Rambling word salads

After listening to this fool trying to explain what she saw during the Ottawa protest, you have to come to the conclusion that the last place Tamara Lich and Chris Barber should be is in a courtroom being subjected to this circus. There’s a crucial difference between describing events that you actually saw as opposed to describing events that you imagined that you saw.

“I didn’t feel safe but it’s hard to describe it as unsafe at the same time…”

“…when they’re bouncing their trucks and their cars…..[long pause]…..I don’t know how to describe it other than roaring at us…like, roaring at me with these large giant vehicles…”

59 Replies to “Rambling word salads”

    1. These are FILTHY People.
      Gerald Massey — ‘They must find it difficult, those FILTHY People who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.
      These are the same Evil monsters that think Men can be Women or Cats.

    2. Not what I would call a reliable witness to anything. I would say … ignorant, liberal tart would be more accurate.

  1. This, young men, is someone you never ever want to date\court. Under any circumstances.

    Maybe that’s completely obvious to most, but I know too many Ottawa men who have “fallen in love” with women just like her. Lives completely destroyed, and they are still picking up the pieces.

      1. Who’s to say it’s not a man!! To be this delusional, hell – that’s the type of thinking that leads one to start chopping body parts off.

  2. This may sound callous but:
    I’m against victim impact statements even in murder trials. I figure the perp’s punishment should not be determined by the performances of the victims.

    Needless to say this is a joke trial in a joke country.
    Migawd, Tamara in leg irons?!?!

    1. Victim impact statements come after a verdict. This woman is testifying for the crown. So far not one witness has ever said they witnessed either defendant DO anything at all. They have no proof any of them committed mischief and no proof that either counselled mischief where no mischief occurred. The judge is pissed because her guilty verdict is going to be very, very hard to justify and she knows it.

  3. Notice she’s smiling the whole time. Maybe she she get herself a security blanket or something to calm herself down. Ottawa living does that to people.


    1. Either that or she’s dosed on Xanax or Vallium. You never hear anything rational from junkies.

  4. Everyone capable of accepting the truth came to that conclusion long ago. Their only crime was trying to save their country from itself. The people preferred to believe their rulers’ lies and distortions.

    Short of the coming of the Messiah it’s hard to imagine what will induce Gentile Canadians to see the truth. Even most Canadians who pretend to be Jews are willfully blind.

    The Nations prefer delusion to reality, falsehood to truth, and indulging their whims to pleasing the Lord. This is why they will always curse Israel and make common cause with her enemies.

    Another reason Kahane was right. The Nations are digging their own graves as fast as they can. Those who fear the Lord cannot stop them, just as Lot could not prevent the fall of Sodom. There is nothing for it but to return to the Land of Israel, never looking back, and helping to build a nation worth building

    Do not pray for Canada. Pray rather that the Messiah might come soon, and redeem those who fear the God of Israel, from the River Jordan to the ends of the earth.

  5. She’s a prime example of our current epoch. First we had the Age of Antiquity.
    Then we had the Age of Faith.
    This was followed by the Age of Reason (about 1650 or so),
    Then we had the Age of Science and Technology (starting about 1750 or so).
    Now we have the Age of Hurt Feelings. She’s as big a dimwit symbolizing this as Greta Thunberg or the global warming fanatic of your choice.

  6. Maybe the court should take a recess and go to BC and see what native blockade looks like or check out oil worksites where thousands of dollars of damage have been done by enviro terrorists. Maybe take a burnt church tour and see what real hate crimes look like.
    These pussys should be thanking the truckers for getting the stupid restrictions lifted and kiss their boots for providing all the uber eats while they huddled inside their flats listening to the fictitious daily death tolls provided by fear mongering politicians of all parties.

    1. Yes. I am embarrassed for Ottawans who look like a bunch of spoiled whiners. Not far from the truth I guess.

  7. She perfectly reflects our times.
    Beyond retard.
    And this is “Evidence from the Crown”?
    Time for these Black Robed Idiots to hang about in public spaces,by the neck .

    What has The Just Us System sunk to?
    How does any sane person get a trial by a jury of their peers,when this kind of idiocy is encouraged and promoted by the Crown?

    How does the tale spinning by this fool relate in any way to supporting charges of Public Mischief against the defendants?
    Surely such “testimony” is public mischief?
    And the Crown,in allowing such is engaged in abuse of process.

    So what the hell?
    Are the Just Us Slime out to convict,by first demonstrating Public Mischief done right?

    We all know they are super pissed at the Truckers for “Making them look like fools”.
    Except they never needed the Truckers for that.

    Oh yeah,has The Crown yet explained how perfectly legal public protest,became a crime after the event?

    1. If I recall, there was a young lady that lived close to the HOC and worked there and was somewhat upset at the trucks.
      And she was allegedly a CCP member.
      Is this her?
      Just curious.
      Thanks LindaL for your comment below.
      This youg lady is not on our side an should be deported immediately if not just disappeared!!

  8. Pfft, Gov doesn’t care, they live in bubble, rest are pions, to be ignored, vilified, and walked over. Simple Canuckistan fact.
    Get used to it or leave, cause, it likely won’t change folks.

