Another Win For The SaskParty

Winning so hard, I don’t know if I can handle this much winning.

A member of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission has resigned, citing the provincial government’s proposed pronoun policy.

In an email to Premier Scott Moe, Heather Kuttai said her decision to resign as one of the organization’s six commissioners — which is effective immediately — “did not come lightly.”

“I strongly disagree with the proposed legislation that requires teachers to seek parental permission to change a child’s name and/or pronouns when they are at school,” Kuttai wrote. “This is an attack on the rights of trans, non-binary, and gender diverse children, which, contrary to what is being reported, is actually a very small number of kids.”

Kuttai, who was appointed to the commission in 2014, said she believed the commission was designed to uphold individual rights. She suggested the proposed legislation doesn’t provide that protection for children.

“A child’s rights must always take precedence over a parent’s obligations and responsibilities,” she wrote. “Removing a child’s rights, in the name of ‘parental rights’ is fundamentally anti-trans and harmful.

Like a self-weeding garden, the ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’ has begun to remove the groomers from our institutions, one hissy fit at a time.

57 Replies to “Another Win For The SaskParty”

  1. “Like a self-weeding garden, the ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’ has begun to remove the groomers from our institutions, one hissy fit at a time. ”

    Fantastic sentence, you win the internet today

      1. I was thinking the same thing too.

        Libs don’t quit a job, unless there is a nice back up.

  2. “My own son is Trans” – Heather Kuttai

    so what’s the problem? it as an “adult” encourages of the approval seeking behaviour of it’s spawn…

    Outside of the medical conditions caused by genetic defects, why wouldn’t you try to align the mind to the body, rather than the body to the mind?

    1. Then she should be supportive of this legislation – it provides her with a lot more support to interact with the school in the way that she sees her child being supported. Under this legislation the school must follow the parents directives. But it does stop her from insisting that other parents be kept in the dark about their child.

      The fact that I think she is an idiot and her son will live to regret this, is just my opinion.

      1. That’s “her daughter”. Snippin’, stitchin’ and pretendin’ doesn’t change XX to XY. Or, vice-versa for that matter.

    2. Hey Kuttai,

      “A child’s rights must always take precedence over a parent’s obligations and responsibilities,” she wrote. “Removing a child’s rights, in the name of ‘parental rights’ is fundamentally anti-trans and harmful.

      Could you please read me the right of a child to change his name, pronoun, gender without letting mom know. It must be written somewhere … or are you making shit up?

  3. This is some weak af winning. God you people set the lowest bar, which explains where you are.

    Really winning would be ending the Human Rights Commission in toto.

    1. Yeah, UnPerson, we’re lovin’ every minute of it. Too bad you’re blue. Wouldn’t wanna be you. Course of you were normal you’d be thinkin’ that . . . . . . NAH!!!!! ain’t-a-gonna happen is it Unyou?

    2. When did it because a (human right) to cut up a child’s body?

      Folks like YOU are a sick ones.

    3. Remember when you were screaming that troons would replace us and that Muslims would be assimilated to accept that degeneracy?

      Pepperidge Farms remembers…

  4. How is this a bad thing? Another expensive useless bureaucrat gone.
    First, this new legislation in no way harms a parent who is supportive of their child coming out as trans – in fact it probably offers them a lot of support in any encounter with a school board/school.
    Second the ‘fear’ of parental abuse is vastly over stated – there are lots of laws already on the books about child abuse. The bigger issue is that social workers who should be fully aware of what is child abuse seem to miss it and a child dies, usually at the hands of a mother’s boyfriend, Duh!!
    Third – why does trans community define abuse in such board ways that any parent saying no to their child is considered ‘abuse’. Actually in my view, more parents should be saying no to their children.
    Fourth – why are complete strangers (which includes trans activists) so interested in your child’s sexuality? I’ve asked this question many times and no one from the trans community seems interested in answering it – why is that?
    Fifth – the notwithstanding clause allows ALL provinces to use it, not just Quebec. When it is reviewed in five years, the situation may have changed or probably not and the notwithstanding clause will be renewed.

  5. (Kuttai wrote) “This is an attack on the rights of trans, non-binary, and gender diverse children . . .”

    Children, by definition, are sexually immature – they don’t know what the sex is. They simply do not have any conception of what that is or what it entails.

    They cannot be trans, binary, gay, or gender diverse, nor can they be heterosexual.

    Anyone who thinks differently is a creep, a potential groomer or worse.

    1. “Children, by definition, are sexually immature – they don’t know what the sex is. They simply do not have any conception of what that is or what it entails.

      They cannot be trans, binary, gay, or gender diverse, nor can they be heterosexual.”

      Well said. I have stated the same thing so many times that I just couldn’t be bothered to do it again…

  6. “contrary to what is being reported, is actually a very small number of kids”

    I guess because murder is committed by a very small number of people, we don’t need a law against it…

  7. (((“A child’s rights must always take precedence over a parent’s obligations and responsibilities,” she wrote.)))


