We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

Don’t feed the crocodiles.

The demands by the left that we ‘fundamentally transform’ our society (do those words sound familiar?) into a carbon-neutral economy steps on a lot of rakes. There is Biden’s EPA chief, Joseph Goffman, who doesn’t know how much electricity the United States needs each year, the politicians who don’t realize that charging EVs requires about 90% of traditional grid electricity, and, of course, everyone’s favorite giggling vice president, who famously can’t even figure out how to charge an EV.

But maybe the biggest rake of all so far came recently from Kansas, where a coal-fired power plant that was slated for closure will now remain open because … it is needed to supply power to a brand new, $4 billion Panasonic EV battery factory just outside of Kansas City.

h/t Greg

9 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. Fast forward 20 years …

    Finally, everyone has an EV and the electricity grid is dead. So …. no soup for you.

  2. Truth in advertising,let us hold our progressive comrades to their own words.
    They want short miserable lives,let us help them.
    Gulags run on “renewable energy”…
    Life is too short to be ambushed by idiots.
    Banish them all.
    The fabulous new country of “Eco”,where the residents live what they preach..
    Coats Island Nunavut,is the perfect spot for this “Carbon Free” and “Zero Emission” Paradise.

  3. Politics has turned into a religious cult, were emotions trump logic, kind of like traditional religions.

      1. Only 10-20 percent of persons who now own & operate a vehicle for their own transportation purposes are intended to have an electric method of mobility. The rest of us will be relegated to 15 minute Municipalities or mandated to ride public transportation or bicycles. The current grid will not be able to provide for the massive increase required to support the transition to electric charging stations and existing domestic requirements. Beware of the WEF s Intention to enforce a new world reality on the worlds democracies, even though they are attempting to do it with the support of Justin Trudeau and 50 % of his cabinet and other supposed democracies. This is Communism in a $2,000 dollar suit.
