45 Replies to ““Courage, my friends; ’tis not too late to build a better world.””

  1. Did they show “gender equity” for all 53 genders, or is it 54 genders today?

    And then she shows total disregard to the differently-abled by demanding people raise their hand, completely ostracizing the paraplegics who are paralyzed can cannot do so as well as those people who have no hands!

    She needs to be fired for that blatant public display of discrimination!

  2. There are straight white guys who will vote for a party that thinks they should be at the end of every queue. It’s like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.

      1. Creepy college profs after girls they could easily be the grandfather of. It’s a thing. Still a bunch of predatory pervs though.

    1. Very few straight people vote NDP anymore. It’s all purple haired weirdos or kiddie grooming nut choppers.

    1. Well Thomas a majority of Canadians have proven they are just that, morons, as about 65% will vote the socialist line every time. People like to ignore the fact that the libs are socialists just like the dippers, greens, blockheads and many so called conservatives.

      1. Morons, definitely. But eventually even morons realize when they have been duped. There has been a shift in mindset in the citizenry of the west driven by the enjoyment and gratification of the economic wealth generated since WW2. Electorates no longer focus on their freedoms, but care more for acquiring a safe lifestyle that provides that house with the white picket fence. It is this apathy that drives the current global politics of the day and one ripe for exploitation and manipulation.
        We have now become what Benjamin Franklin warned about all those years ago.
        “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

    2. Over 30% of Canadians are now first generation Third Worlders, with absolutely no concept of Canada, of Canadians or anything Canadian.

      Eight million in 20 years.

      What they do know will end up ripping this country to shreds.


      It’s over. So over.

      The !@#$%^^**&^* Liberals won, hands out and hands down.

  3. Its the New Disability Party.
    “If you’re part of the Alphabet/Epsilonbet Crowd, please raise your favourite fisting lube and let us know if you need help to evacuate your bowel…”
    Jesus wept, its Christopher Guest making a mocumentary!

  4. I need a yellow card, I identify as a fat trans lesbian.

    Well…i don’t have to identify as fat as I just am, but that’s a good trait to add for victimhood.

        1. That’s Liberal property!

          Word is Mao gave one to the first Trudeau Commie Canoodler Pierre, which is treasured by Commie Canoodler Two.

  5. Communists have a lot of rules. How do they make it through an average day?

    At least one day they will fall victim to their own hatred of everything.

  6. I’d ask if people who actually identified as Jews, and faced real marginalization and persecution in Gentile society, would qualify for yellow cards, to ensure that their voices were heard.

    Or I would if I didn’t know support for Hamas and the Hamastanis and sharing the sickening Jew-hatred of Karl Marx, may his name be blotted out, was a prerequisite for being admitted to the convention hall.

    May the name of “Reverend” Douglas be blotted out with that of Marx, and the name of the renegade David Lewis with it.

  7. That is exactly how I would imagine a Nazi rally in 1932 would be. Except Der Fuhrer is a crazy lonely old women. Is anyone taking bets on how many cats she owns?

    1. “Is anyone taking bets on how many cats she owns?”

      The over/under is 17, scar. I’ve got $50 down on the over.

      Where is her mask? How can anyone take her seriously when she isn’t wearing a mask? Is this a trap? Is she trying to kill everyone in the room? And yes, “How many cats do you own?”

      These are the type of questions REAL reporters would be asking.

  8. I wonder if they put Scarlet Letters on the Joos.
    These People are Unserious, dangerous, and evil. Marxists, that should be banished from our Country.

    This bunch of Karens and Kens are the ones keeping Spendy McBlackface Hairdo in Power.

    Someone go Salt Tommy Douglas’s gravesite again

  9. Why didn’t woman just say “straight white men excluded” instead of the long list of “included”

    1. Based on the scoring provided, if you are male, you are worth zero, if you are bipoc male, you get 2/3rds of a point, and if you are a QWERTY you get 1 point, unless you identify as a male, then you get less

  10. Napoleon once remarked, “Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.”

    Conservative support may be truly surging, but this is clearly a sign that NDP support is imploding. I would expect that the Libs and NDP will simply form one large party on the left in Canada before the end of this decade. Jughead may well be the last party leader of any significance that the NDP has. No one can reasonably expect that the morons in this video can pretend to ever form a national government in Canada.

    And when the Libs absorb the deranged, diseased remnants of the NDP, well, that will be the end of them.

    1. Actually, there’s not a hell of a lot of difference between the NDP and the bulk of the Liberal Party anymore, neither on economic (socialist) nor cultural (woke) issues. Why would leftists waste their vote on the NDP when they can get the real thing and gain power?

      1. Yup. turdo has taken over a lot of the space formerly occupied by his turbanned hemorrhoid.

      2. I have long believed that the overt communist party (the NDP) existed only to make the far-left Liberals seem as though they were some sort of middle ground.

        The goal was always to brainwash the citizenry into abandoning common sense and morality, and as a result their rights, freedoms, and wealth. To this end, the overt commies helped the covert commies seem less crazy and evil.

        If only by comparison.

  11. I doubt if this post modern woke insanity is driving their members away as much as Jagmeet’s nose up the Spawn’s rectum. That woke fascist lady is likely not considered unusual to anyone who has attended public school in the last 10 years. The insanity has become institutionalized.

  12. Hello, I’m Marc and I identify as normal. Just normal, black coffee, non competitive drinking, and sometimes 1-2 glasses of red wine type of guy. I’d like my card to be the Gulf Oil racing colors of blue/orange from the 70’s and 80’s. Thank you.

  13. Has anybody seen the “workers of the world” that were so popular with lefty loons only a few decades ago?

    1. They’re mostly called “deplorables” and people with “unacceptable views” now.

  14. Never Done Paying.
    Elect these maniacs and you,your children and your grandchildren will pay..
    Oh wait..never mind.
    The Uni-Party of Can Ahh Duh has you covered.
    Amazing how NDP supporters can claim,”We are not Liberals”..
    Actions speak louder than lying words…Comrade.

  15. If white males have all of the power and have been placing systemic obstacles to keep everyone else from succeeding, why isn’t the last 50 years of history filthy with examples of people faking they were white males to get ahead?

    1. And why do Conservatives lose more than Leafs, yet determinedly govern exactly like the Liberals when they get in every 30 or 40 years?

  16. It sounds like that scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, with the anarcho-syndicalists describing their system of “government” with King Arthur. I’m sure the ndp will do just as well.
