Dreary old England

The Twitter post doesn’t mention penalties, but a hate crime is, well, a hate crime. The city of London is watching you….

43 Replies to “Dreary old England”

    1. Female genital mutilation is bad, except when it’s done by a favoured group AKA Alphabet people. Muslim genital mutilation? Shhh.

  1. So I am not allowed to call some one armed blind person wearing no pants a “pervert” if they were to masturbate in front of a school with children watching because it’s deemed a “hate crime”? That’s just pure liberal IMO. What if the one armed blind person was actually masturbating in front of a 7-11 BTW. 🙂


    1. If they took my wallet at gun point, would I be allowed to call them a One-Armed Bandit?

  2. I honestly don’t understand how a hate crime can be proved, let alone prosecuted. How does it do damage?

    1. It’s a very convenient sort of thing, Robert. It does whatever they say it does, whenever they like.

      For example, waving a Pali flag and screaming “Death to the J@#%!!!” or “PUSH THEM INTO THE SEA!!!!” in the village street with 1000 of your close relatives is a “protest,” but pointing at those toothless inbred hillbilly goat molesters and calling them “terrorists” is a hate crime.

      Well, until public opinion turns around the other way at least. As soon as it becomes advantageous to the regime, it will be the goat molesters doing the hate crime. See how handy that is?

    2. Oh, genuine hate crimes are very easy to prove to anybody willing to consider the facts. Lord knows the perpetrators have tried their best to hush them up.

      The real problem is that the rulers of the Nations wholeheartedly approve of such crimes when they don’t actually order them.

      Nothing will done to bring the perpetrators to justice unless you do it yourself. Expect to be severely punished or ostracized for your impertinence if it comes to that. (Ask the Israelis.)

      The most they’ll do about it themselves is suggest you had it coming or that you made it up to score political points, make a quick buck or just get your ugly face on the CBC.

      They should know.

      The “hate crimes” that get prosecuted are mostly staged by people who are not subject to real persecution (and in fact are immensely privileged) looking for publicity, money, or revenge. The residential school hysteria was just the biggest such scam in 21st century Canada.

    3. Same way you prove you feel like a woman while being equipped with man tackle. In other words there’s no proof required. If the “victim” says you did it that’s that

  3. The SJWs are not content with a crime that is already covered in the statutes. It’s the perceived thought behind it that they have attempted to criminalize. “Hate” crime is actually a thought crime and that is why it has no place in civilized society.

    1. Agreed

      The woman should have her face covered, and be wearing a loose fitting robe down to her feet.

      Dressed as in the photo is an insult to Islam.

  4. So … if I say out loud … “I’d sure hate to be blind” … that’s a HATE crime?

  5. Pretty sure this law is only targeted at White Anglo Males…..you know, real men, the ones with a prostate not them other pretenders.

  6. “Hate Crime”
    Whatever the fools and bandits want it to be.
    Carefully undefined and in Can Ahh Duh,truth is not a defence..
    When these fools lecture us,calling us all kinds of scum and insinuating motives most vile…well that is love,a teachable moment.
    When we tell them to “Have sex and travel”,now that there is Hate.

    Now that they have exhausted our patience and exceeded our tolerance.
    We shall reward their patience and compassion.
    Actions are the only truth these lying creatures provide us with..
    I detest them,they refuse to respect my request,to be left alone..By idiots such as they.

    How will this end?

  7. How confusing. It’s not universal. For example, were I to present myself to the authors of this law and say, “If your brains were dynamite, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose,” I would, in their mind, be committing a hate crime highlighting their lack of intelligence. In my mind I would be providing a truth.

    Were I to say the same thing to a Hamas Terrorist he would spend the next 15 minutes trying to pry his forehead off to improve his armaments and likely kill me. And yet, I would have improved his self-esteem by making him more valuable to the cause.

    1. Of course not… just look at the case of the kid that called an officer a fat lesbian, who happened to be both fat and a lesbian…

  8. “Your honor, there is not one iota of proof that I hated the guy. There was no need to hate. Some people just need killing.”

    There was a line similar to that “some people just need killing” in… I think it was a John Wayne movie.

    How would a prosecutor prove hate when you claim there was absolutely zero hate, but you were very, very, angry? You can hate and not be angry, and you can be angry without necessarily hating.

    If hate is a crime, is extreme dislike just a misdemeanor? Kinda like a parking ticket?

    “Oh I don’t hate cripples, officer. I just find them distasteful to be around. Reminds me of my dear old crippled granny, God love her. Was she ever unpleasant!”

  9. Read that post very closely and you will recognized that the author is just as confused as everyone else:

    “A hate crime is any criminal offence that is motivated by hostility/prejudice based upon the victim’s disability or perceived disability.”

    And then, they say this:

    “For example, if a person calls someone who is blind a horrible name, then that is a Hate Crime.”

    Uhhhh…no. The author first tells you that it is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE” that is motivated by hostility/prejudice. Then, in the next line tells you that the a hate crime does not require a criminal offence. Calling someone a name is NOT a hate crime. Committing a CRIMINAL OFFENCE accompanied by a “horrible name” etc….is the actual definition of the law (good or bad).

  10. I hate crime.
    Is it a hate crime to hate crime?
    Crimea River.
    We need an EXPERT criminologist to weigh in here, right now.
    Help us to understand all this rampant implicit and explicit HATE.
    I hate this all so much, to the point where I hate myself for even writing this.
    But have a NICE day.
    PS…Yes, I wrote this after a few drinks. Hate me if you need to.
    Calmer than you, dude.

  11. It’s about time there’s a crew of folks at the arrivals at the major airports just pointing and laughing at everyone walks off the plane from UK.

  12. This is why you can’t criticize anyone on the political left.

    They are both mentally and morally disabled.

  13. Because I was too stupid to be vaccinated, Justin made fun of me and directed hate at me. So, fair is fair and we can launch hate crime actions against Justine and Perogie Thighs.

  14. England has already fallen, I watched a video yesterday where Pali supporters were wading through the streets and chanting “Where are the Jews, we want a river of blood” there appeared to be a cop walking alongside of them. I also saw another pro-Pali protest where a Brit with the Union Jack flag was arrested for provoking the Islamists. Like I stated it’s already fallen, but what Islamic flag they’ll fly is beyond me?

  15. If a person calls someone who is blind a horrible name, then that is a Hate Crime. No, a “hate crime” is now when someone merely says it is “a horrible name”. It no longer has to actually BE “a horrible name”, they merely need to believe you said “a horrible name”, or even were thinking one when you said something that wasn’t that.

    A hate crime is whatever someone of the privileged class says it is, and that is all.

    “But some are more equal than others”.
