17 Replies to “Go Woke, Go Broke”

      1. I forgot how funny that movie is. Just about every scene is so, so, SO wrong but it’s still all belly laughs. I was not expecting to laugh so hard. One of Jim Carey’s best, IMO.

  1. I like that Victoria’s Secret is willing to admit they’ve made an error, and hopefully turn their ship around.
    Hopefully there’s a university brave enough to admit that wokeness was a mistake as well, and show what’s happened to Bud Light, Target, Victoria’s Secret and how they’ve turned it around….

  2. Like hot chicks want to buy undies marketed to ugly queers in dresses and fat assed dykes. Hot chicks are buying a fantasy not a nightmare. Kinda like guys who aren’t queer would want to buy queer beer.

  3. Morbidly obese black women who “reject white girls idea of beauty” modeling lingerie with giant rolls of FAT eclipsing the garments … would turn anyone off … except the desperate.

    1. This another reason why Victoria’s Secret’s about face is a good-news story. The male eye has suffered watching flabby jelly rolls prancing about the TV screen.

  4. “Charm can lie, beauty can vanish, but a woman who fears the Lord should be praised.”

    May I suggest Victoria’s Secret sales have gone down because they’re no longer worth the money.

    God made man and God made woman, in His image. He knows what He’s about, and if His creations are pleasing in His sight I could not possibly disagree.

    That said, if a woman wants to catch a man worth having and keep him, she’ll have to offer more than a willingness to play the prostitute. What men actually want in a wife, as opposed to a prostitute, aren’t things a woman can buy in a department store.

  5. They sold sex in the form of lingerie. Putting their sexy items on fat unattractive people killed sales. They need new marketing people.

  6. This is what happens to a lingerie company when they start using fat, unattractive females to model their sexy clothes…….

    Oh…and gay dudes.