    Let me tell you about my Freedom of Speech rights when I was six years old and used the word “Fvck” for the first time while my dad was sitting next to me at a basketball game. I can assure you that my rights did not take precedence over my dad’s technique in raising a child.

    1. I spent the better part of my childhood with a bar of sunlight soap in my mouth, I still swear like a sailor.

      1. Heh, me too, but not in front of my parents (or anyone who would associate with them). I, also, took heat for using improper grammar at the kitchen table. Language, it turns out, is much more forgiving than my parents. The word “snuck” used to be non-existent. However, so many people used it anyway and incorrectly…that Websters and Oxford eventually acquiesced. My parents haven’t, however. 😀

  8. “A child’s rights must always take precedence over a parent’s obligations and responsibilities,” she wrote. “

    I’ve heard this tossed about quite freely lately without any context or explanation. Are they redefining “child rights” to mean parents must immediately acquiesce to their children’s demands no matter how ridiculous or outright dangerous? That parents do not have obligation and responsibility to protect their children from social contagions and adolescent confusion? Should schools and teachers hide parts of the curriculum and keep secrets from parents about their kid’s psychological state? Parent’s are obligated to get involved because parent’s care far more about their children than educators and activists.

    1. If you think about it, they are reflecting a vast majority of the black community into schools. Currently, nearly 78% of black children don’t have a father figure in their life. It’s hard not to associate that fact with the disproportionate crime and misbehavior committed by black youths. One could say that the black child’s rights took precedence over a parent’s obligations and responsibilities, and look what resulted.

      1. I don’t view this through a racial lens. I think activists are deliberately trying to sow confusion about children’s rights and parent’s rights. The best way the clear up this confusion is to define parental rights and children’s rights. I do not trust judges to unilaterally define these rights. The notwithstanding clause allows provincial governments to block judicial overreach. Voters in the next election will decide if they agree or oppose the use of the notwithstanding clause.

        1. ((((Voters in the next election will decide if they agree or oppose the use of the notwithstanding clause.)))


          No they won’t. But, I admire your optimism. And, to be clear, I wasn’t viewing the above through a racial lens. I was, merely, pointing out the result when you take parents out of the equation (which is what Heather Kuttai wants to do). It’s actually a deal breaker for her despite all the evidence around her showing the results of such idiocy.

          I’ll give you another one that doesn’t take any race into account. Behold the massive influx of tattoos and psychedelic hair colors making their rounds (not only with students, but with their “educators)….The nose rings, the questionable fashion choices….it’s all a result of parents not properly instilling into their prodigy that appearance does INDEED matter, as it is, more than likely, the first impression someone has of you. And, when “educators” display the same behavior, it sets a bad example to the student. A solid, caring parent would point that out and (get ready…here it comes) FORBID their child to behave that way. Incidentally, my mom taught elementary school. My dad was a principal….(to whose office I was sent a number of times for discipline). I can still tell you the name of the sixth grade teacher who lifted me up by my hair for not walking single file down the hallway (over 40 years ago).

          1. I’m sure every parent has opinions on personal appearance and fashion choices. Parents should and most do talk to their kids when those choices are against their values. Often weird clothing and hair are a passing phase. I’m sure my parents didn’t like skin tight jeans and rebellious music in my high school years. By the time you start a career, you generally stop following teenage fashion trends. Now my fashion choice more closely resembles my mother’s more classic clothing styles. Parent’s modeling appropriate behavior pays dividends later on, I think.

            Your kid’s friend group is the biggest factor on how easy or difficult the teenage years will be for the family.

        2. They want to separate the kids from their parents, making the state the sole guardian. This is to diminish the parents’ influence on the child, so that the child can be brainwashed and indoctrinated into groupthink… one religion, one state ideology. Turn them into socialist activists (aka Social justice warriors), and against their parents. That’s the real objective.
          It’s absolutely asinine to take away parents’ custodial rights over their children, and instead, give the child the right to self-determine, when the child has absolutely no idea what the issues at hand are.
          No tolerance for dissent. It’s what communist countries do.

          1. Parental rights protects kids from making terrible decisions. At what point did we forget how impulsive kids are and how susceptible they are to manipulation?

          2. “They want to separate the kids from their parents, making the state the sole guardian. This is to diminish the parents’ influence on the child, so that the child can be brainwashed and indoctrinated into groupthink…”

            I agree with the protesters who displayed a sign saying ‘Never trust anyone who says “Don’t tell your parents”‘.

    2. No, it means parents must immediately acquiesce to the state’s determination of their children’s demands. BTW Since when do children making demands become acceptable by parents?

