100 Replies to “October 14, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. “Putin said there had been calls even in the United States for a blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on a par with “the siege of Leningrad during World War II.”

    “In my view it is unacceptable,” Putin told reporters at a summit in Kyrgyzstan. “More than 2 million people live there. Far from all of them support Hamas by the way, far from all. ”


    Can’t wait for the howler brigade to digest this one

    1. “….Israel does not believe Russia was connected to the attack in any way….”

      “Accusations of Russia’s involvement in the recent Hamas attack on Israel have been vehemently dismissed by Israel’s ambassador to Russia, Alexander Ben Zvi. In an interview with Kommersant, Ben Zvi described the allegations as “complete nonsense.” The ambassador emphasized that Israel does not believe Russia was connected to the attack in any way, and expressed confidence in the continued support of the United States for Israel.”


      1. Yes, he is a disciplined diplomat who is not authorized to say anything else. Russia and Belarus still trained Hamas and still imported more mooselimbs to Poland’s borders. Russia needs to be eliminated.

        Also nice deflection. Again: Pootin compares Israel to Nazis. Let that sink in.

        1. @Colonista

          Ah right, regardless of what any official say’s is true is not true, unless it supports your truth. LOL.

          So looking at your original post, where does Putin actually call Israel “Nazi’s” again? Can’t seem to find it, other than comparing a massive assault against a populated city reminiscent of the siege of Leningrad. Seems sort of fitting from an operational level, regardless of whether Nazi’s were involved or not. He could or should have probably used another example, but I’m sure his audiance is Russian and I suspect that they would understand something closer to home better. Bearing in mind that both the Russian’s and Jews have a shared history of Nazi aggression It does make a point to Jews as well.

          Also, what you forgot to mention was Putin’s context for the statement which was:

          “In my view it is unacceptable,” Putin told reporters at a summit in Kyrgyzstan. “More than 2 million people live there. Far from all of them support Hamas by the way, far from all. But all of them have to suffer, including women and children. Of course it’s hard for anyone to agree with this.”

          Also not mentioned by you was Putin’s further statement:

          “Putin said, however, that Israel had the right to defend itself after being subjected to “an attack unprecedented in its cruelty.”

          So like any bigot with an agenda you will claim that my comments are there to support Putin, which in fact they are not. My comments are there to show how a bigot will subvert statements and their intended context in attempt to push a genocidal mindset that supports war.

          1. Yes, I know you’re a demagogue. Putin still compared Israel to Nazis. I gave you the link, you will continue inventing false context to have your beloved thug portrayed in good light. He claimed that siege of Gaza will be like the siege of Leningrad, that it would be unacceptable and that not all Paleosimians support Hamas “far from it” he said. All standard Paleosimian clichés. And yes, he said Israel has a right to exist boohoo, an obligatory leftist boiler plate. A right to exist and accept rabid animals willing to kill them as their neighbors. They can defend themselves but not “excessively” or “disproportionally”. Same relationship as civilized Central Europe existing next to russia.

            And yes your comments are 100% supportive of Pootin. You want exactly what he wants. So you are supportive of him. Your alleged (fake) intentions are irrelevant. You’re among the worst pieces of excrement as you’re not even russian and you willingly side with them. A traitor to civilization serving the most revolting scum out of personal vendetta against imagined threats. And you love him, you love the idea of him humiliating Western World. You cheer for him and you are willing to sentence millions of Ukrainians to russification and gulag to get there.

          2. I gave you the link…….

            “…Israel does not believe Russia was connected to the attack in any way….” – Ben Zvi

      1. I enjoy watching you morons squirm when the words of you beloved orcs are thrown back at your snouts.

  2. Here’s an article with an interesting video I found when I followed a link today on SDA.

    It’s about a Gen-Z guy that was seeing things as hopeless, but then decided to do what he could with what little he had. He quit bitching (sort of) and got busy. It’s not much, but I found myself admiring his effort to do something, yeah, just a little something, instead of wallowing in self-pity.

    Just one small step. Maybe it will lead to another step. I dunno, but I find myself rooting for the guy.


    1. Owning nothing, while carrying massive debt taken on to finance an (often useless) college education is obviously a disastrous circumstance; but this is the route the majority of our offspring have been encouraged to pursue. My eldest grandchild is brilliant, and driven, and her senior year of college is going to cost ~ $4,000. She will graduate with zero debt. So a college education can still be obtained affordably, but one must be sufficiently motivated to investigate the options.

      1. Yah, but… the kid got off his ass, so there’s that ;o)

        P.S. Same for my kid. Left college with ZERO debt. Not even so much as a credit card balance. (Ha! Didn’t have a credit card in school. All cash.) He left school with a Bachelor of Science. No ‘Studies’ for him. First job in his field was a bit tough to land. It took about 8 months to find a starter slot. After that, 20+ years, and he’s never been without work in his field, and he has had a few move-ups.

        We are blessed. There’s nothing we can buy him that we can afford. Well, if I could afford a Lambo… nahhh, I’m keepin’ it. He’s not getting it :o)

        Congrats to your granddaughter. That’s how you do it right. Smart girl. Comes from knowing how to pick your grandparents wisely ;o)

        1. H.R., it’s great to hear about your son’s success. The smart kids are still around! The granddaughter is waaaay smarter than me, but that’s how evolution is supposed to work! Anyway her father is one of the hardest working people I’ve ever known, and all three of the grands got exposed to his monster work – ethic. All credit goes to him and my daughter.

