39 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. You can pick out intellectual superiors by their use of silly terms like ‘nomenclature hold-overs’.

  2. Yes Murray, apparently you were the only one. You probably signed Penn and Tellers petition to ban di-Hydrogen Oxide because it sounded nasty. Your profile says “Correspondent of war and peace”. I am concerned for your safety if you ever get to a war zone because a level of discernment would be required. You also stated “I never had a blue checkmark” but clearly you chose the blue pill.
    Good luck, you’ll need it.

  3. Speaking of nomenclature hold-overs: A couple years ago I was at a restaurant in New York with some potential clients. I was excusing myself to visit the restroom and my assistant asked what I would like to order should the waitress return before I did. I said, “Just not sea food.” She nodded and I went on my way. When I returned my assistant had a tense expression on her face.

    I asked her what what was up. Well, two of the potential clients happened to be Jewish. I didn’t know that, and it made no difference. BUT, what they heard me say to my assistant was thus:

    “Just Nazi food.” (which required some explaining to clear up the matter)

    Those damn nomenclature hold-overs strike again. 😀

  4. I’ve recently noticed a high correlation between tolerance for illicit drugs, and leftist leanings. Which explains lots of things I bet.

  5. Wanna blow his mind?

    Panzer short for Panzerkampfwagen.

    Shhh they’re even still in use on the Eastern Front.

  6. One would think a journalist would know a bit about a language and perhaps just a little about other languages.
    Luft is German for air
    waffe is German for weapon

    Luft waffe is German for “Air Weapon” or “Air Force”. What else should they be called?

    More on another German word/phrase:

    Der is German for The
    Fuhrer is German for Leader

    I think this, er, journalist regrets that or is surprised Germans are still speaking German simply because non-German speakers heard a few German words in the context of a very bad part of German history.

    Less than a minute with Google translate or even less with a German speaker…

  7. Make sure you all sign the Leslyn Lewis sponsored petition to exit the WHO. It’s e-4623, it started the day at 12,000 signatures, now up to 17,000 signatures (launched Oct 10, ends Feb 7).

  8. What? Is Murray Oliver trying to win journalism’s highest award “Numpty of The Year”?

    The competition for that one is tough.

    Pulitzer Prizes? Ha! They pass those out to jurinalists (Swedish pronunciation) like candy on Halloween.

      1. I told you the competition was stiff, David. Murray is going to have to up his game if he’s to have half a chance of winning the Numpty Prize.

    1. Lets see if this Schweinhund comprehends an insult?
      C in C
      1st St Nicolaas Army
      Army Group True North

  9. The RCAF used to bomb German civilians at night. I wonder if knows the RCAF still exists . . .
