Super Spreaders

Not only did the shots not protect you they didn’t protect others either.

Northwestern Now- COVID patients breathe large amounts of virus early on

Vaccinated and unvaccinated patients exhale similar levels of virus over the course of infection, the research shows.

MedRxiv- Quantity of SARS-CoV-2 RNA copies exhaled per minute during natural breathing over the course of COVID-19 infection

We further found that levels of exhaled viral RNA increased with self-rated symptom-severity, though individual variation was high. Levels of exhaled viral RNA did not differ across age, sex, time of day, vaccination status or viral variant. Our data provide a fine-grained, direct measure of the number of SARS-CoV-2 viral copies exhaled per minute during natural breathing—including 312 breath specimens collected multiple times daily over the course of infection—in order to fill an important gap in our understanding of the time course of exhaled viral loads in COVID-19.

Francisco- They took away your rights, your freedoms, dehumanized and demonized you based on what might charitably be called a guess. All while calling it “science”.

72 Replies to “Super Spreaders”

    1. Manitoba is bringing back the mask mandates Nov 18th. Sick twisted lying scum bags, every last one of them.

  1. Non-sterilizing vaccines were not approved a few years ago due to the obvious reasons above plus the problem of their use ensuring a large vector for mutation. All that changed as the Jacobins assumed all power over our lives through the use of manufactured crises.

  2. Campbell’s logic doesn’t quite stand up.

    If a vaccinated and unvaccinated person both get COVID, then apparently they exhale the same amount of virus. Under these circumstances, vaccination does not protect other people from getting it.

    But if the vaccinated are less likely to get infected in the first place, then the vaccine does protect other people. And there were countless studies that showed that vaccination did prevent infection, although not to the extent hoped.

    1. Killer unDORK
      Campbell showed one thing that is the most significant in analyzing the isuue, and that there was a large element of emotional manipulation in the bullschiff of encouraging people to get vaccinated. And no, the clot shot was/is totally ineffective, so it did NOTHING preventative.
      Psychological manipulation is only needed to CONvince people of a lie, and that is why they emphasize “to protect others”. But then you are too stupid to see that. And religion is a similar emotional construct! All BS all the time.


    2. Assuming that one can “get” the Coronahoax.

      Which one can’t.

      Viruses are not agents of contagion, but rather defenses created by your own body to fight off infection. If you manage to get bacteria, parasites, molds, and/or metals in your body, your body may create viruses as a last-ditch attempt to defend itself. The process of creating a virus is damaging to the cell from which it forms, and the “battle” in which the virus absorbs as much of the infection as possible is commonly associated with unpleasant feelings, such as a high temperature and discomfort.

      The POSs who know this instead lie to us that viruses are a foreign agent that attacks us, and although not alive are constantly mutating. And the only things that can save us are injections containing the very toxins that create viral production. And they back up these lies using CGI of scary-looking “viruses” that don’t exist, accompanied by scary-sounding back-stories like wet markets in China.

      ALL vaccines are poisonous, and ALL do NO good whatsoever. Every claim of a vaccine being helpful is BS – in every case there was no issue UNTIL vaccines were injected into the populace. The vaccines cause the make-believe viral threat, which then creates panic, which then pushes people into poisoning themselves, etc. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle, but requires lying POSs to fool people into starting the cycle.

      For this component, enter the biggest POSs ever to exist – the Jesuits.

      1. What’s interesting is that readers here will not object to your argument.

        They know that your theories are embarrassingly wacky. They know full well that virus can be agents of disease. They know that vaccines do, on the whole, work and are a substantial boon to mankind. But because you’re on the anti-COVID-vaccine side, they’re not going to take issue with you. They’re willing to overlook your preposterous ideas because you’re inside the tent pissing out.

        1. Weird, you can read peoples’ minds? Wow, why didn’t you say so before?

          What you fail to realize is that you’re just repeating what others have told you, and you confuse your repetition as being original thought. You are simply the bag someone else has already pissed in, and you are sharing that piss with others.

