28 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims”

  1. He makes an interesting point. Historically he’s correct. Jordan, for example, did not have a problem with Islamic extremism after it liquidated the PLO in Jordan in 1970-71. It should be noted that Jordan has NEVER demanded the return of the West Bank the way Syria demanded the return of Golan and Egypt wanted the return of Sinai. Jordan knew it was getting rid of a host of troublemakers and problems in letting Israel keep the West Bank. Egypt was getting rid of a host of problems when it declined to take back Gaza.

    But thanks to a host of Liberal dimwits, we took them on as our responsibility, let them into our countries and let them organize themselves into criminal terrorist gangs.

    1. “But thanks to a host of Liberal dimwits,…..”

      Aka – Globalist Liberal dimwits, along with their supporters.

      1. Correction “Uniparty Dimwits” which includes supporters with a little R beside their names. The Globalist Libs don’t work alone. Notice how they have joined in unison to encourage WW3


    2. And worse … let them organize themselves into voting blocs that have put PURE EVIL into our Congress by the names of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib and others. “Moderate Muslim” ghettos are spread throughout America. We will eventually be going door-to-door in urban warfare … just like the IDF

        1. Uggh … your infection of the body politic is even worse than ours. Enjoy your sharia law and child brides

  2. Frances biggest problem?

    France? A few people need to roll down their windows and check out the geography some time.

    “Why did you let them in to begin with?”

    Now we’re getting to the crux of the “biggest problem”, everything else is a symptom.

    1. I see numerous MSM reader comments asking why Egypt closed the Gaza Strip border…..this guy sums (some/most of) it up.

  3. As someone once said, a radical Muslim wants to chop off your head, a moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to chop off your head.

  4. I’m so tired of all these pundits, none of whom tell the truth. The problem is Islam. Period. Nothing short of total surrender will appease their bloodthirsty Moon god and his crazy followers. They don’t care a whit for so-called Palestinians. They just want to kill all the Jews and take over the entire world. Disagree? Try asking them. They’ll tell you.

    1. As I have suggested many times to many people, all they need do is read the koran and all will be revealed. A world wide caliphate is the goal and stupid westerners are making it possible.

  5. Thousands of Muslim savages are currently holding a rally in Mississauga. No word on any beheadings yet.

  6. “The French Ministry of Interior has deported 800+ extremists since 2017”.
    Only 800?? Therein is the problem. Perhaps 8,000 deported would make more sense.
    Or maybe 80,000 would make even more sense.

      1. Toronto Police 23 Division Const. Shumail Mian

        No pics on Shumail Mian.

        How would you feel having an interaction with either of them?

        How do you think a Jewish parent with their children would feel about having an interaction with either of them if they knew about these police officer’s public postings in support of a group that even the Canadian government has designated a terrorist group?

    1. Police forces seem to base their recruiting on meeting diversity quotas, but do they ever check on recruits’ jihadi histories? That last item might be a good idea before you hand them a government issued firearm.

  7. Old French Folk tale:

    There was once a silly farmer who left the door of his hen-house open and weasels got inside and started killing his chickens

    ” Mon Dieu, mon Dieu. Les belettes sont dans mon pouailler! I must cherchez un marteau and nail ze door fermez!

  8. Fwenchie has been forced to close the Louvre and the Versailles Palace because of muzzie threats.

    Islam terrorizing the Fwench

    1. But what about all the benefits of cultural enrichment?

      Think about that golden glow in French cities reflecting back down from the cloudy nights from all those warming carbeques.