          1. @roaddog – The Protestant Work Ethic, which built the ‘New World’, started to get pooh-poohed by the commie parasites starting around the ’70s, “Turn on. Tune in. Drop out.”

            The regressives hate the strong work ethic and any self-reliance. So, they denigrate anyone who doesn’t sit on their ass in their 10 x 10 living quarters waiting for their government handouts. Except they don’t tell that bit of truth. The regressives sell it as utopian cradle-to-grave FREE care courtesy of “The Gummint”.

            The work ethic: It ain’t dead yet, as per our discussion of the kids. Whenever I see a young’un that is obviously determined to make it on their own efforts, I do what I can to encourage them to keep on pluggin’. They will get there (success) if they willing to work for it.

    1. Walter Cronkite read what he was told to read.

      Be he did prove the truth of that saying:

      “If you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it made.”
      ~George Burns

    1. How many of these duplicate mail in ballots were actually used? It wouldn’t be hard to find out.

      1. “How many of these duplicate mail in ballots were actually used? It wouldn’t be hard to find out.”

        It would be impossible, since people like you would disallow any investigation then claim that there was no fraud because no one produced any evidence of it.

    1. roaddog – Yes but besides the 4,243 emails between then-Vice President Joe and Hunter Biden, another 1,751 emails between Joe and Jim, 19,335 emails between Joe and Hunter’s private equity firm Rosemont Seneca, and 3,738 emails between Joe and Jim’s Chinese-communist party connected consulting firm Lion Hall Group, when did Joe Biden ever have anything to do with his son’s or brother’s businesses?

        1. Robert – Literal interpretation is a Dem staple. Biden must be taking cues from Clinton “I never had (vahinal) sex with that woman “. If they exchanged 29,000 emails, chances are pretty good they chatted from time to time.

    2. roaddog

      Dumocrats will say, “Yes, but emails are not discussions. Discussions would be verbal.”

  3. Pierre Poilievre says Trudeau violate Canadians constitutional rights to develop their natural resources and because he blocked LNG exports, he and Singh allowed Qatar to export LNG to Europe instead of us, and Qatar uses their windfall to support Hamas violence.


      1. Paul – a friend who analyzes such things told me in 2020 there would be a mini boom in Alberta from 2022 to 2027. So far he’s right. This decision should help.

        And no, I didn’t invest in Alberta real estate to cash in on this prediction.

  4. I think man’s default position is one of violence towards his fellow man. We have thousands of years of history showing just that.

    1. The first tools were weapons, VOWG. Look at any picture of a primitive just making contact with civilisation, they are all armed to the teeth. Clubs, spears, knives, bows & arrows, etc.

      The study of Amazonian tribes showed that the biggest fear of a group was not snakes or Pumas, but ambush.

      1. Same in New Guinea right into the 21st century. The tribe in each of the hundreds of valleys was regularly head-hunting in the neighbouring valley.

        1. The Japanese found out how “unwelcoming” the tribes in New Guinea were. In typical Imperial Japan style, they mistreated the locals, including women. Then they found out about blood feuds and what happens when you get on the shit list of these tribes.

  5. Anti-white leftists humiliated in Aussie “Voice” referendum. With 70% of the vote counted, the NO side has 59.7%. NO is winning in every state, and even in the 25% Aborigine Northern Territory. Only in the ACT (Canberra) is the YES side winning.

    And in New Zealand the centre-right coalition has won their national election, kicking Ardern’s party to the curb. Leftist tears are flowing today Down Under.

    1. Stateless – someone should keep track of such deaths. I think this will be a trend. A global trend but especially in Europe and blue states.

    1. The old joke from Regina or Edmonton was that the girls in the office go out to the pub for lunch on Friday, and come back all giggly. “We met a couple of MLA’s, and they tried to pick us up! Then they said they were going to caucus! But then they just went off to some meeting.”

        1. If you’re referring to adult males ages 17 to 30 dressed head to toe in black, yes I noticed that too.
          Hamas is leaving.

  6. Questions asked:

    1) (thru Instapundit) Bob Menendez is being charged as a foreign agent — so why not Hunter Biden?

    2) – Why do I ask so many stupid questions?

  7. A million dollars for a memorial to what!?

    But it looks like the city has gotten a lot of things wrong and may also be engaged in an act of fraud.

    According to the Canadian Criminal Code on fraud, Section 380 (1):

    Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service:

    The penalty is 14 years in jail.

    The City of Calgary project document states 215 children were found in Kamloops. This is untrue. No children were found. No graves have been confirmed. There is only a Ground Penetrating Radar assessment of ‘disturbances’ which could be anything.

    Thus, what is being memorialized?

    The entire premise of the memorial relies upon claims children went missing at Indian Residential Schools. Unlike in places such as Argentina or Guatemala, where actual family members were abducted by military or para-military forces and ‘disappeared,’ that did not happen in Canada.

    Thousands of archival documents show the names of the children on their admission enrolment form, in most cases voluntarily signed by their parents, and pre-admittance medical exams.

    In the sad cases of the 423 children who died at Indian Residential Schools (over 113 years), there are death certificates showing the cause of death and burial location, whether on reserve or in a community graveyard…