          Vaccines are junk science, and when you dig into the fathers of that lie, you’ll find the usual suspects. And if you ever dig into the supposed wonders vaccines did, you too will discover reality.

          But that’s not something you do, instead you scramble around like a rodent looking for tampered “evidence” for you to gather to validate the lie you worship.

        2. “They know that vaccines do, on the whole, work and are a substantial boon to mankind.”

          Yes…just not this particular ‘vaccine’.

        1. Polio disappeared once the people stopped being sprayed by Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT.

          Incidentally it still occurs in Pakistan and Afghanistan where DDT spraying is still a thing. And this despite the decades-long existence of the vaccines that should supposedly wipe it out.

          1. Fascinating.

            Polio was first described as a medical condition in 1789, and epidemics were widespread in the early 1900s. President Franklin Roosevelt caught it in 1921, and suffered the effects for the rest of his life.

            Although DDT was in invented in 1874, it only came into common use after WW II.

            If DDT causes polio, you’ll have to explain why polio was such a scourge before WW II.

          2. You’ll also have to explain why polio was eradicated in Canada and the U.S. by 1961, five years after vaccination began, and yet DDT use continued into the 1970s.

            Again, the timelines don’t match up. Why didn’t DDT cause polio in Canada and the U.S. in the 1960s, when its use was still widespread?

          3. If you’re still checking up on this post, then know that I stick by what I said. There are other pesticides other than DDT that produced similar problems in people, such as heptachlor, dieldrin, tetraethyl pyrophosphate, malathion, and benzene hexachloride. But DDT is the most well known due to it being responsible for the greatest poisoning episode.

            DDT was purposely sprayed on people in order to cause an epidemic. Much like the Coronahoax, NO ONE had any symptoms whatsoever until after the spraying began. The excuse used to poison people was that they were killing mosquitos in populated areas, and that mosquitos were spreading the mysterious disease that no one had. Many of those who were fooled by this lie had their children run behind the trucks fogging the streets to get “protected”, which caused them to ingest this poison into their lungs. Hence later requiring iron lungs.

            As for Roosevelt, he never had polio, but it was far more politically convenient for him to make this claim rather than admitting he was suffering from STDs due to his extracurricular activities.

            And DDT fell out of favor, largely because it was known to be so harmful. Of course, the controlled media made the excuse for its disuse linked to eagle eggs rather than human deaths however.

            Although DDT use continued, purposely spraying it on people did not, so your statistical dates of use aren’t relevant.

            One sign that a “conspiracy theory” is grounded in truth is how hard you have to search to get past the myriads of disinfo posts that are prioritized in algorithms on controlled search engines such as Google. This tactic is very effective at discouraging those who won’t invest any real time researching a matter, who only want to reinforce the lies they already believe.

            People like you.

          4. Watto, I would debate you on this (I’m dying to know what causes influenza, the cold, chickenpox, and so on) but you have become so detached from reality that it would a waste of time, about as fruitful as arguing with the dog.

    3. BUT. Remember these famous lies. Get the shot, you won’t get CV. Or get the shot and you won’t spread CV.

      Care to answer that lie that went on for over a year plus.

      1. I don’t defend the authorities’ handling of the COVID epidemic. I think they made many serious mistakes.

        So have at ‘er.

        1. There are still those who defend the actions of the leaders of former communist states.

          There are no shortage of those incapable of escaping their programming.

    4. I disagree that the shots reduced infection. Other data has already shown that aside from the deeply flawed Lancet Big Pharma propaganda you are linking to. Nonetheless our government coerced, manipulated and enticed people to take a shot that wasn’t even the same as the shot the FDA approved. The shots Canadians were given were universally contaminated with DNA and SV40 cancer causing promoters to ensure the contaminating DNA got inserted into people’s cells causing mutations.