      1. About the same time we forgot that politicians and government agencies are our employees, not our bosses.

        Kids make demands, push boundaries, test limits. It is their nature. Parents make decisions and enforce/negotiate limits and boundaries. That is their job. The education system needs to stay in their lane unless there are signs of abuse, then they have a duty to report.

        1. “Kids make demands, push boundaries, test limits. It is their nature. Parents make decisions and enforce/negotiate limits and boundaries. That is their job. ”

          Exactl same thing happens in the animal kingdom. All part of growing up.

  9. Wake me for her sentencing.

    Release the loving fathers sent to prisons across Canada for sex crimes they did not commit on nothing but the word of their faithless wives, and there will be plenty of room for the groomers. That’s where they belong.

    (Funny how only Muslim men, who really do routinely rape their daughters, are allowed to protest the grooming of their children by unbelievers. Perhaps they just don’t want competition.)

    1. Muslim men, who really do routinely rape their daughters

      Lets see how many will rebut this grotesque slander.

      1. Rizwan. don’t take comments like that to heart. The rest of us don’t.

        It’s just like the crazy progressive at Thanksgiving, who comes out and says something right out of left field. Everybody cringes, pauses, and moves on. If we addressed every bad comment, there’d be no time to eat the turkey.

      2. “”Muslim men, who really do routinely rape their daughters”

        Lets see how many will rebut this grotesque slander.”

        Not true, anyway…it’s native men who do that…

  10. The logical conclusion of the groomers’ argument is that Omar Khadr was not a “child” soldier. He had the “right” to choose to be an enemy combatant and he exercised that right in armed combat against Canadian soldiers and their allies in Afghanistan. When will the groomers demand that Khadr give back the $10 million, plus interest, to Canadian taxpayers?

    1. At that time of his capture, the convicted war criminal did not qualify as a child soldier, as he had attained the age of fifteen years (Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, Article 77, part 2)

      But that never seems to matter to talking heads or lawyers

  11. Six commissioners?!?!

    Gee, I wonder why the cost of governments keep going up?

    Good riddance.

    1. Beat me to it.
      Six (6) SIX commissioners.
      Now project that across the system and explain why a 50% reduction in the bureaucracy would be extreme.

  12. “the ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’ has begun to remove the groomers from our institutions, one hissy fit at a time.”

    Great.. now do the same with the free needle hard drug injection sites…
    The groomers there need some taming as well.

  13. The replacement must be carefully vetted and make sure they are Conservative in nature. Liberals and NDP always pack these kind of boards with their stooges. Conservatives need to play the same game.

    1. Oh boy, now we still get a dangerous government-but at least our team is on it! -what conservaderps believe

        1. It won’t make a difference and it will be reversed. Your TEAM mentality is why you never win.

          1. We seem to be winning a lot these days, so there’s that.
            As for reversing, not much of a chance when you solidify the legislation with the notwithstanding clause. You’d need to win an election to reverse this legislation, and despite what you’re reading in the local media, my understanding is that a solid majority of parents are supporting this.
            So there’s that.

            What else is there? Plenty.

          2. Damn these are some thin weak victories. We’ve had culture wars before. The right’s initial victories never amount to much. The correct answer isn’t ‘more conservaderps on the HRC’, it’s ‘eliminate the HFC’.

    2. There should be no replacement and two of the other commies on the commission should be fired.
      Actually all of them should be fired and the star chamber disbanded.

  14. Seems like all the cool progressive gals have a transgender child, wonder if it’s the child’s choice or mommies? I hope the door doesn’t hit her in the rear end.

    1. Actually… I DO hope the door hits her in the rear… GOOD AND HARD!

      Maybe it’ll knock some sense into her. That is where her brain appears to be anyway.

  15. Groomers is the correct noun for these people. Before they started bringing the subject up and propagandizing, I am sure there were zero cases to change a child’s name and/or pronouns when they are at school . This is just the continuation of the Maoist stratagem to force the population to comply with the Party Line AKA progressive ideology.

    1. How many generations of kids went to school without this nonsense? And how many of those kids wound up committing suicide as the other side wants you to believe? Typical socialist finding a solution to a non-existent problem.
      This is a socialist deconstruction of society in order to rebuild it according to their utopia. They can’t seem to comprehend that the majority DOES NOT AGREE WITH THEM!

  16. Who appointed her to the commission and if they still have a job, why do they still have a job?

    Start weeding.

  17. ““This is an attack on the rights of trans, non-binary, and gender diverse children, ”

    (that’s a keeper, right there…)

  18. Meh.
    Human Rights Commissioners..second up against the wall when the pendulum swings.
    We will never have “Law and Order” until these Kangaroo Courts are closed and everyone involved in them held to account.
    Just another blatant lie from our Uni-Party.
    A bunch of fake rights used to cloak the theft and destruction of our Rights as British Freemen…Or the descendants there of.
    Exactly the same deceit pulled by Pierre The Idiot, The “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” stripping us of all our Natural rights and freedom..