  9. Every bit of her “evidence” should be struck from the record, since she had no first hand knowledge of what the defendants allegedly did

    /but this is kangaroo court, so not gonna happen

  10. From someone named Amy on X: “This girl was paid by China to shut down the foreign agent registry. She’s no victim! She was also on video put on the streets yelling at the protestors.”
    I also am convinced this woman is a Chinese agent. She was behind the court case to stop the honking — fine, it stopped, and currently she is spearheading a class action suit. There is no way she does this without a lot of backing, and in this case, from the Chinese government. I believe that the Chinese do not believe in public protests. The intention behind this trial is to discourage anyone from ever effectively protesting government policies again. I say effective, because small groups gather on Parliament Hills do not get much attention if the media does not support their cause. It is about time this woman is taken down for the phoney that she is. There is more here than meets the eye, and if Canada is to remain a legitimate democracy, we must dismiss all charges against Lich and Barber, as this is nothing but a politically motivated show trial.

    1. When this is over, Lich and Barber can write their books which will be made into a movie which will make them both rich.

      That’s justice,

  11. I think it was very foolish of the judge to allow this totally irrelevant testimony. Both today’s and the earlier ones from people in the area. It is all hearsay. Plus, this was not an organized movement — many hangers on. Lich and Barber cannot be blamed for everyone’s actions. Having said that, the vast majority of the protestors were well behaved and cooperative, even ensuring emergency lanes. They were treated appalingly by the Liberal government which failed to even meet with them to hear their concerns. I am assuming Liberal judge.

  12. These witnesses don’t seem to understand that they were inconvenienced and annoyed. No harm. No violence. No threats. No personal harrassment except for, perhaps, hurt feelings about comments on their masking. The residents all seemed to be able to come and go as they pleased without interference.

    By their standards I’ve been criminally harmed by the nearest town blocking off main street since spring for road repairs. I should also have PTSD from the months long building of my neighbors house 2 years ago…I still suffer from phantom hammering sounds. Then there was the constant harassment for 1.5 years because I’m unvaccinated. Not sure how I’ve managed to survive these horrors.

    1. Yes but this is Canada. The librano judges will decide whatever the PMO tells them to decide, there is no Justice in this country, from the garbage RCMP, to the crowns, to the party hacks (judges).

      1. There’s corruption from top to bottom in Canada since the Trudeau Liberal government has been in power.

    2. Yes, that is one thing that has come across very clearly. Non of the witnesses who testified ever missed a pay cheque during the lockdowns but they whine incessantly about noise, diesel exhaust and that their favourite coffee shop was closed or had unmasked deplorables inside and they had to avoid it.

      It’s quite remarkable that of all the businesses in Ottawa that were being killed by the lockdowns they never mustered any kind of protests or legal challenges against the rules that were killing them. But then they signed up en masse to a class action lawsuit against a protest that at worst inconvenienced them for three weeks. It’s a sad statement on the state of the country.

  13. Just a note to say that while this is the woman who testified today there are no cameras in the court. This recording is from her earlier testimony at the Public Order Commission, not from the trial today.

    But she was the same airhead rambling on about the horrors of the occupation and the deplorable people she encountered.

    On the bright side, while being cross-examined by the defence lawyers she clearly got extremely agitated that anyone dared challenge her beautiful victim narrative. Greenspon in particular appears to be an excellent criminal defense lawyer.

  14. Well, as my old Scottish Grandmother used to say “Well, bless her liitle cotton socks….”
    This little princess just had her five minutes of fame and the KCs must be patting themselves on the back for bringing this Karen into court. I can’t decide which trial is the bigger purveyor of modern just-us, this travesty in Ottawa or the ones down in America. When I see where we are today I go to bed at night asking forgiveness to all the patriots that gave the supreme sacrifice to bring us to where we are today. Pass the torch indeed, we’ve let it burn out with our attitude of compassion and tolerance. I’d like to close with a quote from Candace Owens, “Life is hard. Get a helmet!” or as the mysterious Anonymous wrote “Life is hard,…it’s even harder when you’re stupid!”

  15. So she didn’t feel safe but would go up to the protestors and plead with them. And in doing so was she ever harmed? Ever subjected to any act of violence? Ever threatened in any way? It sounds as though she did this repeatedly. She just wanted it to end. Yeah, so did the protestors — they just wanted the lockdowns and the mandates to end and they just wanted one single member of this useless bloody government to come out and talk to them. And we all know that never happened.

  16. Poor little Princess cant wipe the imbecilic smile of her face… is she on the CCP payroll ?

    I hate to state the obvious, but its clear that the wrong people are on trial.
    The bureaucrats and Government lawyers involved in this clown world show trial should be ashamed of themselves.
    Luckily for them they’re all psychopaths and globalist nihilists getting paid top dollar for their performance.

    Just when you think this country cant sink any lower into the sewer of corruption and irrelevance.

  17. “Bouncing their trucks and their cars.” Apparently she attended a low-rider show and confused it with the event in Ottawa. All witnesses for the prosecution should be subject to mandatory drug testing.

  18. It’s bad enough that her testimony passes for anything to do with criminal prosecution which in this case is a show trial but that people with such little evidence of intelligence are allowed to vote.

    1. Bingo, isn’t she suing the convoy organizers-thus she can financially profit from her testimony if they are found guilty? Who am I kidding this is nothing more than a Stalinist show trial.

  19. You guys are all so mean, she’s really cute, ain’t that enough to confirm her “testimony” is real!

    My take is she’s angling for some kind of fame, as mentioned above, maybe a Lib candidate or TV host.