      This is iatrocide on a national scale affecting millions of Canadians many of whom are now dead or dying. We were lied to, we were denied informed consent, and we had our rights violated. The big lie was getting poisoned would protect others and we had a responsibility to be poisoned for the benefit of society or else our government would severely punish us. THAT is the point not minor quibbles about how maybe it did help a little inspite of the lies.

      If these lying criminals are ever brought to justice they can be glad we don’t have the death penalty in Canada because they deserve to hang for what they did to us.

    5. Hi Killer Marmot, your argument falls apart with this single statement.
      “…if the vaccinated are less likely to get infected in the first place….”
      There have been quite a few studies showing that the vaccinated are more likely to get infected due to the deterioration of their immune system by the mRNA injection.
      Here’s one for you to peruse
      After I refused the injection and was “invited” back to my govt job in June 2022, half of my double injected co-workers were at home because they had fallen ill and tested positive for Covid. I didn’t have so much as a sniffle that summer.

      1. Same experience here with my coworkers when i was “allowed” to return.

        I asked a couple of the sickies if they had considered getting unvaccinated. Most didnt see the humour of it…but i didnt care, it was the same question they asked me back in ’21, minus the “un” part.

    1. You seem upset that someone has an opinion different than yours.

      But I don’t ask anyone to believe me. Rather I present evidence in the form of scientific studies, and can produce many more if you wish.

    2. KM will continue to provide copies of Pravda, thinking he is “helping”.

      And yet can’t see the deception he/she is defending.

      He/she is what Jesuits call a “useful idiot”.

  3. No wait, the “experts” didn’t use science 101 or apply first year medical student epidemiology?
    They told it was “different this time,” as it always is with propaganda, power and partisanship.
    But of course masks work, no need for studies, just because they’re known to not stop virus transmission.
    Don’t forget about “record covid hospitalizations” right now. I also understand it’s the hottest year “on record.”
    Which seems contradictory but not in the world where disproved hypotheses garner scientific “consensus.”
    Along with funding, fame and fortune for science illiterates and power for totalitarians.
    No requirement to consider possibility, probability or certainty. It it’s possible then is certainly certain.
    The only certainty the certainty this cabal will be certainly certain. More state power over us is just a coincidence.
    When voters learn to view statements through the lens of power lust, maybe we’ll jettison collectivist charlatans.

    1. I remember every country I visited a few years ago was “the hottest place in the world” at the time.

      I had already known that the media was completely controlled by the same people, but experiencing this first-hand makes it really sink in.

      Global warming is a bold-faced lie with absolutely no basis in fact. It was always meant to be the excuse to bring in fascism/communism as a response to a non-threat.

      Same as the Coronahoax.

      If it wasn’t for the POSs who secretly rule over us through their various arms (media, politicians, healthcare, education, entertainment, etc.) the world would have very few problems – none of which would be “global”.

  4. KM, there are countless studies showing lots of things, but data is data.

    US 103,000,000 cases of Covid. US vaxxed 270,000,000 US population 333,000,000

    Canada 5,000,000 cases of Covid Canada vaxxed 35,000,000 Canada population 38,000,000

    The data is from Our World in Data. They explicitly say case count is higher than this because of not everybody testing, or reporting. Anecdotally, I had Covid (tested, by me at home) Reported, no. Two other people in my household, same. The other two, vaxxed (by coercion).
    logical conclusion, the vaxxes don’t prevent infection.

    1. Yes, the vaccinations gave imperfect protection against infection, and this protection decreased as a function of time after vaccination, and with the new variants which the original vaccines were not designed for.

      But almost every study showed the vaccines were partially effective at reducing the chance of infection. Just not 100% effective.

      1. What would your reaction be if a software company sold you a product which initially claimed to be 100% effective against computer viruses, but your computer got infected anyway. Suppose you asked for a refund, but were told, “well, it’s not 100% effective, but it offers some protection, so you should continue using our product.”

