Truth And Reconciliation

Normally, I oppose the prosecution of decades old “historical” sex offense charges as fundamentally unfair to the accused. But given the current culture of truth and “reconciliation”…

A First Nations leader and reconciliation spokesman in Saskatchewan has been accused of sex crimes dating back two decades.

Theodore (Ted) Quewezance, a residential school survivor and former chief of Keeseekoose First Nation, was scheduled to appear in Kamsack provincial court Tuesday charged with four historical sex offences.

Keeseekoose is a Saulteaux community in southeastern Saskatchewan, located about 20 km north of Kamsack.

Court documents obtained by APTN News show Quewezance is charged with single counts of sexual assault, touching a young person under the age of 16 for a sexual purpose, counselling a person under 16 to touch for a sexual purpose, and being in a position of trust while counselling a person under 16 years to touch for a sexual purpose.

The documents show the alleged offences involve a male victim who was a minor on Keeseekoose First Nation between September 1997 and September 2004.

h/t Kelly, who adds – The person in question also ran as a federal Liberal candidate in Yorkton-Melville

36 Replies to “Truth And Reconciliation”

  1. Normally, as a prospective juror, I would never convict anyone where the victim knew the perpetrator and did not report the crime on a timely basis after freedom from undue influence. But in this case the victim is an Indian and they never lie.

  2. Being a residential school survivor doesn’t he earn an automatic get out of jail card plus a an apology and blank cheque for the inconvenience?

    1. “Survivor” … of what? Mass murder by the Evil Christians? What an absurd pejorative term. The only one needing Salvation was this man’s victim(s) under the age of 16. I’d like to know HOW much UNDER the age of 16 this predator in Chief was plying?

      His predicted defense? He’ll claim his native peoples had no repressive “Christian” rules about sexually touching children … and that it is completely “natural” for grown men to fiddle about, fiddle about, with native kids. He’ll claim that was a LOT “healthier” than the repressive Residential schools.

      1. “Survivor” … of what? Mass murder by the Evil Christians? What an absurd pejorative term…”

        Ain’t it, though. How to debase a word and render it meaningless.

  3. Violence against Native women is primarily committed by fellow natives, but we are not allowed to discuss that fact.

  4. Kimberly Murray is a grifter looking for a paycheck.
    The reason First Nations want to suppress the truth and continue the lie that genocide happened is because of Trudeau and his virtue signalling BS by throwing hundreds of millions at them without any investigation. This is going into dangerous territory where First Nations are being pitted against non-indigenous based on out right lies.
    Most natives went voluntarily to Residential Schools. Some orphans, maybe not. Disease was the main killer. Yes I am sure there were transgressions, we are talking 150 years, 150,000 people. There is no evidence of outright mass murder and the mass graves they are claiming. there are no historical reports claiming thousands missing.
    The truth always comes out and it’s not going to be good for First Nations. The public may demand the end of the Indian Act/ Indian Affairs, etc.
    Residential Schools were a net positive for First Nations in most cases. It helped them move from a nomadic stone age culture to an industrial reality where reading, writing and language were a neccesity.

    1. My sister and I have discussed this repeatedly and have this comment – with the 500,000 new immigrants each year which the federal Liberal party want to bring to Canada, in 4 years, the indigenous population will be replaced. I do not think that real Indians from India or people from the Philipines or any other immigrant population could give a “rat’s ass” about the problems of Canada’s indigenous peoples.
      I try to treat everyone as I meet them, on their individual merits. But I am sick and tired of all the whining which is happening. As Coronation Street says “We all have a sad story, mine is that I have to listen to you!”

