6 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. That was interesting, Kate I was only aware of a couple of those in the video that were extinct, the Passenger Pigeon and the Carolina Parakeet.

    Depending on the source, supposedly as many as 100,000 species go extinct each year or about 1 every 5 minutes.

    Is it possible that someone in the Church of Catastrophic Climate Change is just making stuff up? Is it too much to ask to see the list? Where are all the bodies?

    1. Back when I was in school we were taught that ‘species’ were defined by their inability to breed and produce fertile off-spring. Now the ants in my back yard are called a separate species from the ants in my front yard based on the fact that they live in different yards. That’s where the ‘thousands of species’ talk comes from.

      Still, that was a rather depressing video.

      1. What about the ants in the kitchen? ;o)

        I wouldn’t know what species mine are, but I do my best to try to make them extinct. Just when I think I’ve succeeded, they are back next year for another round.

        It’s a hard row to hoe, which is different from a hard ho to row. I digress.

      2. I believe they tend to base it on genetics now,

        so if you ants in the front yard have not bred with your ants in the back yard for the last 100 years they could be a different species.

        Forgive me if I got the details incorrect ,but in Australia they recently re-discovered a new species of lizard, which looked almost identical to another species but had different genetics.I believe the guy that first found it 100 odd years ago did recognise it as a different species but it was thought to had died off as everyone who found one since thought it was just another common lizard and not the very slight variation cosmetically with different genetics.

  2. Look at geological history and you will see that species do not survive forever. That should be something that the human species should think about before we commit suicide by government policy.