        “How much is some protection? I have to be cognizant of cost/benefits here.”

        Can you see how this whole enterprise is broken beyond repair? Trust is gone, and there’s no getting it back.

        1. “What would your reaction be if a software company sold you a product which initially claimed to be 100% effective against computer viruses”

          The pharmaceutical companies did not claim their vaccines were 100% effective in preventing infection. No vaccine-producing company ever would, as that is not possible. Vaccines do not attack the pathogen directly, but rather induce your immune system to produce antibodies to attack the pathogen. But no two immune systems are alike, and so no guarantees can be issued.

          Further, like nearly all vaccines, the improved resistance wanes with time. And of course virus constantly mutate. So again, no guarantees can be made.

          1. If this was your argument for marketing any product, let alone vaccines, your company would soon be broke. If your goal is to inspire confidence in vaccine efficacy, you’re pretty much achieving the opposite.

          2. Canadians who were poisoned by our government had a different injection from what was approved by the regulators. The poison jabs contain DNA contamination and an unreported SV40 insertion. WAKE UP! This is deliberate population reduction by WEF eugenicists who took over public health for the purpose of enslaving the minority of survivors of their planned genocide of useless eaters.

            Feel free to call me a conspiracy theorist. These days it’s a compliment.

          3. KM, that is pure BS.

            Pfizer/BioNTech says its Covid-19 vaccine is 100% effective and …
            WebMar 31, 2021 · CNN — Clinical trial results of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine showed its efficacy is 100% and it is well tolerated in youths ages 12 to 15, the companies said Wednesday….

            KM, that is from the most cursory search. Yes, they did claim 100%. LOUDLY, and amplified by government morons….wait, that is redundant.

          4. Peter:

            You’re being deceptive. Here’s the press release:


            They said that in their Phase 3 study, the vaccine was 100% effective against severe symptoms. This is not the same as being 100% against infection, which it was not. Further, they were only announcing the results of a study. They were not making guarantees to all future patients.

            You’d better read the full results of your “cursory search” next time.

          5. “If this was your argument for marketing any product, let alone vaccines, your company would soon be broke. If your goal is to inspire confidence in vaccine efficacy, you’re pretty much achieving the opposite.”

            Sorry that vaccines are not the perfect product, but that’s the nature of biology. It’s also why vaccines are especially vulnerable to those who wish to discredit them with scientific dubious, but to many people convincing, arguments.

            But there is a cure for that. Don’t listen to manipulative mid-wits with blogs and podcasts. Instead follow the scientific evidence. It’s not perfect but it’s vastly better than the alternatives.

      2. No, there is not one study showing what you claim that has not been shredded and debunked for poor methodology or withdrawn from publication for falsehoods. NOT ONE.

          1. I said debunked or retracted. That jamaone has been reanalysed and debunked. I am not going to bother doing your research for you. I know, having had this discussion many times, that any analysis I present you will reply with a blanket rejection of “but that source is not creditable”.

          2. “I am not going to bother doing your research for you.”

            I’m constantly giving links to studies, as I do not expect anyone to take my word for an assertion. But when it comes to you providing evidence for your assertions, it’s “I can’t be bothered”.

            I’m not that dumb. You’ve got nothing but bluster.

      3. You’re wrong Marmot. The vast majority of covid cases occurred after peoples first shot. The stats Alberta released briefly clearly showed this. I believe it was around 90% of covid positive cases were within 2 weeks of the first shot. This is why all governments and health agencies, including Sask considered you unvaxxed for 2-3 weeks. Also why Sask changed it from 2 to 3 weeks after first shot, way too many positive cases at the two week mark.
        What is also continuing to be lost is that in all of history you never got vaccinated to protect others, only yourself.
        The level of emotional manipulation and propaganda is something that i’ve never seen before and hope to not see again, but i won’t hold my breath on that.

