it’s currently closer to 10%

    Canada hasn’t met the NATO standard of 2% since Brian Mulroney was PM in 1988 +/-

    Still, a $59.5 Billion is a large spend, and I’m not complaining on that

  3. All of these problems start with a fundamental, demonstrably false, pseudoscientific statement that “carbon dioxide is pollution”. There are never any facts presented in simple format by the government to bolster their claim, only the claim itself. Stephan Guilbault is an ideologue, and probably can’t even comprehend the nature of the claim itself, but that does not stop him from lecturing those of us with science degrees (in my case, applied science or engineering) as if his statements are all completely factual and without dispute when, in point of fact, they are constantly changing as scientific discovery proceeds and reality is investigated. Science requires a measure of humility and that is almost completely foreign to political interests who are out to drive the country into debt and destroy its foundation. Passing egregious tax measures because you printed too much money and can’t afford to keep the lights on anymore is a poor response to political and scientific ignorance writ large. It smacks of arrogance, and narcissism, not stewardship and servanthood.

  4. the small caps should all use the same statement:

    “Since climate is an non-linear chaotic system, with thousands of potential variables, our effect on the climate is unknowable, and incalculable, we don’t expect to have any measurable effect on the climate with out $50 million out of a $2 trillion dollar economy. Using basic math, our revenue represents 0.0025% of canada’s economic activity, which is alleged to be 2% of worldwide man made emissions, where man made emissions represents 3% of total emissions”

    Of course, the climate cultists would never accepts such a statement

  5. “And our favourite minister, Steven Guilbeault, announced “Canada’s Circular Economy month in October.” Except instead of doing so on the 1st of the month, he did it on the 12.”

    – Sorta’ kinda’ reminds me of Lyin’ Brian. I remember his last term, during which he announced that the focus of the term would be ‘Science and Technology; restoring Canada’s place at the head of the world’s expertise’ or some such twaddle. It was cynically noted that he waited until halfway through the term to announce this, and as part of the announcement he stated that his government was not going to provide any funds or effort toward this – industry would have to provide it all.

    Thanks, Brian – and Steve. “If we had some ham we could have ham and eggs, if we had some eggs…”

  6. DO NOT TRUST what comes out of the TSX !!!!

    TSX is only buying time for the GUYS that own them. TSX is owned by the “TMX Group” which is owned by “Maple Group Acquisition Corporation” which includes:

    Alberta Investment Management Corporation
    Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
    Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
    CIBC World Markets Inc.
    Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.)
    National Bank Financial Inc.
    Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board
    Scotia Capital Inc.
    TD Securities Inc.

    Maple Group / TMX own:
    TSX Venture Exchange
    Montreal Exchange
    Boston Options Exchange

    Here is the Maple Group with McKenna :
    G7 Investors Unite on Global Initiatives?

    1. Funny, “Maple Group Acquisition Corporation” isn’t listed as a top institutional holder of TMX Group… and you can buy some shares in it to… it’s only $30 a share right now

      1. Maple Group is a PRIVATE holding company for companies it owns which happens to own TMX Group, which in turn owns ALL the major stock exchanges in Canada. Its a Monopoly.

        The shares you buy in TMX helps to fund these guys:

        “original Maple shareholder” means each of the AIMCo, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, Canada
        Pension Plan Investment Board, CIBC World Markets Inc., Desjardins Financial Corporation, Dundee
        Capital Markets Inc., Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.), The Manufacturers Life
        Insurance Company, National Bank Financial & Co. Inc., National Bank Financial Inc., Ontario Teachers’
        Pension Plan Board, Scotia Capital Inc., and TD Securities Inc.;

        The Biggest & Richest pensions for the Politicians & Public are ponzis and are some of the biggest owners of Private capital … AND PRIVATIZED public services which include: water, hydro, lotteries, health care, daycare, toll roads , airports, etc (OTPP is the owner of the biggest Private Daycare in the World. In Canada, taxpayers are subsidizing them)

  7. Climate disclosure is a justification to hire non productive employees to tabulate and report trivial emissions and then engage predatory consultants to advise companies on these reports. Of course, government will have to employ more non productive drones to review the reports and devise more hurdles. It’s a plan for employment of immigrants that we don’t need.

    1. Kind of like DEI. A worthless exercise. Most of these types of “jobs” were created to employ those who got worthless university degrees and who are otherwise unemployable.

    1. Good, nothing like telling your competitors what your future company policies are under the guise of this regimes climate policies.

  8. Greenpeace is a terrorist organization, and is run by the same people pushing the anti-scientific lie of anthropogenic global warming. But they make a convenient smokescreen for the POS’s behind the curtain to make it appear as though a group “of the people” is leading the charge.

    In a sane world where the people actually ruled themselves (rather than being slaves under the delusion that they do) Greenpeace would be outlawed, and any members or those funding it would be rightfully imprisoned.
