Suncor CEO called out on the carpet for no longer drinking the Kool-aid

What, actually caring about profits is bad now?

Kruger was at the House of Commons natural resources committee to explain comments he made to shareholders in August about reducing his company’s emphasis on the transition to lower-emitting energy sources.

Kruger said his comments were misinterpreted as Suncor ending its commitment to curbing its carbon footprint, when the focus is really on ensuring the company is making profits now to be able to afford the required investments in decarbonization.

Also, North American Helium opens its seventh helium processing facility in Saskatchewan. For those who might be counting, that’s the fourth in less than a year.

And Tourmaline buys Bonavista Energy

And the Energy Transition Podcast talks about threats multiplying to global energy security.


5 Replies to “Suncor CEO called out on the carpet for no longer drinking the Kool-aid”

  1. “We’ve got to get rid of carbon”.
    What in the hell is wrong with CO2? We need more CO2, not less.
    I’m so sick of hearing that garbage.

  2. CEOs have to prioritize profits for the shareholders. It’s the sole purpose of corporations. And it’s the law.

  3. It’s not the job of hydrocarbon producers to bail out the elected Jacobins that make idiotic commitments to “transition to mythical net zero” by adopting low density “renewable” energy that, in the absence of hydrocarbons, can’t self replicate (low energy return on energy invested). This article demonstrates the media gatekeepers who feel they must keep everyone within the narrow confines of the narratives of those that are pursuing poverty masquerading as green utopia.