        1. “The vast majority of covid cases occurred after peoples first shot.”

          But that doesn’t prove much. The vaccines did not perfectly prevent infection — less so as the virus mutated — and we were hit with wave after wave of COVID.

          1. Which is why they gave up on coronavirus vaccines years ago. They mutate too quickly. There is also the risk of antibody dependent enhancement. Of course, you know this but you will not admit it.

          2. Petros:

            Even after the virus mutated, the vaccines were still highly useful. In particular, they were very effective at preventing serious symptoms and hospitalization.

            There’s a radiologist in Ontario by the name of David Jacobs who tweeted almost daily on his experiences during the pandemic. He said that the COVID emergency wards were dominated by the unvaccinated. He became a big fan of the vaccines based on what he saw over the course of a few years.


          3. if you go back to the original Pfizer FDA data more people got sick with COVID among cases than among controls. This means one of two things. 1) The shots reduce immunity so you get sick. 2) The so called COVID cases and waves were actually adverse poison jab reactions. All adverse reactions in the first 1-14 days (1-21 days in BC and Alberta) were automatically classified as COVID in the unvaccinated. What a brilliant and easy way to cover up all the illness and deaths caused by the poison jab. This was covered in previous SMD posts, by Bruce Smalley and in the National Citizens inquiry. Surges in excess deaths also mapped to the dates people were required to be poison jabbed by or lose rights. NCI in their Winnipeg sessions covered that by one of their experts. But keep lying to yourself.

          4. KM, you are being disingenuous, did not “perfectly prevent infection”, and were statistically insignificant have nothing in common.

          5. “did not “perfectly prevent infection”, and were statistically insignificant have nothing in common.”

            I have no idea what you’re on about. “Statistically insignificant” wasn’t even mentioned.

      4. “But almost every study showed the vaccines were partially effective at reducing the chance of infection. Just not 100% effective.”

        Who paid for those studies?

        I assessed the ‘scientific evidence’ that was publicly presented while Covid-19 was in full swing and decided that the ‘vaccine’ would be of no benefit to me…the risk/reward just didn’t add up (for me). Sure, I came down with Covid about a year later, but honestly I’ve had worse head colds.

        1. These studies are from all around the world. So the answer is, a lot of people, governments, and institutions. The number of papers on COVID in general number — literally — in the hundreds of thousands.

          The fact that your symptoms were mild means nothing. A lot of people were like that. But it’s also true that the hospital emergency wards were at times bursting at the seams with COVID patients battling pneumonia, and many died.

          1. I hope you realize that “governments” is the kiss of death now, so totally have they destroyed the public trust with their lies, obsfucations, incompetence, sloth and slimy behavior.

          2. ” But it’s also true that the hospital emergency wards were at times bursting at the seams with COVID patients battling pneumonia, and many died.”

            Yes, the same people who would have died anyway from the annual flu. The only thing the ‘vaccine’ might have done for me is lessen my symptoms to the point where I didn’t even know I was infected, which means I could have gone about my daily business happily and unknowingly spreading C-19 everywhere I went. Who would that benefit?

  5. I look forward to debating this January, 2025….about 3 years and 9 months into the shots.

    Let’s see how things are going then.

  6. As time marches on and knowledge of the uselessness and counterproductivity of the jabs becomes more widespread, it becomes easier to pick out those who truly fear the consequences of their bad decisions. You can spot them by their increasingly screechy support of the institutions that treated them so callously.

    I call it TPS: turdo-pfizer Syndrome.

  7. In the real world, even strictly enforced covid protocols (including vaccines) didn’t work well at all.

    “Polar researchers in remote Antarctica have fallen victim to coronavirus, despite taking strict health precautions, being fully vaccinated and miles from civilization.

    Two thirds of the 25 staff based in Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught Covid, the Le Soir newspaper reported, proving there is no escape from the global pandemic.

