34 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. By hottest, do they mean he should be sprayed with a fire extinguisher and smothered in foam until no longer a source of internal combustion?

    Asking for a friend.

  2. He’s a two bagger. One bag for his head … and one for yours, in case his slips off. Speaking of slipping off …

  3. To start with, I’m a man and I think he’s ugly.

    As a woman, well….really, they have clearly lost the ability to recognize actual beauty or actual women.


    Maxim??? leastim.

  4. YEEEEECCCCHHHH!!!! Eye bleach, STAT!! That’s the stuff nightmares are made of.

    If they were so bound and determined to give the nod to some guy, why didn’t they pick someone like Dylan Mulvaney? At least he sorta more or less resembles a chick.

    This guy couldn’t even break into the World’s Hottest 3.4 Billion Women list.

  5. Goodbye Maxim. If they have gone woke, then I am sure their primary readership of lonely single horny men and teenage boys will abandon them.

  6. “93. Jodie Haydon
    94. Michelle Kimberlee
    95. Molly Moyies
    96. Penny Wong
    97. Bec Judd & Kate Twigley
    98. Lidia Thorpe
    99. Annastacia Palaszczuk
    100. Michele Bullock”

    Compare and contrast those that placed lower on the list…

  7. I don’t think I’ve ever read a maxim, but I’m pretty sure it’s just gay porn for “metrosexuals” already

    1. Well, they used to publish a yearly list of the most beautiful women that … were actually beautiful women. Apparently, they want to join Bud Light in the toilet.

  8. Time for the “Bud-Light” treatment?
    There are some TG’s (TransGender) women who actually don’t look half-bad. I wouldn’t date one no matter how “hot” they looked, but admittedly, some of them would have me fooled if I didn’t know they were TG.
    This froot-loop though… well, I don’t think he could fool anyone. As someone said earlier this thread, he looks like an 80’s throw-back rocker.
    Anybody remember Boy George in the Culture Club days? HE’D be a better looking broad than this guy. (and I do mean “GUY!”)

      1. That’s why men don’t have tits. We’d spend all day playing with them and never get anything done.

  9. I believe we’ve finally doxxed Colonialista. Now do you get the irrational ugliness that oozes from every vile word he puts down?

  10. I didn’t know Maxim turned into a homo magazine. Basically homo starter pack is now a pack of Bud Light and a Maxim magazine.

    1. Hey stop trashing Bud Light. It was a brilliant marketing strategy to attract the perfect target market: those who already liked the taste of piss.

  11. There is a saying that Oil of Olay can smooth out corrugated sheet metal but I’m sure it can’t smooth out that one.

  12. Didn’t know Maxim was still in business. Good for you Maxim and good luck with your current strategy. I’m sure it will end well. Remind me who your target market is?
