41 Replies to “Its Not Just The College Kids”

  1. Of course the queers support Palestine. Only by blotting out the Name of God can they make it socially acceptable to rape children.

    More generally, the ruling classes of the Nations, governments, court intellectuals, owners of businesses bigger than a family farm, are all more or less openly anti-Semitic.

    Who, they ask, is the God of some Middle Eastern tribe of no account that we, the crown of creation, should fear Him and keep his Commandments? By all means tolerate whatever foolish beliefs the simple want to believe, as long as we can use them to make money or they’re a useful distraction while we do whatever we think best. A God Whose Law binds US? That God’s Name must be blotted out, and His followers with him.

    While Israel survives, the rulers of the Nations can never be satisfied that God does not exist and that everything is permitted if you are wealthy and powerful enough to get away with it—and that they will never be held accountable no matter how much they indulge their depravity. So they will persecute Israel and her God until the Messiah comes.

        1. I think the people who post here are a pretty Godless group overall, but most have the sense not to invoke the opinion of a God they don’t think about much otherwise.

      1. I don’t darken the door of my Lutheran church … because last time I did, they found it important to invite a Gay Seminarian to give his testimony claiming God was OK with his homosexuality … and all you repressed, uptight, white suburbanites should be too! At which point 85% of the church gave him a standing ovation. I sat and stared.

        I have no doubt that same church is “praying for peace” in the Middle East tomorrow morning. Praying that the Israelis will see the error of their outmoded thinking they should have a Nation on the lands of their forefathers. Oh! And to just STOP their genocide against the noble, brave, Palestinian people.

        1. It isn’t much different in any of the mainstream denominations. The more ‘progressive’ will spend more time denouncing Israeli response than condemning Hamas barbarism.

  2. I think it’s simply the trendy thing to do.

    Face tattoo, nose ring, gay sex, hate Trump, hate Jews. The list goes on and on

    1. Yup. Pretty much.

      The missing link in human evolution isn’t simian, it’s ovine.

    2. Being trendy is definitely a factor, but why is it trendy? I think a significant influence is the infuriating way to many people like to reduce complex issues to a crude binary.

      We’re all guilty of that to some degree. We weigh what we know and don’t know and decide what we can live with and what we can’t. For instance, Israel is not entirely blameless for stoking tensions. They have a significant faction who are zionist supremacists (for want of a better term), who have long been keen on pushing new settlements into contested areas and advocating the destruction of muslim holy sites to restore Jewish holy sites. Basically going out of their way to stir the pot. All that said, they’re not targeting civilians for slaughter and parading their trophies, so I favor Israel by default, but am not blind to its mistakes.

      But many reduce it further, to cartoonish simplicity. Which I think stems from marxist victim ideology. Everything is oppressor and oppressed, and the oppressed are always the good guys, full stop. Ergo, nothing Palestinians (or Ukrainians, or any other perceived underdog) do or have done warrants serious criticism. Decapitated babies? Drag their rape victims through the street? They’re oppressed, so it’s not really their fault, their oppressor left them no other choice, so it’s not really a crime.

      All of this rationalization is after the fact, of course. Oppressor or oppressed? Once they decide that, they start cherrypicking/dismissing facts to support their position.

  3. Ever notice its never “Palestine For Queers”? Don’t these fools realize that they be tossed off a building roof if the Pals were even given half the chance?

        1. He may be popular with the muzzies but not so much with Catholics. That commie has driven more away from the Catholic church than Martin Luther.


      1. Or as Steely Dan responded to Lennon’s Imagine … “Only a Fool Would Say That”. No wonder they’re my favorite band.

        Imagine your face,
        there in his place
        Standing inside his brown shoes

    1. That makes me smile. Useless snots are finally learnig the meaning of “you reap what you sow” and “actions have consequences”. All of the socialist antisemite pr!cks would be first to cheer when castreau froze the bank accounts of Joe Sixpack who tossed $50 at the Freedom Convoy truckers.

      Fück them. Harder please.


  4. The queer lobby doesn’t know when to STFU.

    They’ve pushed the envelope over top dead center and don’t recognize the quiet majority who tolerate their antics have started to push back.

    Queers for Palestine will do harm to the homosexualist movement.

    The world has been shocked to its core by the atrocities committed by Hamas. Siding with the butcher’s isn’t smart.

    1. Siding with the butcher’s isn’t smart. Especially when you’re a chicken sh*te that lives in Mummy’s basement, works as a barrista and only eats plastic wrapped pablum.

    1. Says the turkey praying that Christmas will come sooner. 🙂
      1st St Nicolaas Army
      Army Group True North