    The Omicron outbreak happened despite all staff passing multiple PCR tests, quarantining and living in one of the most remote places in the world.”

  8. There is a way to stop this spread by breath, and it is, of course, the exact opposite of what you were told to do. You were told to “isolate”, specifically indoors, to hide from the virus indoors. But sunlight kills the virus, so you want to be outdoors to be safe. Also, there is the breathtakingly obvious (to everyone BUT “the experts”) truth that, if you go outdoors, and look up, that air above you goes up a long, loooooong way. If a virus is sailing past you 10 feet above you, or 100 feet, or 1000, or 10,000 (on a 5 micron aerosol droplet, so small it goes right through masks *ahem*), it cannot reach you. It has to find you in all that air, and it has to do so before the sunlight kills it. This is why the only actually tested number I saw for outdoors infection was one in fifteen million (three out of 45 million in California). And that was probably from three people who were exposed in a large crowd (“protesting” and shouting, and burning and looting, as they do in California).

    Oh, those 5 micron aerosols, which cannot be stopped by masks? Masks do stop droplets. Droplets are heavier than air (unlike aerosols, which can float), land on the ground, and are stepped on. Goodbye virus, they are rather delicate. Surgeons wear masks because they are bending right over the patient while they operate, so they want to stop droplets. Do you know how they stop viruses in the operating room? They don’t, you are not even allowed in the operating room, mask or no mask, if you have a virus. This has been true for many many decades. You, of course, were not told this when you were ordered, and complied like a good obedient slave to this illegal and dangerous order (either medical malpractice or practicing medicine without a license, depending on who ordered it) because the key to propaganda is not what you say, it’s what you don’t say.

    Droplets fall, aerosols float. Sunlight kills viruses. Masks only stop droplets. Any questions?

    1. The reason they locked us down and didn’t let us out was to prevent us from accidentally upping our vitamin D levels and avoiding being killed by their poison lab generated virus.

  9. Daily reminder that BC still has a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers and recently extended it.

    1. I am expecting poison jab mandates for Manitoba soon too now that we have the NDP in power. NDO love their poison jabs.

  10. My wife and I both got covid at the same time, her double jabbed, me none, besides the fact that she was very sick for 4 days from her second jab, the covid hit her harder than me and I recovered faster even though I am 5 1/2 years older and not vaxed. So am I to believe my lying eyes or the legacy media’s/government narrative that now tells us if we get the jab we will not be as sick. They said before that 95% of those vaxed would not get covid, they lied.

  11. Two big lies,by Public Health.

    Vaccinated=14 to 21 days after Jab.
    Sure ignores those who died in reaction to the jab.

    And their changing of the recording method,right after Dead while vaccinated surged ahead of “Unvaccinated”.

    Countless other lies,of course.
    And now we see The Jabbed” twitching ,hurting and dying.
    When their reaction occurs,I will be cheering for the afflicted..

    That we cannot use “official Government Numbers” to review the Dread Covid Theatre,because of this deceit,damns everyone in Public Health.

    Then came Sudden Adult death Syndrome..What the hell ?
    We have a surge in, dead without good understanding of cause,amongst otherwise young and healthy persons..And no autopsy for each mystery death..
    With the only obvious change in their lives being the Government Goo.

    This does more than damn everyone at public health and government..
    Such a lack of curiousity is profoundly revealing.
    They have self identified.
    Enjoy the view.

    So what is the latest new thang with Dread Covid?
    Double Secret Probation for the disobedient?
    5 masks will save you?
    Or this winters wonder drug,the cure for all that ails you, will be out next month.?
    Social distancing,from freeloader,bureaucrats and idiots will save us?
    Are “The Jabbed” still generating germ warfare?
    Will we need camps,to prevent them killing us all?

    What will this winters “emergency” be?
    For when idiots hold absolute power, only during an emergency,you will learn that always and everything is “An Emergency”.
    Dear Leader Loves you.
    Just ask any of its minions.