      1. Indeed. My sad story is that I have to $$ Pay Taxes to assuage someone’s guilt over someone’s sad stories.

    2. I wonder if Kimberly Murray (has passed a DNA test) or if not would consent to taking one –
      She looks awfully White in any pics I’ve seen –

    3. Ending the Indian Act would be the greatest gift we could give to First Nations.
      Allow property ownership on the reserves and end the kingdoms that the chiefs and their families have set up for themselves.
      Send the cheques for education and all dispersments directly to each family instead of allowing the band to get their hooks into it. There will be some who waste all their money and their children will suffer but there will be a percentage who actually care about their future and will work to become productive, successful Canadians.
      I can only hope that the responsible ones out number the bums.
      I’m not optimistic that after 100+ years of living under a band system guided by weapons grade corruption that the motiviation will be there for many to succeed in the new, un-corrupt system

  5. Our people have long endured the slings and arrows of you white guys getting in the way of the narrative. The Creator warned us.

  6. I read a few years ago that half of the sexual abuse at Residential Schools were perpetrated by fellow residents, maintaining a cycle of abuse originating at home. Another tidbit of information supporting the idea that the Residential Schools were an attempt at improving the lot of the apartheid warehoused (IRs) humanity under the Indian Act. The Indian Industry that has grown since is now fully engaged in grievance pimping and reinforcing / inverting apartheid instead of eliminating it and in which the Residential Schools and perceived alleged horrors are an effective prop.

    1. Try 100 percent. Have you heard any names bandied about that weren’t native? The accusing of the defenseless dead has got to stop. Accusing the “church” may win the hearts and minds of its haters but it won’t alter the truth – natives lie for money – much like liberals.

      How many taxpayer paid conferences where lies are recycled and the media repeat the lies have we to endure until someone bursts in and settles the score?

      The residential school story is a complete HOAX.

      End the indian act. Give them freedom.

  7. As with most everything, it’s all about politics. Libs use these things as a wedge issue, and the BIBLE pounders are too chicken shit to speak up, so they go along to get along, and look like they are compassionate .

  8. Frances Widdowson the fired tenured prof at MRU and author of ‘Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry’ has a quote in the book from a FN social worker (who is native) to this effect: ‘sexual abuse is widespread on the rez. If we arrested everyone who engaged in it there wouldn’t be anyone who isn’t in jail’.

    I’m paraphrasing as I’m too lazy to go and pick up the book but there are few on any rez that haven’t been sexually abused. It’s a rez dirty secret, and there are many.

    1. Well, “social workers” aren’t really great sources. Many will say anything to try to boost their ranks of unemployed “social science” types getting out of “university” and can’t get a job other than barista.

      1. Art
        Is that all you got out of the quote? A social worker was pumping his own tires?


      1. scar

        Anything goes on the rez. I think I related this story earlier this summer. I was up in the bush in NW Ontario and was talking to one of the rez locals. A good hard working guy.

        He lives with his first cousin as husband/wife. His wife was raped by her father when she was a young girl. She had her father’s kid.

        No consequences for her father.

        1. “He lives with his first cousin as husband/wife. His wife was raped by her father when she was a young girl. She had her father’s kid.”

          An ex-neighbor of mine was native, and adopted by a nice white doctor and his wife (during the “60s scoop”, as the natives call it when they are demanding money). She was heavily into ‘First Nations’ activist causes and constantly accusing others of racism. She really wanted to meet her birth parents, so she traveled to a reservation in Manitoba, thinking she would be welcomed. Wrong…they were drunks who pretty much shrugged their shoulders when she introduced herself, then asked her if she had any money. Very disappointing for her.

          (oh…plus she discovered that her dad was also her grandfather…)

          1. Same scenario for a former coworker. Both of her kids were native, adopted into her prosperous middle-class family. Although the daughter dearly loved her adoptive parents, she was always interested in meeting her birth family, sure they’d be thrilled to meet her. She was quickly disillusioned when she finally met them, to find out they weren’t interested in reuniting with a lost family member, rather in what she could do for them ($$$). Best thing that ever happened to that girl was getting adopted into a family that really loved her.

  9. They have been shown to be unable to learn anything the easy way.
    The only way to teach the left is to use their own shit against them at full force.
    If we agree that people should be cancelled they will also reflexively oppose it.

    You can’t argue with them because anyone who disagrees with them is a Bad Person and they don’t have to listen to Bad People.
    Their TV told them that.

  10. When they complain about “missing and murdered indigenous women” and who is responsible, always remember stories like these.
